Universal Asylum

Chapter 2314: Concealment and truth

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The latitude interval is dark. It is not the vastness that can be clearly felt in the latitude, but it is confined to a narrow world. It is completely a mezzanine.

It can be regarded as an originally empty place, where several houses were placed, crowded, and the latitude interval, which is the interval between these houses, is very narrow, but it exists, and it can have all the magical functions of high-rise latitudes. .

That is to say, Wang Sheng can overlook the latitude world below and watch the difference below.

Wang Sheng turned around in his latitude world, the structure was almost destroyed, and the last thing he supported was only a rough frame, but it was such a frame, which insisted on the latitude squeeze, and it has not yet destruction.

Wang Sheng knows that this latitude space has withstood the test, the structure is completely possible, not only can exist, but also can successfully shuttle the latitude and void, which is a very surprising fact.

The world is connecting with the imprint in the twelve layers of latitudes. Once the connection is successful, the monster will no longer be able to stop him from entering the latitudes. Once the latitudes are hidden, they will hide. It’s not something anyone can find.

In other words, the crisis has really passed, and the latitude space has left its mark here, and it can be shuttled freely in the future, as long as it is not too much movement, it can come and go freely.

Achieving this goal can be said to make Wang Sheng a rare rejoicing. The sense of danger in his heart has finally disappeared a little, and he is no longer so eager.

Wang Sheng returned to the palace and saw the waiting Moxu Emperor and others.

He smiled. This time the smile will be much more sincere. Without the help of these people, this time I am afraid that it will hang. Wang Sheng owes them a favor.

Wang Sheng fell in front of everyone, watching their eyes fixed on himself, shaking his head slightly, "It seems that you guessed something, let's say, you can ask anything you want to ask."

Slightly silent, Emperor Moxu said, "Dare to ask friends, where is this."

Wang Sheng nodded slightly, "It seems that you really realized what, yes, this is not the dead space that I had before. If I guess right, this should be a certain layer of latitude space, as for the specific layer of latitude space. There is no comparison, and there is no way for Wang to judge, but there is no doubt that this latitude space is also a good chance for you, even for Wang."

Emperor Moxu exhaled, "It's strange that Daoyou did not know at this time."

Wang Sheng nodded, "While Wang has some strength, he can't do this kind of thing. This should be related to our choice. Wasn't there two different opportunities in the past? Maybe this time it was unexpected. Therefore, if we choose that place of opportunity, perhaps we can experience what we have experienced in the past."

He then added: "The reason why Wang Mou chose that world is only because of some special feelings in his heart. Unexpectedly, he really came back here, which is also a surprise for Wang Mou."

"Speaking of which, we would also like to thank you for your help, otherwise we would only be afraid that we will lose our ground."

The Spiritual Emperor thought deeply, "Daoyou can know the beast before."

Wang Sheng nodded and shook his head, "I've seen it before. I will encounter it when you travel through the latitudes. Perhaps it is the so-called guardian of latitudes. Of course, it may be that Wang was unlucky and just happened. It blocked the way. If it were not for your help this time, I am afraid that I will not be able to successfully reach this latitude."

"Okay, is there any problem."

Emperor Moxu looked at each other, and then shook his head slightly, then the magic pot boy smirked at this moment, "Is there any problem, since I can encounter this opportunity, I have come here in the latitude space. Fortunately, a high-latitude dragon space stamp, can anyone refuse such benefits."

"Hey, my magic jar is very happy."

Gu Meng also nodded slightly.

Wang Sheng smiled lightly, "Everyone, don’t worry. Although you did come here and missed the opportunity of the land of silence, it’s not that you didn’t have the opportunity to go back again. Wang Mou had some ideas. If you can be sure, then take you back. There is nothing, maybe you can catch up with the opportunity of the land of silence."

The next four forbearances were a bit pleasantly surprised. The Emperor Moxu was so happy that they never thought of such an opportunity.

In his eyes, Wang Sheng nodded slightly, "You may not know the importance of this latitude space to Wang Mou. Since you have helped each other, then Wang Mou owes you a favor, and it is also right to help you return. In addition, you can consider carefully, and I can make a reasonable request to you."

Wang Sheng turned and left, and several people bowed to send Wang Sheng away.

After a long time, they looked at each other, and the magic pot boy broke his silence. "Oh, what are you thinking? The deity can still guess, but I advise you to put your mind back in your stomach. I think you must not want to know those. Where did the Hunyuan Supreme go?"

"The boy can seize the time and understand the spatial latitude here. This is an opportunity to climb the avenue."

The magic pot boy turned and left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The spirit prince was also dumbfounded, "The truth is that the magic pot is true, so you don't have to think about it. This matter is only good for us, but there is no harm. "

Emperor Lingji looked at Moxu Emperor with a smile, "The Daoist can put his heart back in his stomach. I am not a stupid person."

He also left, then the ancient Mongolian giant nodded slightly at the Moxu emperor, and turned and disappeared.

Emperor Moxu had no expression on his face, but he was relieved in his heart, and finally did not make it to the worst point.

If there is an accident, then she is back on Wang Sheng’s side, but if Wang Sheng really has a good idea, then she can’t stand by. She had prepared for the three shots before, but fortunately nothing happened .

She smiled bitterly, "It's futile to be a villain."

A few others will not see her status, just deliberately pretending to be confused.

At this time, Wang Sheng will naturally not know the minds of everyone, I am afraid that I have guessed something, and I have even seen that this secret space is unexpectedly because of him. After all, a lot of things are exposed in the scene against the monster.

Wang Sheng couldn't hide in the past, but Wang Sheng still didn't tell the whole truth. Too much knowledge didn't do much good to these people.

And Wang Sheng also needs some confidentiality, as long as they let them know that there is no crisis or even benefits.

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