Universal Asylum

Chapter 2355: 1 trigger

Although the fierce beasts of the Devourer World seem irritable and irrational, they are formed by negative emotions, but when they reach a certain level, these fierce beasts will have real reason and will not be different from any creature.

Not to mention these mixed yuan supreme, it is not to be underestimated.

At this point they were puzzled but carefully looked at this suddenly entered world, as if they were on their way. Nothing was found before entering, and once exposed, they were immediately exposed.

Now they seem to have no way to go out. This space seems to have some similarities with the previous world. It is impossible to distinguish between true and false, and there is no edge.

The only thing that is fortunate may be that there is actually a rule here, which can increase their strength in a fair amount.

They obviously did not realize that the rules here are more beneficial to Moxu Emperor and other personnel.

"What are people doing in those latitude worlds." These Hunyuan Supremes have already guessed what they are willing to let them into the world here.

Except those who first entered the latitude world here, I am afraid there is no other possibility.

"Those ants, with the help of the great treasure, dare to offend me, etc., and now even dare to set traps, it seems that they were underestimated before."

Another Hunyuan Supreme snorted, "It's just that they came here to pick up a cheap one, but unfortunately they didn't find that they have been seriously injured to that point, otherwise it should be very simple to do it directly."

They also reacted from the people in the latitude world, and the reaction from the advent world, only to see that the few Hundred Yuan Supremes were afraid that they would have been seriously injured already, so they were easily achieved by the latitude world.

"Okay, don't discuss it, start exploring here, you should pay attention to the realm, don't be bitten by the ants in the mouth, no one will save you." Another impatient waver of the Hunyuan Supreme, whose status is obviously not low, Even let these few Hunyuan Supremes stop talking, but start exploring in the world.

The world is not big. According to the law they explored, I am afraid that Moxu Emperor will be found soon.

Not only the Devourer World, but also the existence of many of the Adventurous Worlds, which are also exploring the world today, but they can also communicate than their Devourer World. The presence in the Adventurous World seems too silent, they are more like a Given the mechanical soul, there is no communication at all, but it can still be seen that they still act regularly, each responsible for one direction, searching the world, and the speed is also extremely fast.

Nowadays, these two worlds have the existence of Hunyuan Supreme, and their numbers are not as good as before, but after all, they are Hunyuan Supreme, and their existence cannot be resisted by Emperor Moxu.

Now that such calculations have been made by the Divine Operator, the original ambush cannot be formed. In order to lose the dominant position, from this perspective alone, the Divine Operator has betrayed them.

Emperor Moxu's eyes moved, because the ancient Mongolian giant in front of him suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time the giant sword behind him shook gently, and one of his wills came out as if it was sad.

Emperor Moxu is not surprised, how can a sword have such emotions, they have seen too many expressions, and they even judged from the emotion of this sword that the ancient Mongolian giant's action should have almost failed.

Sure enough, the ancient Mongolian giant shook his head in the eyes of the two, "Not found, Jianyi eventually exploded, but also no gain."

Emperor Moxu nodded without showing any disappointment. This is a matter of course. The God Operator cannot be found in such a straightforward way, nor can he wait there without moving.

The ancient Mongolian giant said again at this time, "But it's still a bit of a harvest. The **** operator should still be in the neighborhood. I can feel a gaze, but I can't find the location."

"The **** operator didn't shoot me, it should be that he can't shoot at will, and he has no time to manage the world affairs, so this may be an opportunity."

Emperor Moxu narrowed his eyes, "Maybe it is the God Operator who believes that Taoism cannot be accomplished, so ignore it."

The ancient Mongolian giant shook his head, "Impossible, seeing this sword of mine, he may not make a shot, but there is only one possibility, that is, his flawless avatar."

The Emperor Moxu's eyes lit up, and the ancient Mongolian giant would not speak at will, which means that he had absolute confidence that the **** operator was indeed unable to shoot, and he was very confident in his sword.

There are some mysteries in it, but she is still willing to believe in the ancient giant.

"I don't know what he is busy doing. Perhaps it is because the arrangement of such a world has made God's operator unable to guarantee a doppelganger."

Emperor Moxu continued: "Now when we think about things, we can't start thinking about it when we can't wait for me."

Emperor Lingji groaned slightly, and then nodded, "That's fine, this is also an advantage for us. The rules here must be free to use."

"Now I might have to face not God Operators, but those Hunyuan Supremes. Originally, we had the advantage and hid in the dark, but now the God Operators have exposed me and have lost their advantages. Facing those Hunyuan Supremes, We need to pay more."

Emperor Moxu shook his head, "This is no way to get things done. We must resist these hybrid supremacy before we can further break the world. I suggest telling the outsiders the truth about the matter. What do you think?"

Emperor Lingji was a little surprised, "Daoyou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This matter is not right. The God Operator may leave hidden dangers in it. If it cannot be ruled out, I am afraid that I cannot truly believe these Taoists."

Emperor Moxu shook his head, "It's okay, since it has reached this point, then it's meaningless to hide it, and everyone who knows it will know, otherwise I'm just afraid that when those Hunyuan Supremes strike, they can't resist at all, they are all real. The emperor, who owns Dibao, cannot be underestimated."

"And even if there is a God Operator's eyeliner, we have no choice. God Operators can only be the enemies of the future, not the enemies of the moment. If we do not defeat those Hunyuan Supremes, we may not even have the future."

Emperor Lingji sighed, "Okay."

He didn't know this situation, he just raised the hidden danger, but he really had no choice.

So a moment later, Emperor Moxu and Emperor Lingji took the lead to tell the suspicion about God's fortune teller, and the severe situation nowadays was clearly explained.

"Everyone is an emperor, and Dao Xin is no worse than anyone else, so now is the time for you to make a decision."

List of chapters of the high-speed writing hand hitting the Wanjie shelter

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