Universal Asylum

Chapter 2006: Go to the mechanical family

Wang Sheng in the state of spiritual light is similar to omniscience and almighty. The hidden breath of the devouring snake is very powerful, but it was easily discovered by Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, and raised his hand to shoot a red light. The red light was a solid crystal, but an energy crystal found in the ancient god. He threw it at the hidden devouring snake.

The devouring snake's eyes lit up, the body swam and swallowed the red energy crystals into its stomach, and then gently whimpered in the direction of Wang Sheng, which was considered a hello.

Wang Sheng stepped forward, his palm gently stroking above the engulfment, and transmitted his own mind to the heart of the engulfing snake.

He knew that he had actually entered into a contractual relationship with the devouring snake.

Before, his strength did not allow the Devouring Serpent to truly admit it, so there was no Wang Sheng's surrender, but now it is not. The Devouring Snake can perceive the spiritual light radiating from Wang Sheng's body.

Let it have a fear of Wang Sheng.

The crystal that Wang Sheng fed to the devouring snake is obviously very effective. The appetite of the devouring snake is filled up all at once, similar to the feeling of eating support.

This is normal, after all, the red energy crystal in Wang Sheng’s hands, even in the ancient god’s true body, cannot find a hundred pieces. This kind of energy crystal is stronger than the Tianming Xuanjing that Wang Sheng condensed at random. a lot of.

The effect on the devouring snake is higher than expected.

The engulfing snake has emotions and fluctuates with joy. The unique wisdom makes the engulfing snake know everything, so his eyes toward Wang Sheng are more intimate.

Wang Sheng smiled and conveyed his thoughts to keep the devouring snake hidden.

He stepped forward and fell towards a continent that had recently been gravel.

This is already the fifth floor. In theory, there are no ordinary creatures, because ordinary people probably have to cross to come here.

However, there are still ordinary creatures here. It is the fifth layer of natural born creatures. Although the fifth layer has a high level, it is not too difficult to survive.

There is great power to protect the territory and these ordinary beings.

It is like having these gravel continents in front of you, and being guarded by the breath of air, should be the means of the strong.

Wang Sheng's arrival did not encounter any obstacles. The place where he fell was a market, which was no different from the ordinary market.

The reason why Wang Sheng landed in this fair is because he found a breath.

After Wang Sheng fell, he released a little breath, and suddenly a figure suddenly opened his eyes from closing his eyes.

It is the snake.

His expression is uncertain, he has been here long ago to wait for Wang Sheng to come, but Wang Sheng has not come to make his heart fluctuate.

He didn't really submit to Wang Sheng, just because Wang Sheng's power was forced to sign a contract with him and do ten things for him.

Wang Sheng didn't arrive on time, it should be a snake snake's opportunity, but he still hesitated, because he felt not only a threat to Wang Sheng, but also a closer step.

He knew the existence of the devoured snake, hoping to get the original essence blood of the devoured snake, and then proceeded to ascend the bloodline.

For him who has only one step left to transform into a true dragon, the Devouring Serpent is a better choice. Once successful, he may be directly promoted to the peak state of his free realm.

Wang Sheng did not specifically promise to give him a drop of engulfing blood, but this is one of the few opportunities.

In the heart of Jiao snake, he finally decided to seize this opportunity as much as possible. If he missed this opportunity, his step was only one step away. It might have been stagnation. The blood line was his advantage and disadvantage.

Wang Sheng saw that the snake was flying, but Wu Wangsheng was different. His popularity here seemed to be very high. Several breaths in the market focused on Xiang Jiao snake at the same time, and the breath was tense and alert.

The atmosphere that guards this market is even more volatile, and it seems to be ready to shoot.

After all, this is just a fringe market, and the strong ones here are not too strong.

When the snake fell, Wang Sheng smiled faintly, "It seems that your reputation here is not small."

Jiao snake smiled and shook his head, his reputation was indeed not very good.

His eyes suddenly placed on Wang Sheng's body, and then his face changed, and the blood in his heart was beating violently.

At the time of his fight with Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng had not exposed his cultivation practice. Although Yu Jiao snake's competition had the upper hand, he did not show more than his level, only Dao Yuan Jingxiu.

He still doesn't feel any changes in Wang Sheng's cultivation behavior, but his intuition tells him that Wang Sheng is mysterious and mysterious at the moment, it seems to exist in front of him, but the real place is not here.

This faint induction made him throb in his heart, as if the lower life was being overlooked by the higher life.

It must be said that the snake's induction is still very sensitive, because Wang Sheng still maintains the state of spiritual light. Under this state, his thinking has been endlessly improved, so that Wang Sheng has been converging to return to the original atmosphere. fluctuation.

Wang Sheng noticed the snake's reaction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he didn't take back the spiritual light, and now he doesn't hide the need to practice.

"Do you know where the mechanical clan is." Wang Sheng inquired.

The Jiao snake froze for a moment, then nodded, "The big clan of the fifth floor of the mechanical clan is not difficult to find their gathering place. Do you need me to lead the way?"

Wang Sheng nodded, "Since this is the case, our purpose fee is the territory of the mechanical family."

Wang Sheng still has an invitation letter from the Robot Clan, thanking him for helping the Robot Clan in the Promise Palace.

He went to the mechanical clan only for one purpose, to figure out the existence of the human clan he got from the Promise Palace.

Controlling the rules of life and death, it is extremely powerful, and there is a touch of life. Such a existence cannot be unknown.

The mechanical clan also has the sealed strong, and they are the first to rob these strong men, must know what.

It happened that they owed Wang Sheng a favor, which was a good opportunity to learn the truth.

It is not a secret that the fifth floor of the gathering place of the mechanical tribes, after the snake has made its position clear, Wang Sheng and Jiao snake moved towards the void together and left these market places.

There is no other difference in the fifth-level void, the only difference is that it is full of danger, and the level of danger is often the existence above the three heavens.

Moreover, the path that the snake leads Wang Sheng to walk is an area that has been proved, and these areas have been cleared over and over again, which is considered a temporarily safe area.

Even so, Jiao Snake is also very careful. His strength is not strong here, and it is very likely that there will be a crisis that he cannot handle.

Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, "Speed ​​it up."

He gently waved his hand, allowing the devouring snake to show up from behind, and the queen landed on top of the devouring snake's head, and the snake's face changed.


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