Universal Asylum

Chapter 2072: Order of the Tower Master

The prison formed in the absolute realm, the rules for imprisoning the world, imprisoning all forces.

The tower master took a punch from Wang Sheng, and his body was already very embarrassed. The light in his eyes shone on the prison, directly causing the prison to have different changes.

The prison began to become dark, as if the latitude space was being cut, and the dark space seemed to have a line of sight.

This is not an illusion. The prison where Wang Sheng is located can almost touch these darkness, that is, to enter these darkness, to escape from the latitude, and even from the trial field, to achieve the expulsion of the tower master.

From the perspective of these expelled places, you can also know that they are not good.

Even Wang Sheng blurted out a noun, the abyss!

Wang Sheng looked around at the darkness and whispered, "Wang will come here for a trip, but not now."

He loosened 30% of his control, and returned to 50%. After a little thought, he returned to 70%.

Seventy percent of the power formation is enough, as for more, ten achievements are the display form of infinite real body, eighty percent and nine layers are Wang Sheng's full efforts under the current body.

It's always good to leave a hole card for himself, although he stays a bit more.

The strength of the whole body surged, and Wang Sheng's palm touched the regular barrier formed in the prison.

Then there was a slight shock, and the entire barrier of the prison was completely smashed, and the darkness around him completely disappeared. Wang Sheng stepped out of the prison and appeared again in the latitude.

"Actually failed to expel, it seems that it takes some effort."

The towering figure frowned, palms covered the sky, and a world began to be born on the palms. Only one plant in the world went from sprouting and rooting to becoming a huge spooky plant covering the latitude space in front of the eyes.

The plant is a living creature, and countless branches whip wildly to cover Wang Sheng's area.

The latitude space twisted, flooding Wang Sheng's body.

This is a plant that already has the power of the founder, and it is a complete power of the founder, but there is no one life.

The founder of a complete strength attacked Wang Sheng at any cost, and one can imagine the power of it.

By this time, the tower owner was no longer fearless, and the true opening of the war was a war at the founder level.

The existence of the entire latitude space is watching here, feeling this rare war.

"It seems that Black Lord has progressed again. It has not been a waste of time to control the Supreme Tower for so many years."

"He was on the verge of transformation, not far from the second order."

"This unfamiliar founder seems to be unlucky, broke into the realm of Hezun, and has been passive from the beginning."

No one is optimistic about Wang Sheng, but the following changes make everyone quiet.

The countless branches of the crazy attack seemed to be caught in the air by a big hand and could not move.

The body of the plant even screamed sternly, but it was still unable to shake even the slightest bit.

A fist can be called a small fist, but the white as jade lightly touches the plant body.

Slightly many, the body of the plant suddenly shattered as a whole, from the root to the countless branches, all the plant's existence was wiped out into nothingness.

The fist did not disappear, but hit three punches again against the air.

This is how the movement eases, and it seems that the fist without any force directly blows the cracks of the ruled field in front of him.

After the final fist fell, the domain space directly became crushed.

After the domain space, the towering master Black Lord's huge body vibrated, and a series of cracks appeared on the body. From the cracks, there was a layer of decaying breath so far that the Black Lord Tower has been hit hard.

His eyebrows were split apart, leaving a black blood stain.

"A strong attack."

"Smashed the field, hurt the source, and Hezun suffered a great loss."

"This unfamiliar founder seems to have a lot of value. Someone should be tempted."

"I remember that the ancient survivors should be one of those races that had fled, but it seems that they have degenerated and have no previous blood."

"Even if it degenerates, you can enter the trial field, enough to prove their camp."

Hezun's face was somber, he didn't need to guess, but he could also know what those who secretly watched were thinking.

His voice is endlessly cold, "offend the Supreme Tower Master, sin plus one, the Black Lord, who is cast as the Tower Master, who expels this person, can watch the Supreme Tower for an era, and kill this person, the Supreme Tower Escort to the abyss to absorb the source."

Edict, the black tower in the endless latitudes radiates golden light, which shocks the existence of all concerns.

"He used the tower master's authority, only once the tower master's authority, so much courage."

"Black Lord, have you confirmed that the permission of the tower owner has never been used?"

But behind the doubt is the heart.

Escorted by the Supreme Tower to the abyss to absorb the source is truly safe, and there is absolutely no future trouble.

"Naturally it has never been used, the Supreme Edict has been issued, how do you still need to question it." Hei Zun's face was gloomy, and he would not be willing to pay such a price if he had not reached this point~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

But now he has offended Wang Sheng, only offended in the end.

But his behavior was blocked by another existence.

"Black Venerable, the ancient ancestors are also one of the alliances of Heaven and Man, and are an important force against the abyss. The Supreme Tower serves the Alliance of Heaven and Man, rather than overriding the Supreme Tower. Think about accepting the result of the punishment."

An indifferent will was issued, and there was a force to suppress the golden rune.

Black Zun's voice carries a killing intent, "The Lord, as the Supreme Tower Master, naturally has the right to use the Tower Master's authority, and the ancient survivors have been delisted. The refining field has violated the rules and there is no problem with the deity’s approach."

"I can dare to violate the rules of the alliance and the spirit of the Taling!"

"If you don't dare, leave here as soon as possible to avoid Tarling involvement."

As he spoke, a black tower phantom appeared behind him, adding endless power to the Black Lord out of thin air.

The will sneered, "The deity depends on how you end."

No one spoke again.

"You really intend to give up."

In the undercurrent, many beings are talking.

"A lucky three-eye look that won the position of tower owner, but that tower spirit is a problem."

"And this strange existence is not a fuel-efficient lamp, there may be changes, we continue to look at it."

The person who spoke this time was the Venerable who spoke before.

With the addition of the will of the Black Tower, at least no one would be able to confront the Black Lord.

And below, Wang Sheng came out of a messy latitude.


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