Universal Asylum

Chapter 2335: altar

Above the chaos in the sky, Wang Sheng has left this chaotic space and appeared in the outside world.

Today's core land seems to have countless rivers flowing through the sky. This is a line of energy lines flowing into the most central core land. Today, the movement of the core land is almost gone.

Because the core opportunity is about to be completely formed.

Beyond the core opportunity, layers of nets are laid out, and they are irrelevant to each other, but once one of the nets collapses, the entire net will trigger, and this core land will become the most dangerous place.

The Luowang is equivalent to the existence of the public, arranged by the forces of both sides, one of them engulfed the world, and the other is the advent of the world.

At this time, both parties have arrived here. After the war in the high altitude and the latitude, the Devourer World lost two Hunyuan Supremes. What happened is that there was Wang Sheng who pretended to be his disciple. Remember This one should still plan to retaliate against Wang Sheng, and now this little trouble is gone.

Another person, Wang Sheng, did not know and withdrew from the latitude world.

The world of the Advent has suffered a lot of losses, and there are three other Hunyuan Supremes, and these three are exactly one of the four who have fought in the secret world before. I think it was because I was seriously injured. This time directly suffered trauma and fell again.

However, Wang Sheng was somewhat puzzled by the origin of the Adventist World. He always felt that there were some problems. The origin of these people should not be so easy to fall, so Wang Sheng was somewhat doubtful that they really fell.

The two sides confronted each other, and the situation was very tense. The moment has reached a point where it is about to trigger. After all, the formation of opportunities cannot be faked. Those who first touch the opportunities will inevitably take the lead.

Only Moxu Emperor and others in the latitude world have not yet arrived.

Wang Sheng thought deeply, the Emperor Moxu did not necessarily have to rush here, there is a possibility, they know the situation here, so they are preparing, ready to go.

At this time, not far from the core, the Emperor Moxu, the Emperor of the Spirit Pole, the Boy of the Magic Pot, and the giants of the ancient Mongolian people are all standing in the void, and their figures are not hidden. They occupy four directions of southeast, northwest.

In the center is an altar. The altar is the boy of the magic pot. The role it can play is to call others to exist through the latitude of the space.

The four people provided their own power, and the altar had been activated, but after a while, the magic pot boy opened his eyes and said a little irritably: "The distance is too far, what the **** is here, why is it so far."

Several others also opened their eyes, and Emperor Moxu frowned.

Emperor Lingji asked directly: "Is there any possibility of success?"

The Magic Pot boy waved irritably, "Success is of course successful, but the strength you provide is not enough. If the Wang Emperor is here, it should be easy to pass the gods and calculations with his strength."

Emperor Moxu interrupted, "Don't forget to think that Taoist Wang Sheng has clearly told us that he will not give in on this kind of thing. Are you still thinking about whether Wang Daoyou will give up the opportunity, how can we do anything."

The magic pot boy was not angry, but just gave everyone a cold look and sneered, "Since you all have this kind of consciousness, why do you still expect to get a chance, plus the **** operator, how about them, or the whole latitude world. No matter how impossible it is impossible, the owner of this opportunity has already decided."

Everyone was slightly silent, the eyes of Emperor Lingji changed, and finally he didn't say a word.

Emperor Moxu said with a clear voice, "It is not us who is not clear, it is your devil boy. Our plan from beginning to end is not to **** the chance, but to prevent the other two worlds from snatching the chance. This is our real purpose."

She stared at the magic pot boy, "You can have the awakening to prove that you have seen it clearly, but in case Wang Daoyou does not value the chance, and it is our sin to fail to cause the other two worlds to seize the chance."

Lingji Emperor took a deep breath, as if she had rid of the greed she should not have, she had a clear look, "Magic Pot Boy, thank you for your reminder, Emperor Moxu said yes, our purpose is only one from beginning to end, that That is to prevent the opportunity from being born, or destroy the opportunity, as to seize the opportunity, it is not in our plan, nor can it be our purpose."

Gu Meng nodded slightly, obviously the same attitude.

After seeing the same three people, the magic pot boy has no expression, "I hope you are talking about your heart first, make it clear first, if you are confused in front of the opportunity, you want to seize the opportunity, this boy can not accompany, you don’t need to die. Drag me."

A few people didn't put unsightly words on the magic pot boy in their hearts. After the incident, they all knew that this seemingly most moody magic pot boy was actually the person who always kept calm, even in this class. Before the opportunity, there is no unreasonable behavior.

"Well, since that's the case, Liu will try again, this time I think it should be able to succeed." Moguan Tongzi glanced at everyone with a deep meaning.

There was a slight change in the spirit of Emperor Lingji, knowing that he had to keep his hand or let the magic pot boy see it, so he had to ask before.

Because he was still greedy and wanted to compete for opportunities, he didn't want to lose too much power, which was also the reason for the failure.

In fact, this kind of greed shouldn't have been born because Wang Sheng had faced those Hunyuan Supremes before, and he had a decent attitude, as well as the kind of strength that overlooked repression, which made him have some contempt for Hunyuan Supreme.

This is the reason for greed in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in the final analysis, the so-called greed is not a mistake, this is the need to fight for chance, in order to be enlightened, you can give up everything, naturally you must fight for everything, impossible Giving up.

It’s just that the power is not enough now, and there is no chance of success, so they have to give up.

The four again poured power onto the altar, lighting the altar, and the power output lasted for a long time. The power of several people was fully revealed.

The altar had a different reaction than before. It slowly rose into the sky, and the lines on the altar circulated, gathering the power of the four emperors, and merging into the most central position, and igniting the point where the most core was.

The brilliance was released, very bright, and the space was stirred in the air, and a portal appeared in the space, running through the two space latitudes.

Can already vaguely sense the breath in another space.

The magic pot boy opened his eyes, "God operator, don't come here quickly, rubbing anything."

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