Universal Asylum

Chapter 2079: Will Upgrade

It is perhaps Wang Sheng's biggest harvest that the chemical jade can consume the black tower.

After Wang Sheng refined the chemical jade, he already had a sense that there is a world corresponding to the chemical jade in a land boundary of the sea of ​​latitude.

If Wang Sheng wants to find, he can really find the world where the chemical jade is made through this connection.

The status of Yuhua Yu in that world is equivalent to the existence of the Black Tower.

And the world that can engulf the Black Pagoda and the Fortune Yudie must be stronger.

This is an opportunity and a crisis.

Because a man-made jade that resembles the status of the black tower, the core of the world, is broken. It is imaginable how great it is. You must know that Wang Sheng can't hurt the black tower even a little bit in the state of the infinite real body.

And what kind of power can crush the chemical jade that is higher than the black tower.

Accepting such a chemical jade may face such an enemy.

The refining of the chemical jade is not mandatory, and Wang Sheng can also release the state of the chemical jade being refined.

But Wang Sheng's eyes flashed. Since it was a chance, he naturally had to seize it, and the reason why he was not afraid of that one might exist, one is because his strength would be promoted faster.

Both, he can roughly feel the state of those fragments at this time through the creation of jade tablets, and he does not have the threat to his existence, nor can he sense any powerful existence.

If a great opportunity comes into view, it is abandoned by a possible crisis.

That Dao heart will also be broken, and the practice of Dao is no longer necessary to practice.

Wang Sheng did not need much hesitation, directly controlling Yudie to swallow the information that he carried from the world of nine layers below.

The speed is very fast, in front of the chemical jade, such information seems to be nothing.

Swallowed away easily.

Wang Sheng gradually came to feel, from the black tower, and the chemical jade, and he was used as a medium to start the process of refining.

The Black Tower vibrates naturally with instinctive resistance. If there is a Taling, it will definitely attract a powerful counterattack, but it is now in a state without Taling.

The resistance of the Black Tower soon began the process of being refined under the suppression of Wang Sheng and Yuhua Yu.

The first to be refined was the layers of white clouds in the outer layer, which atomized into the black tower.

Eventually it completely disappeared, swallowing such white clouds, and the synthetic jade is more shining and has a mysterious charm.

Wang Sheng was directly rebelled, and pure power entered his body, allowing him to support a longer refining.

The feedback is extremely impressive. After all, this is the power of a latitude world. Wang Sheng has a hunch that the time he can support directly doubles.

Black Tower stalemate for some time, and eventually there was still movement, because Wang Sheng's will vibrated and resonated in it, breaking Black Tower's stubbornness.

The outer layer began to flow out layers of light, constantly rotating, surrounded by these lights, the entire black tower became a group of black light that seemed to have starlight flickering.

Envelop the entire jade sword.

Absorbed by the ancient jade sword, Wang Sheng withdrew the infinite real body. The next process does not require him to provide power, because the artificial jade sword, as if awakened, can absorb these forces autonomously and absorb the light of the black tower.

There is still a lot of power in Wang Sheng's body. He is not distracted. He feels something different from the gradually awakened Yudai.

The world in the distance is connected with the chemical jade, as if there is a straight line between the two extending indefinitely.

Wang Sheng is now being pulled forward in one of the sections. He seems to be able to pass through the infinite latitude world, see the situation in the sea of ​​infinite latitude, and move towards the other end.

Wang Sheng vaguely saw the world of latitudes, appeared in the field of vision, he seemed to be able to see the world of latitudes, entrenched in the figure.

As he passed by, these beings discovered everything, but they seemed to be invisible, only to feel that something had passed by where they were.

The rapidity of the latitude world is surpassed by the will, and the speed at which the will travels in the sea of ​​latitude is beyond description.

The information brought by these scenes is unlimited. Wang Sheng seems to be a computer, and collects this information infinitely.

Then, at the next moment, Wang Sheng felt that he had touched something with his fortune-made jade sword.

The water and milk blend together, there is no feeling, nor any impact, so it blends straight together.

Wang Sheng felt that countless information had been instilled into his mind. Even with Wang Sheng’s consciousness, he could not immediately parse it, and he had to seal up the information.

Without the interruption of information, I immediately felt a warm feeling.

Wang Sheng's will directly absorbed this power, and then began to expand under the supplement of this power.

Wang Sheng’s will is infinitely high, as if he has come into an unprecedented era, and then he feels his only fate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fate exists above an unimaginable height, enduring time and infinite The erosion of power is immobile, like a rock.

At this time, with the addition of this force, the only fate began to rise, and the opportunity rose toward a higher latitude.

Slowly but firmly, rising up little by little, it was completely dark here, supplemented by this power, Wang Sheng's will soon felt a layer of restraint.

Sensing let him know that this kind of restraint is the limit of his only fate.

At this time, the power from Yudie is the power that can help him to break his limit.

However, there is a limit to this tide of power, and Wang Sheng cannot be sure to completely break his life.

Wang Sheng experienced this unique feeling, with unique will, infinite height, and unique fate.

Both his strength and his path are related to this unique fate. In the process of transformation, Wang Sheng can also experience the mystery.

In an instant, the infinite vast power has been directly infused into the life lattice, the life lattice reached the limit, and can no longer move forward.

At this step, there is still a distance from the final breakthrough.

Subsequent weakness, power has begun to dissipate.

At this time, a very different force came from the other end of Yudie, that is from the black tower.

The forged jade was refined and then fed back, bringing Wang Sheng's 100-foot pole closer.

It seems to have broken through a layer of paper, just like a person who cannot breathe took the first breath.

Countless novel feelings, the most important thing is that sense of freedom, came to an unrestricted state and place, the will is unique and free.


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