Universal Asylum

Chapter 209: origin

Although the surroundings of Qingfeng Mountain were lonely, the battle scenes were still captured by many people. All ordinary people were uplifted, thinking that the ancestors showed their prestige, one by one, called the ancestors to show their spirits, and worshipped piously.

On a barren path a hundred miles away from Qingfeng Mountain, a group of people also looked up at the giant mushroom cloud in surprise.

This pedestrian is the team that listens to the leader of the country and wants to visit the ancestors.

"Your Majesty, could it be that the ancestors were attacked by strong enemies!" an old minister speculated in horror.

Hearing the brows of Feng Guo Guo Guo, he is also speculating in his heart, and as the Guo Zhu, he knows more about the ancestors, and can launch such powerful magical attacks, which is enough to prove that the ancestors launched all magical powers!

His heart sank, whether or not there was a strong enemy attack, he knew that the ancestor's situation was absolutely bad, because the ancestor had told him that due to serious injuries, he could not easily play all the magical powers, but the price of playing all the magical powers was him The consumption of the source of life.

According to the estimation of the ancestor, with his current source of life, launching all supernatural powers has only two strikes, and then will be completely Taoist due to the consumption of the source.

The master of the country was surprised, and the ancestor clearly told him that he would never use this trick unless he was concerned about the life and death of the wind country. Now, in this case, it is because the ancestor can't overcome this strong enemy, so he fights hard.

The mushroom cloud that covered the sky in the distance finally ceased to spread. The sovereign bit his teeth and took a deep breath to restore calm.

"Li Qing, you go back to the king's password, so that all the domestic moral trainers and princes will be evacuated away from the wind, and they cannot return without the king's order." He looked at the sky in the distance, his eyes deep.

Hearing this, the attendants beside him were frightened, and the old, disgraced Li Qing was even more shocked: "What is the meaning of your majesty, and now the ancestors are enemies, the situation is critical, I should wait Gather all the moral trainers to support the ancestors."

The middle-aged proprietor laughed bitterly and shook his head. "You don't know that the ancestor had agreed with this king. If it is really critical, no one can come to the rescue. Instead, he must evacuate as soon as possible and retain vitality for our country." He Pointing the finger to the distance, "It is now a time of crisis, and it may be a time of crisis that the ancestors did not anticipate."

"It's so difficult to face the strong enemy with the ancestors. Unless the top priests are practicing the morale, it is impossible to support the ancestors. Instead, it will be wiped out by the army. At that time, I heard how the country did not guard the morale. Save!" The voice was heavy, and the middle-aged owner felt sad.

The ministers were shocked and looked at each other silently. After a long while, Li Qing said in a difficult way: "Your Majesty, how can I confirm whether the ancestor is in crisis? If the ancestor is now dominant, I will wait in time for support, maybe it will be convenient Is the key force that overwhelms the other party."

The middle-aged proprietor nodded and responded solemnly, "Because of this, this king must continue to go to Qingfeng Mountain to see if he can support his ancestors. Even if he cannot, this king, as the master of the country, should fight hard and retreat for him. Delay time."

Only then did the ministers know that the sovereign was planning to sacrifice himself!

The ministers hurriedly said in a hurry: "Your Majesty's true dragon's body is about my country's luck, how can it be in danger."

Li Qing also solemnly knocked his head, "Your Majesty, please return to the palace, personally presided over the retreat signal, the old ministers should replace His Majesty to support the ancestor!"

"Your Majesty, please return to the palace!" All the ministers bowed down.

The middle-aged proprietor shook his head and said firmly: "Only Ben Wang has this strength to support his ancestors. You have not cultivated enough. You are just trying to die in vain. Li Qing, after the king leaves, the throne is passed to the prince, and he will preside over the retreat."

His sleeve robes flicked, "Okay, don't delay time, you go back as soon as possible, I will listen to the wind and have a little more vitality, this king will go too!"

The voice fell, and the ministers hurriedly looked up, where could they still see the figure of the king.


The mushroom cloud oscillated and spread outward, and Wang Sheng moved slightly, not retreating but advancing, flashed into the center of the mushroom cloud, and looked up.

I saw inside and outside, an embarrassed, almost lost half of the three-headed canine shattered to the ground, illusory, seemingly about to dissipate, but even with such a serious injury, the three-headed canine still raised his head tenaciously, coldly Look at Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng glanced, his eyes turned around the three corners of his head, and nodded. "It's good, not only by the shape of the beast, but by its magical power, and learned the essence."

Wang Sheng truly admired that the only thing he saw differently in this battle was the three one-horned supernatural powers of the three-headed canine, especially the last blow just now, and he noticed a little power in the road.

This proves that the other party has realized a trace of the rules of the road through the use of fierce beast supernatural powers, which is beyond the scope of the law, that is, there is no road ahead. If it is replaced with the equivalent of the realm of gods, the current Qingfeng ancestors already have the capital to understand the road to the Golden Dan It only takes time to sculpt and thoroughly comprehend a avenue, you can be promoted to the realm.

In the case where the front of the practising Qi was cut off, Qingfeng Patriarch was commendable to accomplish this.

In addition, Wang Sheng is also interested in these three **** dogs. These three dogs are only visualized, and their power is only one-tenth of the body. The attack power has completely exceeded the realm of law. This is enough to prove that the strength of the three-headed **** dog body listened to by Feng Guo's conception is definitely above the Jindan realm.

It is more likely to be a real fairy beast.

Wang Sheng was very curious. How did the earliest ancestors of Feng Guo create this visual mindset, whether it was to refer to the real three-headed divine dog, or just to visualize a **** without a form, just to imagine it out of thin air.

The latter is unlikely. After all, watching the Qingfeng ancestors exerting this power has exceeded the scope of the law and beyond the limits of today's moral training. Even if the first generation of Fengfeng ancestors are powerful, they cannot exceed this point.

So the only possibility is that the earliest ancestral ancestors did not know where they were. They saw this three-headed canine and saw the three-headed canine who was cultivated absolutely above the Fa at that time, so they created this vision. Exercises.

Wang Sheng was wondering about this. Hearing that the first ancestors of Feng Guo had seen the three-headed **** dog absolutely hundreds of years ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at that time, the immortal **** had not yet arrived, and the other head was obviously the top three-headed god. Where did the dog appear, which camp do they belong to, and where are they now!

Funny to say, thinking of this, Wang Sheng unconsciously combined this **** dog with Yang Jian, suspecting that it was Yang Jian's swollen sky dog, but looking at the strange appearance of these three dogs, he still ruled out this guess .

At first glance, these three-headed dogs are not in the category of Eastern Fairy Dao. They are more like the Western myths and legends Wang Sheng has seen on Earth, like the three-headed **** among them.

Wang Sheng looked at the three sharp corners, looking strangely thinking.

Suddenly, he moved his heart and felt strange fluctuations around him. After a little investigation, he suddenly looked at the huge three-headed dog who seemed to have no power of action.


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