Universal Asylum

Chapter 2085: Lingji Moxu

   "It is not polite to come and go."

   Wang Sheng's voice spreads clearly in the sea of ​​latitude, and at the same time reaches the ears of the master of all latitudes and the master.

   They looked at the huge boundless palm, and they instantly crossed the endless distance and appeared on the latitude world.

   "Vertical dare!"

   A wave of roaring will came out from the latitude world. Wang Sheng's huge palm slammed into the latitude world, and the voice came to an abrupt halt.

   A burst of intense light burst out, much more dazzling than before.

  Wang Sheng felt that his palm encountered a tyrannical resistance, and he realized that the Lord of Latitude still reflected it and blocked it in time.

   One will will be transformed into a hundred-armed demon from the latitude world.

   "Boy, dare to show up, let the deity see what guts make you so rampant."

  Wang Sheng chuckled, this was simply the last opponent, set off his existence, and the script continued to play normally.

  Wang Sheng took a step and appeared outside the world, revealing his immeasurable real body.

   His immeasurable real body looks huge even in the sea of ​​latitude.

   Wang Sheng looked around with more or less attention, looked down, and looked at the hundred-armed demon **** indifferently.

   "It's Wang Mou's hands, do you have any opinions?"

  Wang Sheng's voice was sent out with great force.

  Hundred-armed Demon God roared, "Random people, offend the deity, and deserve to die."

  Hundred arms opened suddenly, becoming snake-like monsters, slamming into the void.

  Wang Sheng is immeasurable and unshakable. Five fingers condensed starlight and slowly fell from high altitude, directly smashing hundreds of huge monster snakes into slag.

  Wang Sheng's hand became a fist and hit the hundred arm demon's chest hard.

  Hundred Arm Demon God roared bursts, his body transformed into a huge world, the rules condensed together, with the action of the hundred arm Demon God bombarded Wang Sheng.

   Until this time, Wang Sheng's infinite real body finally felt the pressure, this was the first time he felt the limit of the infinite real body.

   But the suppression is not powerful, Wang Sheng can easily get rid of, and even feel that there are endless rules to absorb the power of this world.

   So Wang Sheng opened his mouth gently, and suddenly came the power of the world from the world below, as well as rules himself, as if forming a spatial channel, directly into Wang Sheng's mouth.

   These forces condense after entering Wang Sheng's body, forming a new force, which is the original force.

   is not inferior to the force that Wang Sheng got from Taring.

   Wang Sheng's heart moved slightly, but he never thought there should be such a way to transform the original force.

He once had this sense of engulfment, when he initially stepped into the realm of Taoism, that is, in a new latitude world, he encountered only a new world, and had a strong need for engulfment, but he was controlled by him Go on.

After   , this desire to devour never happened again. I did not expect to appear again now, but it brought him such a big surprise.

  Wang Sheng stores this force, which is still useless for Wang Sheng.

   However, Wang Sheng has a kind of intuition. His devouring magical power has not yet reached its limit. Once it really reaches the limit, it may give birth to the force that makes him all moved.

  Wang Sheng did not stun the gods, or it was not him that stunned the gods. With a breath, he directly absorbed the power of the world of the hundred arm demon gods and rules, and stirred the world into a mess.

  Wang Sheng innumerable real body bombardment, directly submerged the hundred-armed demon **** without the power of the world in endless power.

  Hundred-armed demon no longer has the power to resist.

   "Let’s end like this."

  Wang Sheng raised his palm, and then condensed all the power, aiming at the eyebrow of the hundred arm demon.

   "Stop it, the master of the latitude of the nine-latitude world, you have obtained what you want."

   A voice suddenly sounded, full of majesty and coercion, this is a real power over all.

   Even if Wang Sheng's immeasurable real body is not enough to fight each other.

   Wang Sheng knew this very well, but he still vented the power in his palm.

   slammed into the heart position of the hundred arm demon god, and the hundred arm demon **** shattered directly, leaving no trace left.


  I heard a cold hum in Wang Sheng's ear, like a thunder deafening, Wang Sheng raised his head and looked at the fingers slowly falling from the height.

   Wang Sheng's eyes were very dignified, he slowly raised his palm.

   But at this moment, another very different voice followed.

   "Spiritual pole, stop."

   At the same time, there was a force that resisted Wang Sheng.

   put the finger down.

   "Moxu, he violated the rules of the alliance, you must protect him." An indifferent voice sounded, and the finger stopped.

   "Spirit Pole, you know very well that the one who violated the rules was the Hundred Arm Demon God, who violated the covenant and charged nine-dimensional world forces."

   "And he also took the initiative to take action before."

   Ling snorted very loudly, "The deity has warned him to stop. He violated my will, so he was guilty."

   said that the light was upright, and Moxu did not resist, and apparently believed that the other party's words were not a problem.

   Wang Sheng finally knew how high the other party's status was.

   has nothing to do with right or wrong.

Mo Xu was slightly silent, "Spirit Pole, today's chaos is enough, and it can't continue. The hundred arm demon **** has not really died out. The deity can provide him with the force he needs to recover in exchange for your understanding of this person. "

   Ling sneered, "Mo Xu, it seems that you really value this person, so that's fine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since you are willing to take it, the deity has no opinion."

   The voice fell, and the fingers belonging to the spirit pole disappeared, disappearing together, and his will.

  Wang Sheng felt that the other party did not glance at himself from beginning to end.

  Moxu's will revolves around Wang Sheng, "I didn't expect that the ancient survivors could still have such an excellent descendant."

"You are very good."

   Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Dare to ask His Holiness how to call it, but he has not thanked His Holiness for his righteous action."

Mo Xu chuckled, "My name is Mo Xu. As for Yi Yi, you think too much. You should pay as much as you want. The principle of the restoration of the hundred arm demon **** can be put in for you first, but you need to do it next time. Return to the deity during the war of latitude."

"The descendants of the ancient ancestors, no need to doubt. The reason why the deity shot was not a conspiracy to you, just because your predecessor had an agreement with the deity, it will look at the previous sentiment, and now the sentiment is also back, How to look at yourself later."

   "Remember the original force of the deity."

   The will disappeared, and the sense of crisis that shone on Wang Sheng at last disappeared.

   Wang Sheng glanced at the surrounding latitudes, disappeared directly, and appeared above the nine-latitude world.



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