Universal Asylum

Chapter 2125: Elder

  Welcome the pro team step by step to the edge of the street, and the noise around was finally over for a while.

The people around    from the beginning to the end are not real wishes, but look at the lively, want to see what is the origin of the dragon-grandson son-in-law who is rare for thousands of years.

Perhaps the only one who is really happy is this team of welcoming relatives. These teams are all generals, there are no real mortals, there are only two real mortals, one is the bridegroom officer on the top of the horse, and the other is the little guy who is leading the horse. .

   At this time, getting closer and closer to the sea, the groom official was getting more and more nervous, and so was the little man. Although his mind was smart, he could not change the fact that he was a mortal.

  Step by step, they came to the beach, and the little man could not move, but the shrimp and crabs behind him would push it into the sea, and the groom official also fell into the sea on a high-headed horse.

In the team of welcoming relatives, the individual figures directly turned into prototypes of shrimp, soldiers and crabs and flew into the sea.

   Only the mess on the street remained.

Wang Sheng did not enter the sea, but ascended into the sky. Looking at the entire world of illusion, there was not only this illusion, but also a large area. The dragon palace is only a corner. The real world is very vast, at least not inferior to the fairy road outside. Even if the world is a little bit.

   But this world is only false, and there are no rules.

  Wang Sheng also knew that all the inner disciples of Jianshan did not actually spread out. They entered the same illusion, but only appeared in different places in this illusion world.

   Wang Sheng's consciousness.

   "Shilin!" He saw a splendid palace with magnificence, that is a royal palace, spreading from the royal palace to the surroundings, that is a huge empire, located in the Central Plains.

   is of course farther away from the Dragon Palace here, there is no possibility of meeting in theory.

   The stone forest crossing became an emperor. At this time, the order was being given, and Wang Sheng found a strange point. The true spirit of the other party was awake and did not fall into a coma. The other party issued the order in a real identity, and it seemed very familiar with all this.

   Wang Shengrao listened with interest for a while, and found that the other party was carrying out an interesting activity, that is, proclaiming an entire empire to perform a sacrifice.

The object of the sacrifice is an indescribable deity.

  After the opponent’s sacrifice was successful, the silhouettes of the waves fluctuated above the sky, as if the fairy in the clouds looked down from the sky, watching the empire.

   Wang Sheng found an interesting place at that time, that is, one of these immortals, the consciousness fluctuates obviously, and he holds a sword in his hand, the sword is awe-inspiring, and it looks exceptionally sharp.

   consciousness also exists in his body, and he is awake, staring at the stone forest below.

   Lin Feng, crossing to become a fairy, and the consciousness also remained awake.


   Wang Sheng blinked, and then looked away, he consciously searched, and suddenly found two other members of their team.

   The original book cover is at the end of the world, yes it is at the end of the world, that is in the chaos of this world.

   The original book garment turned into a lustrous jade, which floated in chaos.

   When Wang Sheng saw this jade die, he was slightly surprised, "Coincidence?"

  Because this jade is exactly the same as the artificial jade, it was not until he searched all the consciousnesses on this jade phantom that he discovered that the jade was empty and had no features at all.

   "Magic dragon, interesting."

   can transform this jade die. It means that the real Mirage had seen this jade, and at least knew the existence of the jade.

   Wang Sheng was a bit surprised, but I didn't expect to find this place by mistake.

   Related to the chemical jade fragment is not only the game world outside, but also the mysterious realm of fairy world.

  Wang Sheng did not act immediately, but looked at the original book garment at the moment, and then found that the other party was also conscious and his soul was awake.

   Wang Sheng was not too surprised, but it felt interesting. These several of his teammates were highly conspirators. In such an environment, they all used their magical powers to stay awake.

   Wang Sheng is looking for the last person, that is, the existence of He Shirou.

   found the figure of the other party in a small river, a small goldfish.

  Unexpectedly, I also found that the other party also has conscious existence. She is trying to win an opportunity. In this river, there will be a dragon gate. That is a real opportunity to jump the dragon gate. After crossing it, she will become an actual dragon.

   Wang Sheng stared at her for a long while, he knew in his heart that the woman who looked very weak was actually the most notable person in this team, because the consciousness in his mind was a dominant consciousness.

   In other words, the other party is a reincarnation-like existence, and it can be said that the inside is the deepest.

  Now the other party is trying to bring everything in this world to reality, which is a good idea.

  Wang Sheng searched the world, and also saw the consciousness in the world participating in his own plan.

   But for the time being, only a few of them are sober. Only Wang Sheng, who is special in this team, keeps most of his sober state.

   Wang Sheng knows that most of these illusions will not end in an instant, and will take a lot of time.

Wang Sheng looked at the world underneath and found that Xiao Xiao was struggling for a chance. No one knew that he had already begun to cultivate, and because of the groom official he followed, there was no shortage of resources. With his talents, the ultimate strength would definitely be Beyond the seemingly step-by-step dragon-in-law~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and in this world, all the will is going on this step, it can be written as a protagonist book.

   With a smile on his lips, Wang Sheng stepped across, crossed the heavens of this world, and appeared in the chaos similar to the original book clothes.

   This is the core of this strength and the only real thing in this fantasy world.

  He saw a broken dragon ball.

   Then stepped forward, fingers gently pulled Dragon Ball, as if knocking on the door.

   "Come out and talk?"

   But did not see any reaction, Wang Sheng smiled, his will entered into it, and directly caught the deep consciousness hidden in it.

   "Hide something, Wang Mou won't eat you again, after all, get to know each other."

   This consciousness was finally caught out of Dragon Ball by Wang Sheng, and turned into a figure, who was a great elder from Jianshan outside.

   "Who can think that the Elder Jianshan will be a phantom dragon ghost group, you are so deliberately opening the secret realm, I don't know what it is for."

  The elder stared at Wang Sheng without a word, and his voice was hoarse. "No one thought that a stranger would come. A strong presence would join me in Jianshan to be a little disciple. It was really an old man who looked away and neglected your lord."


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