Universal Asylum

Chapter 2153: return

   hadn't felt it before. After imprisoning the other party, Wang Sheng knew immediately that the origin of the other party was not that simple.

   Therefore, from the beginning, he did not intend to let go of this beast, because the result of laissez faire would only cause him trouble.

  As for the opportunity mentioned by the opponent from beginning to end, Wang Sheng really cares, but it is not the thought of the opponent.

  Because Wang Sheng's path is different, he is very confident. As long as he walks step by step, he can usher in this opportunity by himself. He can be promoted by himself without the gift of others, and this opportunity should not be very long.

   After all, the opportunity actually existed long ago. His will has already stepped on the end of a road. He only needs to inspire it step by step, so that he can promote Wang Sheng's physical body and Taoist promotion.

  This is Wang Sheng's unique advantage.

  Compared to this, Wang Sheng was rather interested in the Supreme Heaven in his mouth and the relationship between the world and the world. These are the things he lacks.

   It is a pity that the other party could not expose him too much, as a bargaining chip, attracting Wang Sheng.

   But Wang Sheng is destined to be unable to sign a contract with him, seek skin with the tiger, and will eventually be swallowed by the tiger.

   That's right, this fierce beast is a tiger in sheep's clothing.

  Wang Sheng, after imprisoning the opponent, observing the mystery of consciousness from a height, can see that the core in the opponent's body is not ordinary, but a core that he can't compare with at present, that is a great force.

  Compared to the strength level of his immeasurable real body, this is a hybrid element supreme, that is, the level of the will in the opponent's mouth is all strength.

   That is to say, this fierce beast does have a connection with a God's will, but not just a connection, but a close relationship.

  Combining the performance of the other party at the end, Wang Sheng can basically be sure that the other party is an avatar of the will of heaven. As for the existence of this **** of heaven, it is very likely that the other party is the great **** of luck.

  Wang Sheng sighed slightly, and was finally watched by a Hunyuan Supreme, and he also understood where the crisis that he experienced from this fierce beast came from at first, only because of the relationship between the other party and a Hunyuan Supreme.

  Wang Sheng's choice is correct. If he doesn't come to the door, he will get passive in the future while he understands this moment.

   On the contrary, it is actually not too bad to be watched by the other party.

  Wang Sheng's level has reached this point, and there is a clear goal and method from promotion, it can be said that there is no need to fear the great **** of luck.

Wang Sheng is playing with the shuttle in his hand, and has some interest in the other party’s last sentence. From the other party’s mouth, it can be learned that the promotion of the Hunyuan Supreme seems to be waiting. The only opportunity for the thousands of eras can be understood as an opportunity that needs to be separated by 10,000. The Millennium will arrive, and there will be a promotion to the Hunyuan Supreme.

   So it is rare, if you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait for thousands of years.

   So what is the limit!

   is what limits the birth of this level.

   If this is really the case, then the number of Hunyuan Supremes in the entire latitude sea must not be too much, it can even be said to be scarce, after all, this opportunity is too rare.

  Similarly, an opportunity is only afraid of countless people fighting for it.

  I don't know if this opportunity belongs to the world of Immortal Dao or the only opportunity for the entire latitude sea.

   The meaning of the two is quite different. If it is the former, the competition will be much less. If it is the latter, it will face not only the three worlds including the fairy world, but also the huge latitude sea.

  Wang Sheng prefers the former, because from now on, competitors are only three worlds.

Competing for a place in the three worlds does not sound fierce. After all, it is the supreme strongman of all kinds, but as long as you can judge how many emperor levels have been born from the birth of the world to the present, just to wait for this opportunity. I imagined fierce.

   And there may be the level of the main level of latitude to participate in it.

   Wang Sheng's eyes flashed slightly, pressing this matter to his heart, and then looked at the shuttle in his hand.

   does not have any color, or there is no substantive body at all, but only exists at the level of consciousness, or even the level of the creator, and there is no possibility of finding this shuttle.

  The composition of the shuttle Wang Sheng is not clear, but it is not worse than the original awakening stone, it is the treasure created by the strongman of that level.

  Wang Sheng now knows that in addition to the material composition of a treasure, the most important thing is actually the structure of the material, and the rigorous structure can exert the unimaginable power.

  Wang Sheng will permeate the inside of this shuttle, and really know the power of this shuttle. This shuttle is more of a sword than a shuttle. This sword can break all obstacles, even the deep void.

   So the previous attack would come quietly. The reason why Wang Sheng also feels a sense of crisis is because this shuttle can also break through Wang Sheng's own body defense silently.

   It can be said that this shuttle is the sharpest sword.

   As for refining this shuttle, it is also very easy, of course, for Wang Sheng, because Wang Sheng's will can easily penetrate the past and see the internal structure, so he will be truly in control.

  Wang Sheng spread his palms and the shuttle disappeared suddenly.

  Only he knows that this shuttle is hidden in the invisible void, and can attack at any time.

Wang Sheng is very satisfied~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes are blinking, and there are more than ten years before the 100-year period. During this time, he must return to the latitude world to know the true state of the latitude world, not only to solve the crisis Wang Sheng also has to look at the reality of the latitude world.

  Wang Sheng took out the artificial jade tablet fragment. This synthetic jade tablet fragment now also has the function of recording coordinates. Wang Sheng wants to return to the latitude world. In addition to his hard journey, the easiest way is through the artificial jade tablet.

  Wang Sheng will be connected, and saw countless stars, these stars shine in the Yudie.

  Wang Sheng saw the star representing the latitude world, so bright, and let Wang Sheng feel a familiar feeling.

  Wang Sheng didn't hesitate, consciousness penetrated directly and then entered the star of the jade die.

  His body disappeared, turning into light and moving through the space.

   feels similar to when he came here, but in a short moment, Wang Sheng felt that he changed a void, and because of his own state at the moment, he even accelerated a lot.

  Wang Sheng saw a silhouette, a huge silhouette, and there was a huge figure outside the silhouette, as if embracing the entire silhouette and falling asleep.

   The outline is the latitude world, and the latitude world is in the arms of this giant. This fact is enough to shake Wang Sheng.



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