Universal Asylum

Chapter 2245: Engulfing and Little Green

After a brief confrontation between the two sides, they did not engage in a more fierce battle. It seems that they knew they could not be sure enough to solve the many masters who came to the world, and many of the gods of the Devourer World did not move again.

In the previous battle, it was actually that they suffered more serious damage, and did not continue to shoot the past.

The members of the Adventist World did not fight back, and did not even have anger, just formed a camp, and then changed into a statue again.

In Wang Sheng’s eyes, many Venerables of the Adventist World are a bit weird. They don’t seem to have feelings, and they look like statues. If they don’t provide protection for the game to come to the world, many players also know that Wang Sheng will act in unity. They are just puppets.

Just like now, in the face of provocation by the devourer, there is no meaning of resistance or anger. If you change to others, I am afraid to use this opportunity to test the strength of the world of devourers.

At least Wang Sheng will do this, but these people seem to have no such consciousness at all.

This is especially true of silence.

The two sides fell into a confrontation, but because of the many Supreme Masters in the Adventist world who did not have the sense of attack, this confrontation seemed a bit boring.

They found each other and came here together. It can be said that the distance between them is very close. For high-level realms, it is like a rubbing between mortals.

They are generally regarded as offensive, but at this time they are maintaining peace.

If this does not mean that they have some kind of common plan, Wang Sheng can't really think of any other reason.

Therefore, Wang Sheng pays more attention and even transfers part of the subject’s consciousness to prevent him from interfering at critical moments.

They don’t know that there is a Wang Sheng above the latitude. The eleventh latitude is still a restricted area, but Wang Sheng can’t be sure that the people below can’t be promoted to the eleventh latitude. At least one person in the world of Advent can be promoted to This layer of latitude.

Wang Sheng thought about it, maybe it was time to explore the twelve layers of latitudes again, and this time it may be an opportunity to get chaotic.

I don’t know if the fierce beast is aimed at him or all creatures. If it’s not just staring at him, but just lacking some kind of blood, this time I may have a chance to find a situation. After all, there are so many confusions here. Supreme.

Wang Sheng slowly closed his eyes, his will focused on the movements of these people, and another part of consciousness entered the chaotic world.

The chaotic world cannot be ignored either. After all, the one who came with him at the eleventh latitude also entered here, and Wang Sheng was not useless by what he valued.

Especially when the latitude world seems to be loosing in crisis now, and it is not necessary for him to rush over immediately, the time suddenly relaxes.

Wang Sheng is also curious enough to know what happened in the chaotic world.

Time advances again, this time for three years, the two sides of the tenth latitude still confront each other, even if it is not possible to develop their existence clearly, it will even let everyone think whether they have left, What is here is just an illusion.

During this time, they haven't changed at all, but for them, three years is actually not even a blink of an eye.

It's just that Wang Sheng hasn't gotten used to this excessive time.

In the past three years, he still tried to enter the twelfth latitude, but still failed. He even left a long enough distance, but still failed, was found and then wiped out.

To Wang Sheng's disappointment, he did not confirm what the state of the fierce beast is today, whether he was staring at him, or just because there was only him in sight, so he had no choice.

But now no one can accompany him to face this fierce beast, so only to give up, only to wait for the time to try again.

During this period, the Devouring Snake was once quietly led by Wang Sheng, and survived in the miraculous realm below. The Devouring Snake was like a fish and water, swallowing all its resources.

It has grown to a level close to the founder, and Wang Sheng discovered the fact that the devourer seems to have no bottleneck in promoting the founder, and only needs to devour step by step to reach that state.

He was a little amazed that such a race is really a bit against the sky, just don't know if the Lord of Latitude can swallow it like this.

In the past, the miserable situation in the infinite world was only because the devouring snake couldn't devour it at all, so it caused such an ending.

And now the devouring snake has surpassed their ancestors, the snake who has been promoted to the strong must swallow.

After all, the miracle realm is a legacy of an unimaginable existence. Such a existence has enough resources to swallow the snake that has fundamentally awakened.

But that's not all for it. After all, to become a founder, the energy that needs to be swallowed is too horrible.

It is also for this reason that Wang Sheng's two devouring snakes came back and raised it to eleventh latitude to defend it, allowing him to seek food for eleventh latitude to devour.

The devouring snake seems excited about the eleventh latitude, as if there is something to attract it here.

Wang Sheng was thoughtful, and the engulfing snakes were indeed terrified of racial talent, and if they were accompanied well, they might become a good helper.

Xiao Green was left by him. The eleventh latitude is not absolutely safe. Moreover, it is not certain whether the twelve-story behemoth can reduce dimensionality. He will not put Xiaolu in danger.

However, Xiao Green should have achieved a good promotion in the miracle realm, so now she is in a sleep state. Wang Sheng's consciousness to awaken it, but also just barely restored Xiao Green to his true body.

A huge Tongtian tree is planted in the latitude ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The growth of the branches and leaves is under count, Wang Sheng can feel a kind of warmth.

Wang Sheng nodded slightly, and Xiaolu had accumulated enough, and Xiaolu had been suppressing the promotion of Dao Zun. This time the resources might be enough for Xiaolu to be promoted to the three-day realm.

Little Green is actually similar to the Devouring Snake. They can all improve themselves through this way of devouring. However, Little Green is still restrained, and it is impossible to ignore the realm.

Therefore, unlike the choice of the devouring snake, the little green now only continues to settle, and then waits for promotion.

This state is now conducive to small green energy absorption.

Wang Sheng shook his head helplessly, Xiaolu was still too playful, otherwise he would be promoted to the realm of Dao Zun earlier, and now he should not have to eat too much hardship.

As for now, it should take a long time to get back to the promotion, but it does not matter if he has the care and energy.

Wang Sheng thought, and then arranged a force array around the small green body.

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