Universal Asylum

Chapter 2399: crack

Mengchu was shocked, and Wang Sheng was in his heart at this time that he was far beyond all of them, and it was far beyond, so that Wang Sheng could tell the crisis and it must be terror for them. of.

  Mengchu thought of the river for the first time.

  Wang Sheng nodded slightly at Mengchu, and then stopped trying to communicate. If Mengchu could communicate with him, he would have tried it for a long time, and he would not wait until now, so it is inevitable to be able to get out.

  He inferred that concepts should help communicate between them. After all, compared with before, it was because of the traces of concepts that deepened the connection between them, so that Wang Sheng could perceive the existence of Mengchu.

   It can be said that this step is already the original purpose of Mengchu.

   He was relieved in his heart to let Wang Sheng know his existence. Now, as a follower of Wang Sheng, he must consider Wang Sheng every action and combine with Wang Sheng's interests.

But he smiled bitterly. Although he said that he was exposed to the existence of the concept, it was impossible to make the concept continue to progress. At least for a short time, she was impossible, because he could not understand, even now he knows the meaning of the concept, but Unable to know how to use the concept, or even free to manipulate it, Wang Sheng said that he should try his best to develop the concept.

   But it is not that there is no chance. First of all, one of the opportunities here is really related to the concept. Second, whether there are similar latitude world powers that have obtained similar opportunities. There is also information about the concept, and even the opportunity.

  If you get this kind of thing, it should be possible to make your own concept progress again.

There are many civilizations here. You can see by looking at these stars. Every star has their existence. The stars are huge, but the distance is not far away. Most of the previous existences in the latitude world have left here and went to Other stars.

   "Crazy Daoist, then you will act by yourself. You promised that Wang's things have been done, and you don't need to have any debts in your heart."

  Wang Sheng nodded slightly towards the sensed Mengchu direction, and then left directly.

The madman has a happy face. Although he trusts Wang Sheng, it does not mean that he likes to be with Wang Sheng. Being with Wang Sheng, it is too much to be suppressed. Especially after he understands the concept, he feels more The suppression of Wang Sheng is even stronger.

  For Wang Sheng's impression, he has changed several times, and each time he made him refresh the concept of Wang Sheng's strength and more interested in Wang Sheng's origin.

  Don’t look like he really believes in Wang Sheng very much. In fact, he still has a sense of caution, so now for him, separation is a good choice.

   He even felt a long-lost sense of freedom. He didn't know that there was a Mengchu beside him who looked at his expression changes in his heart.

  Mongolia looked strange, knowing that the madman was afraid that something would really happen between him and Wang Sheng.

   He pondered slightly, whether he was following a madman or acting on his own. In this state, it is actually better to follow a person, because he can’t touch anything, of course, that kind of opportunity can still be reached.

   But following crazy people, some unexpected changes can be dealt with.

   So I can still make up my mind to act with the madman. Although the concept may deepen the connection between the two people, it is that Wang Sheng’s understanding of the concept has reached a degree, even far beyond their premise.

   Today, the madman and Mengchu have no connection and no feeling. The madman has not even found a little abnormality.

   At this time, Wang Sheng was above many stars. This is already the highest point in the universe. Wang Sheng is now looking for the trace of the mother river. He did not see the scene when the mother river left, but only saw many scenes that were falling.

  Muhe must have just left, it is impossible to disappear in an instant, so there must be another space here.

   Wang Sheng searched for conceptual consciousness, but he could not find any traces for a while. He has just tried to rush out of the void, but there is no trace. As if the void is endless, he can’t go through at all. The space here is endless.

  Wang Sheng pondered, in order to find a clue, there is actually another way to try it.

After entering here, he discovered that the concept here is not without contradictions. It is also full of that concept here, and contradicts himself again, but Wang Sheng always converges his concept, so he made this contradiction. It seems less conspicuous, but he can be sure that if he fully exerts his concept, it should be enough to stimulate the contradiction again.

   When the time comes, it may cause some changes, then it is Wang Sheng's opportunity.

After the idea was settled, the whole body concept burst out, and then sensational void, all the moments of the stars seemed to be shaking, and there were the existence above the stars, even all the existence above the stars looked up to the sky, they felt the world It seems to be very fragile and will be destroyed in the next moment.

   At this moment, Wang Sheng has completely inspired the contradictions in this world. Concepts and concepts are competing with each other, which has surpassed the contention before entering.

It is still gradually strengthening, Wang Sheng has never so thoroughly inspired the concept~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has a hearty feeling in his heart, the strength of the whole body is exerted, so that his true spirit is relaxed without any restraint .

  Contest between concepts and concepts, which can be illusory or real. Under real circumstances, I am afraid that the existence of this space and all the fighting in the space has disappeared, but in the illusory state, no one can discover that the concept is true.

   The present vibration of the void is an expression.

Although it seems relatively calm, in fact, it has reached the most critical moment. In such a state, even Wang Sheng can’t support it. He also feels strenuous, and the other party’s concept has reached a peak. Continued to a level of confrontation.

   Finally, when Wang Sheng gradually felt strenuous, he suddenly looked up and an abnormal thing appeared above.

  Wang Sheng no longer hesitated, his fingers moved lightly, and a sword flew directly out of the eyebrow, and then directly felt the abnormal position before stab directly into the sky.

  The sword is silent, but after playing it out, a crack appeared in the void immediately. When the crack appeared, the original king rose so that his body disappeared and disappeared completely in this starry sky.

  After Wang Sheng's body disappeared, the world was so flooded that the concept disappeared and the world calmed down again.



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