Universal Asylum

Chapter 2020: attack

The giant virtual gate seems to be a projection in a certain high space. The light and shadow are diffused. It seems that there is a full sense of existence. All the attention of the entire secret space is above this boundary gate.

Simple, without any patterns, without any structure, just like a mirror door.

"I'll come first."

The huge Jinwu fluttered its wings, the fire was shining, and its body became larger and larger. It flew into the sky and covered the sky and covered all the people below, forming a huge shadow.

Its speed is getting faster and faster, like a sharp arrow, to shoot through that boundary gate.

After penetrating the space, the Jinwu moment came before the boundary gate, without any buffer, and slammed into it.

The surging Jinwu flames burst forth, and the temperature of the entire secret world rose instantly.

Flames of flames turned into meteors falling.

This is the existence of a **** level on the other shore, and because it is a **** clan, its strength is at the peak level, and its strength is unparalleled.

But such an attack, hitting the boundary gate, only made the boundary gate tremble abruptly, without any signs of opening.

Jin Wu groaned and fell from a high altitude. The previous blow seemed to have rendered him powerless.

Wang Sheng squinted, he could see that Jin Wu's previous blow was indeed full of strength, but no more power after the first blow, but when Jin Wu hit the boundary gate, there was a force, just like Jin Wu's power It rebounded, and it was a multiple increase, hitting Jinwu.

It was also the reason why Jinwu was seriously injured that moment.

Wang Sheng nodded thoughtfully, perhaps this is the real reason why Jiejie is difficult to open, because Jiemen will also fight back.

If it weren't for these god-level bloodlines, the ordinary bloodlines would be afraid of being engulfed and seriously damaged.

Even now Jinwu is doubtful whether he can issue a second blow.

In other words, in this boundary gate, each person can only attack once, and then no more effort.

Even if the ten major races gathered this time, the power of the bloodline weakened the difficulty of opening the boundary gate, but no one shot once. According to the previous reaction of the boundary gate, there is still little hope to open it.

At this moment, Wang Sheng's eyes changed slightly, because the falling Jin Wu suddenly shone with light, as if the entire body burned into a real sun.

Then his body rose high again, and then hit **** the boundary gate.

The loud noise and the light exploded, and Jin Wu fell again from high altitude. Wang Sheng could already see a series of cracks on Jin Wu's body and began to rescue the blood.

He has really been hit hard.

Jin Wu didn't give up, there was a scream, and then his body shone brightly, hitting the huge boundary gate again.

After three attacks in a row, the boundary gate swayed throughout, shining brightly, and then in an unpleasant sound, you could see the boundary gate tilted slightly.

This is a sign that the door of the world has opened.

The light of Jin Wu's whole body has completely disappeared and dimmed. The cracks on Jin Wu's body are dense and dense, like a crowing doll, which may break at any time.

The unprecedented decline of Jinwu's breath of life was his most critical moment.

Jinwu turned into a flame and appeared directly before the huge statue of the Great Sun. He began to recuperate, and he no longer had the power to shoot.

"it is good!"

The domineering shouted, "Jinwu Divine Son has further strength and extraordinary power."

Jinwu Shenzi did indeed make a good start, and the results he has made now are the results that the last three of the eight people could not succeed, and it has exceeded the predecessors.

Of course, among them, because the blood power has gathered, the team has caused an unprecedented decline, so this time the difficulty will be reduced a lot.

But it is undeniable that the strength of the Jinwu Divine Son is indeed strong, and the strength of the Jinwu family is most vividly displayed.

Jin Wu had just fallen, and a shadow was connected to the sky, rising from the ground, extending directly into the high-altitude world, and touching the existence of the boundary gate.

Then the entire boundary gate was covered by a large shadow, and began to corrode and occupy. The light and shadow on the boundary gate wavered, and the shadows continued to disperse and continue to generate, forming a powerful world of shadows.

Shadow God Race Son shot!

The crowd watched quietly. The attack style of the Shadow Gods could not be seen from the outside. It could only be seen that it was extremely mysterious, and there was no trace of the attack.

The attack and erosion are invisible, so the whole boundary gate is covered.

In Wang Sheng's reaction, the damage to Jiemen was not inferior to that of Jinwu Divine Son several times before.

Eventually, the boundary gate was radiant, and the shadow was dissipated by a large area.

In front of the shadow statue, the shadow **** son groaned, and for the first time leaked a figure from the shadow, it was a human-shaped silhouette, and he still couldn't see clearly.

This shadow figure has been weakened indefinitely, both the breath and the figure have shrunk significantly compared to before.

At such a high price, the result is that the boundary gate is slightly tilted again.

Everyone's pupils move slightly, and if such a trend is followed, ten people should be able to push the boundary gate open by cracking one after another.

That's right, their plan has never really opened the door to the world. To really open the door to the world, it is not their strength that can do it, and they are far from able to do such a thing.

They only need one crack, and then can use this crack to enter the world behind the boundary gate.

The elders of the mechanical tribe are excited, and this time the chance is really much bigger. The blood of the ten major races is gathered together, which greatly weakens the possibility of opening the door.

The shadow **** child fell, and then the angel wing goddess stretched her wings and flew high into the sky. The wings flew out of the rainbow light, just like a phoenix, this is a vast divine light.

Behind her, a palm covering the sky was formed, and then shot down fiercely, right in the middle of the gate.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved, and the palm of his hand was just like the magical power of his hand.

I don’t know if this winged goddess also got this kind of inheritance~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The world door is sensational, this woman’s eyebrow has a seed slowly emerging, it is a supernatural seed, this is a concealed hand that condenses a supernatural seed .

The seeds of supernatural power are not common, but the means that the strongest can control. At the level of the other side of the gods, you can control the seeds of supernatural power. You can only say that this is genius.

Only geniuses, and even such god-level bloodlines, can control this method.

So, ordinary strong people can't compete with the blood of the Protoss, because their talent bonus is too horrible.

Only at the level of the strongest will there be such a gap.

But perhaps Wang Sheng has no vision, and perhaps there are more powerful races, and his talents are enough to open the gap at the level of the strongest.

Covering Heavenly Hand several times in a row, eventually Covering Heavenly Hand collapsed, but the goddess itself could not see any harm.

Universal Realm Shelter


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