Universal Asylum

Chapter 2136: Opportunity


   Elder looked at the black magic shadow outside the protective cover and sighed in his heart. Even when he was a mirage in his previous life, he had never encountered such a scene.


   "Stabilize the sword spirit, guard the sword gate, I will go to see it."


  The elders flew towards the heights of Shenshan, where the major forces were discussing together.


  The attack around the sword gate is not particularly powerful. On the entire God Mountain, all the black projections are almost the highest at the highest point.


   There is the core of this **** mountain.


   Jianmen is relatively easy, but in today's situation, ten people can see that the world is already in crisis, and all the forces trapped here will definitely have a lot of trouble.


  The whole mountain of Gods is also unpredictable.


  After all, they have all seen the existence of the void world, and their strength is only afraid of the projections.


  But even if they already value these enemies in their hearts, it is impossible to think that this crisis situation has threatened the entire world.


  After a few days, the entire Shenshan radiated bursts of light, all the black shadows in the heavens and earth were cleared, and Shenshan took the opportunity to escape from the void and wanted to enter the world.


   All the light is poured into the void, and I want to break through this space coordinate.


   But bursts of light are scattered, the spatial coordinates of this place are very stable, and there is no possibility of breaking.


   "Plan one can be ruled out, it is indeed blocked here, this is a trap."


   Among the high-level **** mountains, leaders of the major forces gathered.


   "The world can be completely blocked, and it is only possible to take action from within the category."


   A voice sounded, making the whole hall silent.


   is not because of the person who spoke, but this person is just an ordinary force leader. What really silenced him was the information in his words.


   The blockade of the world is indeed not possible from the outside world. There must be someone in the world who cooperates, and the people who cooperate are not ordinary people, or ordinary forces.


  If you can be sure that all forces are like this, unable to enter the world, and blocked, then people who can do this kind of thing are almost certain.


   "Why do the endless clouds do such a thing."


   The endless sea of ​​clouds, the true core of the world of Xiandao, is also the source of everything. It is said that the entire world was originally born from the explosion in the endless sea of ​​clouds.


  In the endless sea of ​​clouds, the only Venerable of the whole world resides. It has existed since the beginning of the world, and has existed until now.


   can dominate many forces, and only this and even Yunhai Tiangong in his name.


   "Don't talk about that person's name at first, please investigate what happened."


   The person in the main seat directly opened the voice to determine the main theme.


   This is a boy who has absolute supremacy in front of so many old middle-aged people.


   "Sovereign, how to act next, please give instructions."


   The boy didn't answer immediately, but looked at the elder Jianmen.


   "Brother, look at how to deal with it."


   Elder opened his eyes and shook his head slightly, "Sovereign does not have to be like this, the old man is only the elder Jianmen. As for the opinion, now we can only use Shenshan as the foundation, defend, and contact other forces as soon as possible to know what happened."


   "As for how to cope in this world, we still can't make up our minds, and see how those big forces view it."


   Tong Zi nodded, "Brother is right, we can only look at the situation with stability."


   Then the whole mountain of God began to change. It was no longer stable to stay in a place and was easily besieged by people. Instead, it immediately started to move forward and rushed the void out of the ripples.


   Shenshan escaped from the crisis temporarily, and the elders returned to Jianmen, proclaiming the martial law of Jianmen.


   "Will anyone reoccupy that place?"


   Elder Suddenly summoned the Venerable Master, summoned the sword gate array, and then pointed to the direction of the cave house where Wang Sheng once lived.


  Teacher Venerable glanced, "No, there should be the Dongfu of the new entry disciple. Grandpa, you seem to value this new disciple."


   The elder looked at the formation transformed by light and shadow, squinting slightly, "Don't send people to watch the guard here, as if it does not exist, even if there is a problem with the formation, don't solve it at will, let me know, I will handle it myself."


  Patriarch Venerable has heard the key points from the tone of the elder.


   "Great elder, but what's wrong with this disciple's identity."


Grand Elder glanced at the Venerable Palmer and pondered slightly, "I can tell you a little news. This disciple is a bit unusual. In order to prevent you from provoke him, it is still better to tell you. If you encounter this disciple, don’t disturb, let him do it. Just do your own business."


  If you want to learn more about the Venerable Master, the elders are no longer speaking.


   The elder look was blinking, he was only betting on a possibility. Since this existence chose Jianmen at the beginning, although he didn't know the purpose, he would still choose Jianmen because of the greater possibility.


   If this is the case, Jianshan may eventually have a chance to be saved.


   With that person's power, he can resist all crises.


  Wang Sheng was indeed in the cave at this time, but even the Venerable Master came to discover Wang Sheng's existence, because Wang Sheng has been looking for the mystery of the original force in the time and space he opened alone.


  Finding the original force structure is a very troublesome and need opportunity. Fortunately, Wang Sheng's opportunity is not lacking. He has completed this process for more than half.


   As for the original force, Wang Sheng can be said to have a very good understanding of it, but it is still the most critical point to construct a structure that can produce a stronger level of original force.


Wang Sheng has been stuck here for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He unexpectedly took out the fragments of the chemical jade, and then observed the structure in the fragments. This chemical jade has been observed for a long time, including The various structures of the are already obvious to the chest.


   He suddenly thought of one of the structures, that structure is about the rules of the world, and Wang Sheng suddenly found traces in the process of the formation of the original force.


   thoughtfully, he put away the chemical jade, and then began to trace traces in the air again, like flowing water, forming a structure incomparably naturally, and finally entered Wang Sheng's eyebrows.


   It seemed that the heaven and earth suddenly shook, driving Wang Sheng's avenue. Wang Sheng and Heaven and Earth seemed to be connected together, and then a steady stream of power directly poured into Wang Sheng's body.


   made Wang Sheng's hunger cry in the subtle parts of his body. Wang Sheng's body vibrated and was filled with this force, absorbing power wirelessly.


   gives Wang Sheng the feeling of being promoted again.


   But the force of today can be said to have far exceeded the previous level.

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