Universal Asylum

Chapter 2062: Fight

A huge palm was lightly caught on a long colorful river.

The ten light spots that appeared in the hands were still very familiar to Wang Sheng, because they were killed by Wang Sheng himself.


Wang Sheng focused on the huge palm. The existence and realm of this figure must be at the level of creation and the level of the true founder.

"So, is it you, or the so-called Lord Lord."

Wang Sheng thoughtfully stared at the light curtain above his head, and one of the two must be the real founder.

Wang Sheng is more inclined to the Lord of the Black Tower, after all, Shenguang alien ranking is only within a thousand.

Wang Sheng did not have any opinion on their rescue of the ten strongest men. He valued the power and strength that the creation could bring.

"The strongest can also recover. Is that a long time?"

Wang Sheng vaguely felt that the colorful river was not that simple, and it could not be explained by a long time.

The picture disappeared and Wang Sheng groaned slightly. Undoubtedly, the Divine Lord should have discovered the situation within the clan, and even recovered some of the fallen ones, which should cost a huge price.

It also means that the Lord Lord is coming.

Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, "It's almost a pity."

His adjusted body absorbs mysterious power very quickly, but the time he has always given him is too short to support him to complete the true transformation.

But the current state has reached his current peak state.

It is only a short distance away from metamorphosis.

The Lord Lord won't give Wang Sheng too much time, Wang Sheng closed his eyes, his will enveloped the whole body, and began to coordinate to ensure that his physical body was at its peak state, because he was about to face the most powerful existence since his debut.

Wang Sheng thought quietly and maintained his physical state. A few days later, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance, where a strong breath appeared.

Ordinary people can't sense it, or the reason why he can sense the existence of this figure at such a long distance, only because the other party is deliberately exposing his information.

Wang Sheng opened his eyes calmly, stood up, and slowly walked out of the core envelope, disappearing from the eyes of Decepticons and others.

Step by step, the speed is not fast, but Wang Sheng's existence seems to have been elevated, and finally when the last step is completely down, he seems to have grown into a giant covering the sky.

Of course, in reality, he is still normal.

On the contrary, there is a real giant with a huge body in the hazy void, and the red mist cannot reach his body at all.

Behind him, there are ten as huge figures, but there is a difference from the one before him.

Wang Sheng glanced, "The body has recovered, and it seems that the price paid is not small."

Wang Sheng's voice made those ten people's eyes full of anger, but after all, they were defeated men, and they also knew that Wang Sheng's real existence existed, and must maintain sufficient awe for such existence.

"It's okay, this price is acceptable to me and others."

The leading middle-aged man of divine light and heterogeneity answered casually, then looked at Wang Sheng magically, "I have been promoted to the realm of creation just after entering the trial space."

"This possibility is zero, so how did you come here with this strength, if you tell me this secret, maybe today's things will be disgusting and simple to solve."

Wang Sheng responded to him with a water mirror spread on his body, which seemed to extend infinitely, and a world of water mirrors appeared in front of him.

"Compared to this trouble, Wang wanted to understand the secrets of the creator, so please ask me to give me your advice."

The sword field unfolded in the world of water mirror, and spread directly in front of the **** master.

The fighting intention and excitement in Wang Sheng's heart are gradually rising. He has just seen the first person of this person and can be sure that the other party is a person who has stepped into the world of creation.

Moreover, it should be the stepping in of the level of power. It is unknown whether order normalization has been achieved.

If normalization has also been achieved, then Wang Sheng may face a true founder, and the ending will be different.

However, Wang Sheng now only wants to experience the world of the founder, which has a great effect on the next step he takes.

Lord God looked calm and looked at the space of the water mirror under his feet. "Alright, after playing a game, I know everything I should know. I hope you will not let me down."

Wang Sheng can judge that the Lord Lord is also a very strong war intention of the owner, and is really interested in his creation existence.

He took a step and stepped directly on the water mirror, which was equivalent to actively entering Wang Sheng's water mirror world.

The eyes of the ten figures behind them changed, and they could not forget the suppression and damage they had suffered in this strange water mirror, which had formed a shadow.

Although he had enough confidence and confidence in Lord God, he couldn't help but care.

It was just at this time that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a powerful breath came out of the water mirror. Ten strong men felt the pressure from the soul, making them unable to move at all.

This is the difference between a real superior and a low-ranking person. Once that step is taken, it is a real non-self.

"This is the strength of Lord Lord God, and there is a breakthrough in the retreat."

Ten strong men sighed in their hearts, and then did not hesitate to launch all the strength, and then how far they avoided, and even no longer see the battle situation, such a battle, they participated in it, they were dying.

In their hearts, they have a very strange perspective on Wang Sheng who killed them. They were still playing against them before, but now they have directly entered this realm.

But what they have to admit is that Wang Sheng does indeed have such strength, and they are no longer in a level.

Here, Sui Mo entered the water mirror space, and the first time he discovered the sword array and sword domain that merged with the water mirror space.

He withstood the bombardment of countless sword qi, and finally condensed the sword body, the sword domain combined all the strength to launch a bombardment on him.

But he was shot directly by his eyebrows and disappeared into the air without any resistance.

"It's a very powerful treasure. Unfortunately, you can be promoted to Daobao level only a little. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm really going to return without merit."

"As for now, it's still not enough."

The powerful breath of his body shook, and the condensed blue light around him was fragmented, and there were countless water mirror spaces.

Sui Mo raised his head, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "Interesting."

His body flickered and turned into a ray of light that disappeared directly in place, and a crack cracked in the sky again.


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