Universal Asylum

Chapter 2346: crisis

The back road is also cut off. They are trapped in the illusion of this era, and the rear is also in the existence of the illusion. Among them there are many strong ones. Even during their stay, they have flown through a lot of existence. The emperor felt his weakness for the first time.

"Now only follow the trend, continue to move forward, look at that station at that time, perhaps only after reading this illusion, experience this illusion can successfully go out of the world."

Emperor Moxu glanced at the Divine Operator. Having said that, she could feel that the Divine Operator became more interested in this world. Maybe these people wanted to leave here, but the Divine Operator might have other things. Some purpose.

The origin of the **** operator has always been somewhat mysterious, and people are not mysterious, but since entering this vein, it has been mysterious since then. The most peculiar thing is that each generation of **** operator will only find one successor in his life, and the quota can be radiated from the strong. To ordinary mortals.

Regardless of how this person existed before entering the Divine Counter, it might be the powerful presence of the inferior God Counter, or perhaps a mortal with a mediocre weapon, but after entering the Divine Counter, the power will change and become The true successor of the God Operator is also the same. This is the power of the God Operator.

If you don’t know a little bit about the Divine Operator, you will definitely think that the Divine Operator is taking over the inheritance. After all, it’s impossible to put anything from a mortal into an absolute strongman.

Emperor Moxu was a little wary in her heart. She understands that people like God Operators will never have the so-called responsibilities in their hearts, but only gains and losses, but it is also very simple to ask God Operators to always be on their side. Just keep yourself on your side and always have more power than the God Operator. Naturally, you don’t have to worry about the God Operator doing unfavorable things.

The Divine Operator is always a realistic person, or a person who conforms to the sky.

Everyone can only move on.

But outside the core of the world at this time, because the latitude world that broke the balance has entered, the world of devourers and the world of descenders naturally entered here one by one. The scene they saw is exactly the same as many emperors in the latitude world have seen, and even followed , They also have the experience of the latitude world emperor, this is a dangerous world.

If Wang Sheng can see this scene, it should be known that this space is not as simple as he imagined, and it will not follow everyone’s perspective to change. Only he has entered this different space, although they are all the same fantasy world. , But the rest of the existence entered only later times.

If the energy that formed Wang Shengqun into the era consumed a total of 90%, forming the world of those later generations, only 10% of the power was consumed.

But because of this, the need to face the real side has also been weakened a lot, and the dangers encountered will naturally be much easier.

The crowd continued to move forward, encountering stronger and stronger forces, and more and more real things. Even they had a feeling as if they were really involved in this world to make battle choices.

These are real creatures, and the only unreasonable thing may only be that they cannot see these entering existences.

Emperor Moxu's face was heavy, and the golden bell above his head was violently vibrating, destroying the strength of the road, but then came the strong shocking force from the Admiralty, so that Moxu emperor snorted, the gas machine was disordered, and he encountered backlash.

This time, it wasn't her turn to resist the aftermath of the attack, but this time the attack was obviously too powerful. It was not the emperor who could resist, she only had to shoot.

Faced with the emperor's gratitude, she only nodded slightly, her heart was heavy, and the situation encountered was becoming more and more critical. As the emperor's strength, they really showed their weakness here.

Although the outbreak of Emperor Bao can be combined with the Hundred Yuan Supreme confrontation, it is impossible to continue the confrontation. In this case, it is far less convenient than the Hundred Yuan Supreme.

For example, now, if it is Hunyuan Supreme, you can avoid these attacks without choosing tough confrontation, and the strength of them is also uneven. It is impossible to completely avoid those attacks.

"A change must be made, or we won't stick to it."

The emperors gathered together, and the emperor who was resisting the attack was here to discuss.

The person who speaks is a weaker emperor, and it is his turn to attack in the next wave. He must consider for himself. If it is the same attack as before, he cannot resist.

Emperor Moxu nodded slightly, this was a fact, and the reason why these people were called was to discuss a result.

Several of their top emperors have already discussed this matter, and there are naturally changes.

It was just that he hadn't spoken yet. Suddenly there was a wave of strong fluctuations from outside. Emperor Moxu's face changed, Jin Zhong flew out, and then he kept up.

After everyone went out, they could only see a golden light ramming left and right in the void in front of them, flicking the stream of streamer away, and then the Emperor Moxu stepped forward, and Admiralty suspended above his head, suppressing a gas machine.

The palace threatened to shake in the void, releasing a ray of light, completely covering the area.

But it has temporarily taken over the guardianship responsibility of today.

As for the emperor at the beginning, the vitality has almost disappeared now. It is conceivable that if Moxu Emperor reacts a little slower, I am afraid that this emperor will soon fall.

The Divine Operator stepped forward and looked down under the Admiralty, where there was a vicious machine vaguely, which was the previous emperor's vicious machine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said in a deep voice, "What happened, it happened whats the matter."

Emperor Moxu closed his eyes and opened his eyes after a while, "I have asked, and suddenly there are a lot of ventilator coming out in front of you. As for the power, you have just seen that no one can resist except the few of us. It should be that there is a war ahead."

"The subject is at least two Xeons."

The God Operator's white eyebrow raised, "That is to say, it will still encounter such an attack, and it is getting stronger and stronger."

This is a nonsense. After all, as you continue to move forward, the threats and attacks you encounter will become more and more powerful.

The Divine Operator is just stating a fact, facing everyone who has gradually become better.

"It seems that the plan needs to be changed. The original plan was to increase the number of guards and take turns to speed up. Now it can only be increased by three. Each side guards to ensure safety, and the speed of turns will continue to accelerate. It's easy, I hope everyone will be prepared."

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