Universal Asylum

Chapter 2259: Scramble

This is a congenital **** similar to the candle dragon. This kind of **** has a great effect on the world and plays a great role. It has a similar effect to the time.

It can be said that the level of the world has been raised very high.

Wang Sheng had a hunch that he would form a stream of time without consciousness after this **** fell.

The giant who entered the depths of chaos suddenly looked up, as if he saw a firebird flying through the sky, but it seemed to be an illusion.

Although born with divine wisdom and very powerful, but does not have the corresponding knowledge, just like a child.

Wang Sheng shook his head slightly. Now the time **** does not seem to know what to do. It seems that he needs to find souls from chaos to open the wisdom of this world.

Of course, he will also secretly guide, let the world go on the right path, and will not lose its heritage because of too much infighting.

Wang Sheng does not have so much time to be patient to let the world develop naturally.

Instead of leading by Wang Sheng himself, his will can form a light to lead in the void, suggesting that some chaotic creatures came to this world.

There is an instinctive attraction for them.

It is also good for regular structure forming, so Wang Sheng is not worried.

However, for Wang Sheng, it would be better if they came to those who came. It is believed that their existence can promote the innate spirits to exert their true power and magical power.

After the birth of the first god, countless years passed before finally the birth of the second god.

As if to have sensed the world at this moment, this divine dome concealed his existence, so that the spirit fight of the time that had existed for a long time had not been discovered.

Only when Wang Sheng observes the world, the world of heaven and earth is always feedback, can he discover in time.

There is no trace of the birth of this god.

Appeared as a dark cloud, covering the giant egg, and getting up and surrounding the chaos, all covered by darkness, and layers of destructive power appeared, as if representing all darkness in the world.

Wang Sheng nodded slightly, this innate **** should be born with the antimatter energy of heaven and earth, and gave birth to this **** representing the Yin attribute.

Of course, the Yin attribute does not mean something that is not always good, but it is definitely not a habit of walking under the sun's eyelids. In general, because of the existence of the boss of the time god, it is also so cautious. Makes sense.

This may be the obscurity.

The birth of this innate **** was not discovered by the time **** until the end, only his brow's eyes moved slightly, but because of the unskilled use of supernatural powers, there was no discovery of throwing. If it is changed to its birth for countless years, such movement He wouldn't have concealed him at all, after all, it was time, monitoring time exists, and there is nothing to escape time.

Wang Sheng withdrew his gaze, and if he thought about it, the next period was the outbreak of the gods, because the rules of the world gradually matured, destined to let the creatures in the world grow up step by step, and eventually mature.

At the same time, it also means that the world is gradually improving, and the rules are thoroughly spread out in the world. It is enough to nurture these creatures, no need to add.

The world today is like a behemoth that exists in the world, always absorbing the energy planted by chaos, so that the world is supplementing energy all the time, and developing itself all the time.

Until now, the world is close to true maturity, and it can be bred like an innate **** except the innate god.

But before that, Wang Sheng's plan was to attract a group of chaotic creatures from the chaotic species to adapt the world.

Now that the time has been calculated, it should have arrived.

Outside of the world at this time, the endless chaotic species is moving forward with a huge creature, the body is like a tortoise, and there are black bumps on the back of the turtle, like mountains and peaks. Then crush the chaos and avoid unnecessary detours.

And all the chaotic crushed into the body, making the tortoise more powerful.

"Is it here, finally here!"

Lu Gui stopped suddenly, feeling the rhythm coming from the front, it had an intoxicated emotion, and his heart was full of greed. The closer he was to this, the more he felt the boiling of the blood in his body. There seemed to be something that he could swallow. thing.

So he traveled far and far, just to see what attracted him again.

Not long after continuing to move forward, suddenly a golden light flew from the chaotic species and fell directly on him. This is a tiger with wings. Of course, its true identity is a chaotic creature.

Its four claws severely grabbed the landing turtle, and Liu crushed several mountain peaks on his back, but could not damage the turtle shell of its body completely.

It was not until this time that Lu Gui seemed to react, and an uninvited guest was ushered in his back.

"Go down!" Lu Gui's voice sounded like thunder.

The tiger chaotic creature was just a roar. The wings on its back fell from the sky like two sharp blades across the tortoise. The mountain peaks shattered, but the turtle shell was still unscathed.

The tortoise finally stopped, and suddenly a tail covered with barbs grew out of his back, and then the tiger's head was pierced by the tiger's horrified cry, causing the tiger's head to smash directly.

And a lot of energy entered the tortoise's body through the tail, allowing the tortoise's crushed peaks to recover little by little.

The tiger's body was slammed by his tail. www.wuxiaspot.com~ was thrown into the chaos in the distance, and disappeared. The tortoise murmured long and low, as if nothing had happened, so it went on like this.

Shortly after advancing, the tortoise suddenly stopped, because it found a huge blue bird flying out of the chaotic species, and when he passed him, he just glanced at him, and then left directly.

Tortoise seemed to feel the extreme danger at that moment. From its birth to the present, there are few opportunities to experience this feeling, and each time represents his life and death.

This is a rival enough to rival him. It is not the same as the tiger. After a long period of vigilance on the spot, there is no movement. Bai finally confirms that the bluebird has gone away before moving on.

If Wang Sheng can see this bluebird, he can find that this bluebird is the first bluebird he encountered, and the first transaction completed in the Chaos.

Like the encounters of bluebirds, tigers and tortoises, the chaotic species around Wang Sheng’s world continued to stage at this time, and countless chaotic inspirations were inspired by the rhythm here. We met each other less peacefully, and more fighting.

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