Universal Asylum

Chapter 2311: return

Latest website: Speaking of this, this deity is not smart, even though it is powerful, but its intuition is too slow.

It was not only him who found such a snare, and the most typical one was the Lord of Time, but he did not do it like this, so that things of unknown origin, as long as a little exploration, you can know where it came from.

Ever since the battle between time and **** and enlightenment, Wang Sheng has killed so many existences, Wang Sheng's existence is no longer a secret.

They all know that there is such a person in the world, enough to shake the world, but the source of this world.

The time **** does not even probe, nor interfere, allowing the existence of the net step by step.

However, Wang Sheng still responded, directly sealing the root of the net, that is, his body of firebird, so that anyone who sees it will not find this firebird and will only be rejected.

This is just a small episode. The gods can discover the snare net, which proves that the existence of the snare net is relatively public and can be discovered by people. It has already developed the most basic form in the world.

The next step is to actively integrate the rules into it.

Wang Sheng stopped the action of absorbing chaotic creatures, and absorbing too much at once was not good for the world itself, and would make the world indigestible.

And for the world, chaotic creatures do not fully represent the good side, but also the harmful side.

After stopping the action, he sent the chaotic creatures that had almost been digested with anger to the world, and Wang Sheng began his next move.

Actively let go of the world's origins, merge with the snare network below, and gradually divide the snare network to complete, with regularity, and no longer get a group of money before.

To put it simply, people in the world believe in chaotic creatures, and the power will first be transmitted to the center of the world through the net, and then will be transmitted to the chaotic creature itself.

The center of the world will not be able to weaken, it will only act as a transit, not just faith, and any attempt to pry up the consciousness of the net will need to pass through here.

It seems that here is a central processor. When the consciousness sends out a request, the central processor starts processing, one-to-one correspondence, and finally it is organized and has various laws.

The world will be truly orderly. For Wang Sheng, he can save a lot of thoughts and let the world go.

The most important thing is that the process of world civilization will be greatly improved, directly to the extent of civilization, and to achieve the connection of the entire world.

With the existence of this network, many things can be easily done, long-distance calls. Telephony-like functions, material delivery, and various convenient functions will all change the world completely.

Wang Sheng shook his head. If the earth had such conditions, it would not use the things he left as the core of the game to conquer another world. After all, it is too limited.

The rule fusion is smooth and simple. The snare appears directly and gradually becomes stronger. In the mind of the strong, it can directly trigger the existence of the snare and try to use it.

The easiest way has been adapted, that is to use the snare net to fight, the magical power has been enhanced to make these powerful people happy.

But for the gods and top-level chaotic creatures, their hearts are heavy, because the stronger the net is, the closer the existence of the world is and the tighter the control of the world, the fewer actions they can make. Too much, and may even be deprived of rights.

They naturally did not want to do this, and wanted to resist, but as long as they imagined the existence of the top of their heads before they resisted, they would not immediately have this idea.

So only helplessly let the world spread out.

After dealing with this matter, Wang Sheng no longer pays much attention to it. With the snare in this world, he can already handle most of the things he does, and his mind can be kept from paying attention.

The world is still advancing slowly. As we get closer and closer to the core area, we will eventually encounter a new world. It may be the time when Wang Sheng wakes up again.


Emperor Moxu feels strange recently. It seems that Wang Shengdao’s friends haven’t appeared for a long time. As the secret realm has been developed one by one, their hearts have gradually become anxious, because they have been away from the opportunity for a long time, they are afraid to miss the opportunity there .

Especially recently, I can feel that the world has changed further. It seems that there are two giant beasts in the distance, increasing the intensity of breathing, a stream of energy flows through them, the world is shrinking more and more, and the secret realms are also being destroyed. There are very few useful things that can be found. It seems that there is no need to continue to explore this situation.

However, Wang Sheng's position in their hearts is becoming more and more important. Without Wang Sheng's consent, they dare not choose to return directly.

At this time, Wang Sheng opened the hall door and appeared in front of everyone.

Emperor Moxu's eyes lit up, "Daoyou finally got out of the customs."

"It seems that you have been waiting for a long time." Wang Sheng smiled. "I also know your thoughts. After all, I have been concerned about things there. Although it has not been completely formed, it is fast, so there is nothing to go back now." "

"Just happened to do something."

No one asked Wang Sheng what was the matter, but he was relieved in his heart and could just go back, and since Wang Sheng knew, they didn’t have to be so eager.

Emperor Moxu's palace has become a temporary place for everyone, because this palace is very powerful and can allow everyone to safely shuttle in the void.

Wang Sheng quietly looked into the distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~The mind has returned to that world, and has also observed changes in the world. The structure has become more and more perfect. With the supplement of energy, the world structure is gradually filled. And the perfect filling is completed.

And the energy absorption has reached the limit, and the world is about to be supplemented, that is to say, the latitude space is indeed about to take shape.

To be honest, Wang Sheng didn't expect the world to absorb energy enough to supplement the two worlds.

He originally prepared other plans, but now it seems that they are no longer used.

At the beginning of that world, Wang Sheng will have to try the weft-lifting plan again to see if it can succeed. If everything goes well, it’s naturally safe. If it doesn’t go well, Wang Sheng doesn’t plan to give up. After so long, he has been ready to improve. It's time to try it out to see how powerful this beast is. It's even better if you can figure out why the other party has been staring at him.

As time passed, Wang Sheng's heart gradually calmed down, and he was confident to meet all challenges.

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