Universal Asylum

Chapter 2177: occupied

To be honest, when I saw this behemoth, Wang Sheng was still looking forward to it, but now it is a little speechless.

   Obviously, for these devourers, it is not that the stronger the power, the more sober the mind.

   This fierce beast is obviously somewhat mentally retarded.

   Of course, if this beast is willing to mobilize its mind, it can still know everything clearly, and it will not compare with any wise soul, because after all, its practice has reached this point, even a pig has been transformed into a perfect body.

   But the other party obviously was unwilling, or did not want to think, because the way of practice has told him that thinking is useless, and only strength is useful. As for what needs to be thought, as long as you have strength, you can crush everything.

  The root of everything is because their practice and progress are entirely due to the engulfment of violence, and there is basically no place where Daoxin needs to be used. Such a situation will produce such a deformed creature.

   Of course, their strength is very strong, because the breath of the devourer is a unique breath, giving their strength a very special aggressiveness.

   There is nothing to communicate with such a beast. Now that Wang Sheng is already a devourer, he must naturally show the ferocity of the devourer.

  Wang Sheng suddenly opened his mouth with a roar, just like the ancient **** was angry, his body instantly rose, and it was comparable to the fierce beast in the world in front.

  Wang Sheng strode forward and ran into that world directly.

   The world seems to be a ball, directly moved by Wang Sheng to the impact.

   The huge beast was directly caught by Wang Sheng from the world.

   The two polar levels, the devourers of the main level of latitude, started a brutal battle.

   does not have any skills at all, nor any pleasing to the eye, only rude, and dripping blood.

   The sky shook, the world shattered, and after the waves, Wang Sheng grabbed the wings of the beast, and then pulled fiercely. The beast immediately split from the center of the body.

   The painful screams passed in bursts, Wang Sheng opened his mouth with a roar, and the vibration also spread out, so that all the devourers and sporadic practitioners around him noticed.

   "My name Tianluo!"

   The voice spread far away. When the words fell, Wang Sheng threw his hands into his mouth, violently biting.

   Of course, Wang Sheng didn't really devour the body of the beast, but opened the separate space and time in his mouth, and then hid the beast.

  He can't do this kind of thing that directly devours flesh and blood.

  After swallowing, Wang Sheng's momentum rose, shaking the void, and was noticed by countless existences.

   Know that there is a new devourer named Tian Luo here!

  Wang Sheng finally strode forward into the world, disappeared, and the sight in the void disappeared.

   In the world, Wang Sheng single-handedly took out the body of the beast that was killed before. This is a body of latitude at the main level, and the value can be imagined.

   It can be said that if it were not for the special existence of this devourer beast, it would be more difficult to find such a flesh.

   I know several times this time, collect it cold.

  Wang Shengwei has explored the existence of this fierce beast body, the core of power is in the middle of the wings, which is why he would grab that place and kill him directly.

   Wang Sheng's eyes flickered slightly, his palm lightly flicked, and suddenly a thing flew out of the core. It was a cyan round bead, and there was a breeze outside.

   But the power of such a breeze is not anyone can imagine.

   However, the main function of Breeze is not destructive, but a bonus to speed.

  Now think about it, the fierce beast died a little, and the opponent's speed was afraid of extreme pride, but from the beginning, Wang Sheng was given the chance to seize the key and there was no possibility of detachment.

   Eventually only suffocated and died.

  Wang Sheng's hand holds this cyan round ball, which is completely composed of wind attributes and is also a good treasure.

  Wang Sheng will only put away and look at the world in front of him.

   A complete world is bound to have infinite creatures, and in this world, there are no traces of creatures, and all have been lost.

Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, and handed over the miracle worlds to such beasts. It was just a waste. As for causing such killing, this is also a frustrating thing. Even the supreme of this world has completely abandoned this world. It is no surprise that my life ended like this.

   Wang Sheng could not change anything.

   It can be said that, in addition to the last fierce beast and some of the original forces left in the core of the world, this complete world has become an empty shell.

  It is conceivable that the world dominated by countless beasts has become this look.

But it also made Wang Sheng's next thing simple. Without any thinking, he pointed to taking this world and moving on, just taking these worlds one by one, and his reputation will naturally spread to what he should know. People two.

   This vast world began to move, gradually speeding up, and the destination was not a distant world.

A few months later, the speed of the world has been unimaginable, and that world has already reacted~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Countless low-level devourers directly wrap their own world, and then they are still unemployed. Slammed up.

   Wang Sheng was a little surprised. He doubted whether there was a problem with the beast brain in this world.

   The reason why he dared to drive the world to collide is because his will and power can protect the world and Wang Sheng himself.

  Wang Sheng doesn't think the other party can do such a thing.

   The world is moving at a very fast speed, especially when both worlds are moving forward, and finally hit hard together.

   The strong shock came. It should have been the ending of the two being shocked back together, but the ending was that Wang Sheng's world stopped, without any hind legs, but the shock was immortal, but the world was not damaged.

  In contrast to that fierce beast world, first of all, countless fierce beasts pointed to the fall, and then the rules of the world spread out, and they could not be formed at all.

   The origin of its world was also torn apart.

   This world was completely destroyed by this impact.

  Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, a huge devourer body appeared from the world, and then stepped forward to the world ahead, entered it, and saw the status of the ruler's fierce beast inside.

   The opponent was attacked by a strong anti-shock force, and there were a series of cracks on his body. The breath was weak, and he had been hit hard, and he could no longer resist Wang Sheng's strength.


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