Universal Asylum

Chapter 2201: doubt

  Wang Sheng probably already knew the origin of these streamers.

   The game is coming to the world!

   They finally came on stage. The eight distinctly different streamers are obviously eight Hunyuan Supremes, but they didn't expect to come together.

   Wrapped with countless streamers directly impacting the body of the light beast, the vibration caused was very strong.

  Below ten layers of latitude, Xiangu Great World Hunyuan Supreme complexion faced up indifferently.

   A big hand was cruelly turned from the body of the light behemoth toward the upper part. In the palm of the hand, there were countless to the streamer, and it was about to be controlled.

   One of the eight streamers suddenly increased in speed, passed many streamers, and struck the palm.

  The two meet, and they are so powerful that they burst out, but it is this kind of power that has no effect on the beast of light.

  The remaining seven streamers in the sky also landed from the sky one by one, hitting **** the palm, and the palm collapsed directly.

   Above the latitude, the ancient world of Xiangu had to have a white complexion, and hummed back to the original position.

   appeared on his side eight figures, surrounding his combat power.

   "Wuji, what do you want."

   One of the light and shadow suddenly opened.

   Wuji gave a glance at this person, "Your movements are too great, it will cause the world to bite back. This is my world. If you want to enter, it is best to follow the rules, otherwise I don't mind breaking the net."

   He did not hesitate to admit that he was not an opponent of these eight supremes, but his attitude was also very tough, and he did not hesitate to destroy the world but also to establish rules and take the initiative.

  Badao light and shadow were slightly silent, "We don't mean anything else, just want to enter it smoothly, Wuji's Taoist friends seem to have misunderstood."

   Wuji's face was indifferent. "It's easy to enter, just enter as you say, fair competition, and no one can interfere with the end result."

   "Okay!" The light and shadow spoke out again before, which was very decisive. He looked back to the side and watched the drama all the time.

   "Coulomb, you'd better be honest, otherwise I will kill you first at all costs."

   talked to this courageously God's will without being polite, and the word of threat made no secret.

  The face of the giant wheel is ugly. He didn't expect to see himself in the lively scene, but he didn't dare to speak out, because these existences on the side are not nothing.

   Wuji can occupy the home court arrogantly, but he can't, because these people really dare to do it, and at present, only he is helpless.

   shocked one who didn't say a word from Kulun's will, and the many existences of the game's adventurous world began the next step.

   I saw a ray of light thrown from their palms, and then gathered together, with countless figures in the air, rushed directly to the beast of light below, and successfully broke through and entered it.

   Suddenly, Wang Sheng was above the latitude, and it can be seen that there are thousands of more figures in the giant of light.

  At the same time, seven of the figures in the world of the Advent suddenly collapsed and disappeared, and only one figure remained, and it was the one who had been talking and responsible for communication.

   Wang Sheng is also familiar, because he has seen each other's statues.

   is responsible for the supreme existence of Xiangu World.

He was also suddenly at that time, and the rest of the figures were afraid that it was just a projection to come here, and the purpose was naturally just to stand up for power. Think about it, if the eight Supreme Masters came together, I am afraid of the ancient world of Xian. The Hunyuan Supreme has long been unable to sit still, and the world of Devourers must not be sitting still.

   will not maintain the so-called equilibrium situation.

   But even now, this balance is very fragile.

   After all, the Adventist World is too close to the Xiangu World, and the Supreme People can always support it.

   Presumably, the Hunyuan Supreme at this time is uneasy.

  Wang Sheng sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and watched everything happening below. Naturally, Wang Sheng could not exist without entering the eleventh latitude. So far, there seems to be no eleventh latitude.

   Each figure below occupies one position, watching the changes below quietly.

   The game is coming to the world. The appearance is obviously sudden at this time, but their appearance is set from the beginning, and Wang Sheng is not too unexpected.

   She is the number of unexpected adventors. There are too many in the world. Do they have so many emperors?

   But after careful sensing, I realized that there is even a founder level in these existences.

  Wang Sheng initially thought that they were only projections, so it didn't matter if they fell. After all, in the world of Demon, we already knew the convenience of the coming of the world of the advent.

   But he found out again that these existences are all awesome, not the projection existence he thought about.

   This made him very spooky. The special thing here is that the world of the game's advent cannot be avatar.

   It seems that the Hunyuan Supreme Projection only existed because they were too strong, but obviously they could not stay for a long time, so they left quickly.

  Wang Sheng shook his head slightly, so much existence came, and it was the real body. It seems that the game is coming to this world and there must be certain determination for the miracle here.

  Want to win the West.

   However, the existence of these founders or the existence of the Lord of Latitude will not play a big role. Only the emperor here has real survivability.

   Maybe there is something special about these forbearances, Wang Sheng can only think of it like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~After all, it can't be specially sent to death.

   Sure enough, the actions in the next Behemoth also proved that Wang Sheng's conjecture was correct.

   These adventors have to be well prepared, and they travel very fast inside the giant of light.

Although    is a latecomer, it is catching up with practitioners and devourers very quickly.

   If those Hunyuan Supremes just said that these beings sent to the world of light beasts, starting from the middle, I am afraid that they would get rid of the world of practitioners and the world of devourers simply in terms of speed.

   Even now, they are gradually gaining an advantage.

   Wang Sheng squinted, these people had to move forward as if they could know the world of raising their hands, they could easily avoid any obstacles, go straight, and experience Wang Sheng knowing that it was difficult to do a little.

Above the latitude, Wang Sheng suddenly squinted. He looked at the other places of the eleventh latitude. It was dark. Even if it stretched out of this latitude, there was no extra information at all, and he could not detect a long distance. Unless it's a real search.

   Therefore, there is an existence that can climb to the eleventh layer of latitude, and there is also the possibility that he does not know.

   If it is a powerful person who generally occupies eleventh latitude, then the current situation can be explained.


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