Universal Asylum

Chapter 2211: Castle in the Sky

  The three devourers had to leave, and no one dared to stop because their realm was superb.

   "Damn, if it is not that the Venerable is not here, why are these people so arrogant."

  In this world, they have control over the origin of the world, so they can control everything in this world, but it is not them who really control the origin of the world, but another existence, just tolerating not being here at this time.

However, they also had to admit at this time that these devourers did indeed exceed their specifications at this time, making them simply unable to resist, otherwise they would directly stop the existence of Wang Sheng and others, after all, Wang Sheng and others directly broke into Their world.

   This is unforgivable to them, this world hasn't happened in such a long time.

  Wang Sheng these outsiders are destined to suffer their hostility and expulsion.

   At this time, Wang Sheng, chasing the heart, has reached the depths of the world. The direction of the heart has always been fixed, it seems to be pursuing something.

  Thinking of the things that attached to Huang Ji before the heart, Wang Shengxin felt, maybe this time it is the same thing repeating itself.

  Civic hasn't been put down yet. Sure enough, I suddenly saw a breath in front, coming directly towards the heart.

   It was a giant. His eyes were full of curiosity, as if he was wondering what the heart was like, so he didn't avoid it in his imagination, but just grabbed it directly towards the heart. He wanted to know what happened.

   But the timing of his appearance was too unlucky, because the heart at this time could not find a host again.

   And the existence of this giant was abrupt, but it just happened to satisfy the heart.

  No one knows that the most fundamental successor of the heart is the existence of these sky cities, but it is born of the strength of the heart, and it is naturally the most suitable for the heart to occupy and take away.

   "Who are you waiting for!"

   The giant stared at the heart and Wang Sheng with blinking eyes. When the heart decided to do something with this, it would naturally tolerate the other party to find him.

   is not so much a giant, but in front of Wang Sheng, it becomes incomparably small. After all, Wang Sheng's immeasurable real body is truly immeasurable, and it is not comparable to any existence at all.

   So instead of saying that this giant feels weird about the heart, it is better to say that he feels terrified about Wang Sheng's body.

  After all, whoever sees Wang Sheng at this time will only think that Wang Sheng is the strongest being.

  It was just that he was destined to be wrong. When the heart saw the giant, he already decided to occupy the giant and get everything.

  No matter how giant Wang Sheng actually existed, the heart directly entered a giant flying agency into the giant's body, and then got the fastest! Speed ​​occupies the giant body.

   The giant was stunned, and then looked at Wang Sheng with hatred.

  Wang Sheng's heart was different from the time when he invaded the body of the emperor's pole. At this time, the giant did not retain his own wisdom, but was completely occupied by the heart.

   Obviously, the way in which the giant invades the body of the emperor's body is different from that in which the giant body is invaded.

   may be interpreted as that when the heart invades the body of the giant, it has recovered a lot, so it can be completely controlled.

   In short, the heart must not be taken lightly, otherwise it will only ask for bitter taste.

  Wang Sheng didn't have any idea, he rushed forward directly, and his infinite body gained strength throughout his body, and then bombarded fiercely.

  Naturally, the giant would not sit still and rushed forward.

   Two giant giants collided, and the final result was that both of them retreated, and the two voids burst out of a rift.

   After Wang Sheng's pupils contracted and his heart merged with the giant, the power he showed was far beyond his thinking.

  Compared with the strength exerted by the imperial pole at that time, he was more powerful than others.

  The two have to collide, basically there is not much victory or defeat, because both of them have encountered a huge impact.

   Two people, like two wild beasts, started a continuous collision, and the surrounding void was shattered layer by layer, without any complete place.

   Such an impact undoubtedly caused the world to be shut down.

   Therefore, a stream of streamers flew from afar, to know what happened here.

   It's just that they can see only two giants colliding ferociously.

   Both belong to the chaotic supreme level of attack, striding forward with each other, without escaping to meet.

When they bumped into each other, the layers of air and waves had to spread apart. In this space, the corrosive force was still everywhere, and the corrosive force in the void did not sway, surrounding Wang Sheng, who was mobilized by the heart, and then Wave after wave impacted Wang Sheng's body, but he had to add Wang Sheng's own power, so these corrosive forces still had no effect on Wang Sheng.

   But Wang Sheng still groaned, and a black line appeared from the center of his eyebrows. It was shocked by the strong vibration force and suffered internal injuries. Even if there is no corrosive force or erosion, it still has enough damage to Wang Sheng's current body. strength.

   can imagine how the giants are now powerful.

  However, Wang Sheng had no limit at this time and he was not infallible.

   Vibrated, the void was broken, and Wang Sheng would temporarily hide in the void and the figure burst into the void, and a figure fell out of it.

   A giant stick suddenly appeared in him, as if waiting there, knocking hard at the giant.

  Infinite strength, coupled with the innumerable real body of Wang Sheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even let the giant body fit into the void and could not withdraw.

   Such a giant, so embedded in the void, its spectacular shock can be imagined.

   This contrast, especially when a giant is embedded in the void, is even more frightening.

   And this is especially true for those who came later.

   They almost watched this with their eyes wide open? In their world, there have always been legends that have left a mark, and such awkwardness has made it impossible to get into the void.

   This is an unimaginably huge blow to them.

   also became extremely afraid of the forces of foreign invaders who broke into the world this time.

  Because they never thought that such an existence would invade their world.

   After all, this place in the sky city has always been called the paradise of the world that has been reached underground, and it has been a place of ascension.

   is where they are proud anyway, this is the highest level of the world.

   The strong among them are naturally peerless, which is beyond doubt.

   Therefore, when seeing such a strong side and such awkwardness that they have slammed into the world, these talents will be more shocked, and they can’t believe that such a thing will happen.


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