Universal Asylum

Chapter 2147: Power of mind

  Wang Sheng's latitude will directly detect the situation behind him from high altitude.

   After the latitude of the main consciousness, there appeared two consciousness of the fierce beast of the creator.

At first glance, there are only three consciousnesses, but because of the existence of the main consciousness of this latitude, the power of these three beasts will be more powerful.

   Let Wang Sheng's mind just surging down, and not completely let go of all the immeasurable real bodies, he did not grasp the real consciousness of killing the latitude master.

  Wang Sheng shook his head, willing to follow suit, in terms of speed, he has not been empty.

  However, the tracing did not meet Wang Sheng's expectations. The fierce beast did not insist on how long, so he left immediately.

  Wang Sheng still stopped. He looked back, and the fierce beasts had left and no trace could be found.

   He faintly felt the fierce beast's last line of sight, his fierce eyes, and the indifference and murderousness in it made Wang Sheng deeply remember the fierce beast.

   This fierce beast is different. This fierce beast does not have any tyrannical emotions. It has reason and wisdom, knows to give up in time, and has no choice to chase it to the end.

   This rational beast makes Wang Sheng know more about this devourer race. This race has such reason. It cannot be just a chaotic race, nor can it only bring these threats.

   Wang Sheng had a hunch that he would still encounter this beast, and that was when he really resolved this beast.

  Wang Sheng turned and left. During this year, he was still absorbing this force continuously, and the force he gained from that fierce beast nest was not much.

   didn't have much force in the four beasts, but the amount of force obtained in the core of the nest was even greater. It can be said that it was enough for Wang Sheng to digest for ten years.

  The reason why the fierce beast catches up so much is not because he killed the four beasts, but because he gained so much force.

   took the other party's collection to a brain grab.

  Referring to the original forces that can be obtained from those secret worlds, this fierce beast at least robbed some unknown number of secret worlds to obtain so many original forces.

   In particular, this kind of force can also be absorbed by the other party. Compared with the depletion and embarrassment of the force in the sea of ​​latitude, the amount of force controlled by these devourers can be said to be the difference between heaven and earth.

   But even for the beasts of the main level of latitude, this level of force is enough to make the other person hurt.

  Wang Sheng unfortunately shook his head. If he could kill the devourer beast, he could get more force, but he will have a chance in the future.

Wang Sheng took out the map. This year's pursuit has already rid him of his previous route. At this time, his location is not marked on the map, but Wang Sheng has a rough scale in his heart, but he wants to return to the original route. , I am afraid that it will take half a year to get on the road.

   But simply he can also take advantage of this opportunity to absorb these forces.

  Wang Sheng thought a little, he was no longer in a hurry, but created an independent space and time, constantly drifting towards the front, the speed is not fast, but it is estimated that he can reach another secret place before he has absorbed these forces.

   Wang Sheng fell into retreat again.

  His core is constantly growing under the support of the original force, let him grow indefinitely, and the core is also constantly stabilizing.

  If the core practice is divided into three realms, three periods before, middle and later, he has reached the middle stage at this time, but he has just entered and needs to continue to be supported by the original force.

According to the speed of promotion in the early stage and mid-term, Wang Sheng also probably judged the speed of promotion in the late stage and the principle required. The result is not optimistic. He estimates that it still needs thousands of times of the original force. Comparable.

   is like a water tank. The higher the speed you want to fill the water tank, the slower and slower the more force you need.

  Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, the speed had to be accelerated.

  In a blink of an eye, five years later, Wang Sheng finally absorbed all the forces from the main evil beast of Latitude.

  Wang Sheng can feel the endless power in his body, as well as the vibration brought by the core, so that his body is constantly strong, and he transforms at the same time, laying the foundation for the final transformation.

  Wang Sheng walked out of the single space and time, and destroyed this single space and time. Wang Sheng looked at himself to see the void, which has returned to his position on the map.

   Allow him to find the secret place of another place.

  Wang Sheng no longer hesitated, just caught up.

   Half a month later, with all his speed, he came to the world of mystery.

  Familiar scenes, the world's countless beasts are wrapped up again, but some surprise is that the core position is not captured.

  Wang Sheng stepped forward and waved freely, all these fierce beasts outside were all annihilated.

   This secret world is not big. Wang Sheng's appearance was immediately noticed by the fierce beast wrapped outside the core.

   But the beast besieging here is not powerful, but at the level of the strongest. When he saw Wang Sheng, this beast did not have any reason to directly come forward and exude a tyrannical will.

   Wang Sheng glanced indifferently, then waved his hand gently, the fierce beast was immediately destroyed easily.

   also destroyed other fierce beasts at the core of the siege.

  Wang Sheng is very curious about the secret that this core land can persist until now. Although the siege is not powerful, this number is enough to bite through the core land.

Especially in this world, there is no power that can resist the existence of this strongest killer~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wang Sheng's will protruded into it, and found that the sum of these cores and accidents also had the existence of creatures, and the number There are no fewer.

   And more surprisingly, there is not much cultivation in these creatures, nor does it exist beyond the realm of three days. The most powerful is not far away from the three days.

   And there is no other power in this core place, so Wang Sheng suddenly did not find why these people can resist this fierce beast.

   His fingers stretched out lightly and touched the thin film of this core land, which blocked the enemies of these fierce beasts for so long.

   The enchantment shone, Wang Sheng’s will and will were staring at the changes in front of him, his eyes gradually surprised, he finally discovered the reason why these people can resist persisting to the present.

   It can be said that there is indeed power to support them until now.

   The reason why this power is so hidden is that he hasn't even found anything. The fundamental reason is that no one before him had such power for these people.

  Because the power they use is really the power of the mind.

  Under the support of a few cultivators, leading these mortal creatures together exerted the power of the soul to support this enchantment.



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