Universal Asylum

Chapter 2013: Human altar

Gradually, the pillar of light was raised, and only Wang Sheng had problems at this time.

There was no movement in the statue of the human race behind him, everyone felt it, and his eyes looked strange.

Wang Sheng is also somewhat helpless. His human blood has nothing to do with the statue at all, and naturally cannot induce the statue to do something.

"Even the blood cannot be recognized, the first step is not in place, this is the human race genius you found." The emperor patriarch's voice was ridiculed, and he was more disappointed. After all, he also hoped that this secret realm could be opened.

The elder of the elder frowned slightly, and he didn't know exactly which part of the problem occurred. It stands to reason that Wang Sheng should already have enough bloodline at this step of cultivation, but he didn't expect that even the first step could not be completed.

"Brother Wang, what happened." Deceptive expression was a little eager. He did not believe that Wang Sheng could not do this step.

Moreover, Wang Sheng was invited by his master. If he could not do this, his face would be ugly.

There were questioning eyes all around, and Wang Sheng groaned slightly, making it impossible for him to have blood connection with this blood line statue, because his blood line was no longer a pure human blood line after all.

"Batian Brothers, can you know what this first step is for?" Wang Sheng asked.

The sight of other people is even more weird. The sound of a large day under the statue of the Day Sun God Clan is low. "Hon Clan can't even pass on this kind of thing. I really don't know what the Machine Clan invites you to do this time, or to tease us." "

Wang Sheng gave a light glance at the other party.

Ba Tian hurriedly smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, Brother Wang's human blood is recognized by Xing Luo Shen Jun, and he will not fail to do this."

In fact, Ba Tian is very puzzled. In his view, Wang Sheng should be very simple to do this, why he is now trapped in this step.

He knew that Wang Sheng was not a person who made nothing happen, so after thinking a little, he answered Wang Sheng's question.

"Brother Wang, this relic is a mysterious environment established by my ten ancient races in ancient times. The first step to open this mysterious environment is to allow the mysterious environment to recognize our breath, because the mysterious environment is only opened for me and the elders of the ten ethnic groups."

Wang Sheng frowned, that is to say, he had to have the blood of the ten major races. Was it not that he would never succeed.

Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Ba Tian Brothers, isn't it just that? If so, doesn't it mean that finding someone with ten ethnic ethos at will can open this secret place."

Ba Tian smiled bitterly, "How can it be so easy, the key to opening the door is the ten bloodlines, but it takes a lot of power to push the door open. With the blood power of the top ten races to reduce the difficulty of pushing the door, there is only a little hope to enter it. "

Wang Sheng thought deeply, "That is to say, in fact, not all ten people have the ability to open the door, but ten people can minimize the difficulty of opening the door."

The domineering stunned, but did not deny that, it is indeed the case, they have tried many times in the absence of Wang Sheng, and finally proved that only the more people who open the door, the lower the difficulty of entering the door.

Even if there is only one person left, the difficulty can be described as earth-shaking, and it is not at all possible for the other side to enter into it.

And a crucial piece of news, even if the person who pushes the door is replaced by the strong, it can’t open the door, because the requirement of this mysterious realm is that the other side of the gods enter into it to be tested, and the strong and even the elders have basically been It is impossible for Chao to escape from the other side of the divine realm.

Otherwise, it is not their turn to enter at this time.

"In order to open this door, it is not absolutely necessary for blood power, is it correct." Wang Sheng asked again.

Ba Tian seemed to think of something, and looked at Wang Sheng slowly nodded, "If you have the power of the strongest level, you can also push the gate. As for entering the secret realm, you still need blood power, because this is what I wait for ten The mystery of race, only the strong men of ten races like me can enter it."

The gate of the secret realm restricts the existence of the other side of the **** realm, but if it does not have the blood power, only the strength of the strongest level can push the gate.

This is contradictory.

But Wang Sheng just met this condition.

Wang Sheng has not yet exported, and suddenly said: "Now I doubt the identity of this so-called human power, please prove your blood of the human race, otherwise I have reason to suspect that you are a counterfeit of other races."

It was the golden crow bird under the statue of that day.

"I believe everyone thinks the same way."

The rest of the people looked at Wang Sheng. Although they did not agree, they did not object.

Doctrine's face sank, "Everyone, I can guarantee that Brother Wang is indeed the blood of the human race. He has been recognized by the rule of the star-falling god, and he controls the rules of life and death. Without the blood of the human race, it cannot be inherited."

The Golden Crow Bird glanced at the domineering, "Although I must get the rules of life and death when I enter the secret realm, if you let a person other than my race enter into it, the consequences should be very clear to everyone."

"What's more, now he can't prove his own human blood, and he can't open the door at all."

As soon as these words fell, even Decepticons were embarrassed.

Wang Sheng chuckled, "I didn't expect Wang to one day need to prove his human identity, I don't know what proof you want."

Obviously the situation has developed quite tense, but neither the mechanical elders nor the emperor patriarch have the meaning of obstruction, obviously it is also necessary to look at Wang Sheng's identity.

It was still the opening day of the Divine Son, "To prove your human identity, it is difficult and difficult, simple and easy. I have another altar excavated from the mysterious human race relics here. The function of this altar is to prepare for the blood of the human race. For the adult ceremony, there is no power to open it except the blood of the human race. If you can start it, it will naturally be the blood of the human race~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it cannot be started, sorry, your identity will not be recognized by us."

A hazy light spot appeared in his palm, and a quaint altar could be seen faintly in the light spot.

Somehow, after seeing this altar, Wang Sheng seemed to hear a call.

"Get it, get it, you must take it back."

The sudden sound was crisp and sweet. Still carrying some childish, but not false, because it is the little guy in Dongyue Emperor's mansion that he got from the secret realm.

Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes, that is to say, this thing was indeed a human race. As for whether it was a human race altar, it was two things to say.

Everyone has no doubt, it seems that this thing on the bright side is indeed an adult ceremony for the human race.

But Wang Sheng always doubted that the golden bird would have a picture.

Universal Realm Shelter


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