Universal Asylum

Chapter 2427: Tong Gua

  Wang Sheng didn't answer, just said: "Since the question has been asked, if there is nothing else, you can do it."

   He gave the **** operator a last chance and knew that the **** operator was suspected of delaying time before, but he didn't care, because he also wanted to know what the **** operator now exists and what combination it forms.

  The noble operator nodded, "Although hope is slim, the poor people still have to work hard for the avenue, and Taoists pay attention."

   The voice fell, and a world compass appeared under his head and feet, as if the compass had not been destroyed before.

   But if you take a closer look, you know that this is just a phantom. The real compass will not be the case, and the power is not the same. This is the concept of the imaginary compass.

  The compass silently covered Wang Sheng, and the emperors behind Wang Sheng, including Moxu Emperor and others, had been covered in the compass.

  His purpose is very clear, and there is no cover up, just for these emperors, let them fall.

   This should be the first plan of the God Operator, in order to let these emperors fall, but I chose the way to boil the frog in warm water, and I didn’t shoot it directly.

  Wang Sheng inferred that he should not have finished his preparations, so he didn’t shoot directly, but now there is no way, because if he doesn’t shoot, he will never have the chance to shoot.

   The emperors' faces were dignified. At this moment, they really realized that the God Operator never concealed their living thoughts, but actually needed them to fall to the end.

Emperor Mo Xu narrowed his eyes and was very calm. She suddenly said, "God operator, the concubine believes that there is no condition for you to become enlightened, and all the Taoists should have nothing to do. At the last moment, can the Taoists be puzzled, why? Do something like this."

   She really wanted to know what the relationship between God’s calculation and enlightenment had to do with them. In the final analysis, they were just one by one.

The only answer she can think of in her mind is that several of them are inherited by the emperor. Perhaps the **** operator needs the inheritance of the emperor, but after seeing the strength of the **** operator, and knowing the level of the **** operator clearly, she will not be like this anymore. miss you.

   The compass still covered again, and gradually declined again, as if the world of the compass had appeared again at this time, and the indifferent voice of the Divine Operator came out.

   "It's very simple, you are from the latitude world, and the rules of the latitude world on you are what the poor need."

  Moxu Emperor didn't expect that the answer was really the one she denied.

After waiting for her to continue to inquire, the rules around the emperor suddenly rose up, and the avenues of these emperors, not only the emperors around, but also the emperor Moxu himself, at this moment he could not control his own avenue. Give it up, as if to merge with the compass.

  Wang Sheng kept watching, and then nodded. It turned out that this heaven and earth compass turned out to belong to the real world of latitude.

   also understood why the need for Moxu Emperor and others was needed.

These emperors and emperors have all born their own rules, but this premise is that they have extracted too many rules from the world of Satoshi Latitude. These emperors can be said to be the products of the birth of heaven and earth in the latitude world, and they have a deep connection with heaven and heaven friends. It can be said that each emperor represents a rule in the latitude world.

   If this compass of heaven and earth is really the heaven and earth in the latitude world, then after absorbing these regular avenues, it is possible to truly complement and complete, and produce mysterious changes.

   So this is what the God Operator wants, he is already the master of the heavenly path in the latitude world theory, and he has taken such a path.

  Moxu Emperor is not stupid. After his emperor treasure palace and emperor treasures including Lingji Emperor and others took the avenue, they finally understood what God’s operator wanted.

   Her heart shook. It turned out that from the beginning, their Liu was already in the plan of the **** operator. If it wasn't for Wang Sheng's existence beyond expectation, I'm afraid they had no possibility of resistance.

   At this time, there was a quiet voice beside him, "Moxu Daoyou don't need to think about these, as long as they take care of their own avenues, after all, we are already invincible."

  Moxu Emperor looked to the side, and he was talking about the Emperor Tonggua, "Dongyou, Tonggua had long expected Wangsheng Daoyou to appear."

   She remembered that Tong Gua seemed to say that their turnaround was on Wang Sheng.

   Tong Gua shook his head, "The Taoist is too high to look down on, how great this predecessor exists, and how can it be calculated under it, and if it can be calculated under, then the **** operator can also be calculated."

   "Just don't care about these results in the future, because in any case, no effort can be made to change anything at this time. It is better to let go and wait for a result completely. Now it seems that the result is not bad."

  Moxu Emperor no longer speaks, and the Tong Gua still hasn't changed his belief in fate.

   Wang Sheng's eyes paid attention to the bronze hexagram. In this person, he saw something similar to the god's counter, that is the avenue, and the world without latitude has to be connected.

And after the compass absorbs these people's avenues~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This copper trigram seems to be resisting, in fact, it is more like letting nature go, combined with the words just now, it may be normal, but plus the heavenly path in his body The taste is very abnormal.

  The behavior of Tonggua is very secretive, but it still cannot hide Wang Sheng's unique consciousness.

   Wang Sheng suddenly had a kind of enlightenment. If the avenue of the Tonggua was allowed to be absorbed by the Heavenly Compass, I was afraid that the Heavenly Compass would be instantly complete and the concept would be enhanced again.

   Therefore, it is said that God's operator is still calculating, and even now he still intends to make it clear.

  His real goal is not the Emperor Moxu and others, but the Tonggua Emperor.

   When Wang Sheng's eyes noticed this Tong Gua, Tong Gua also opened his eyes, looked at Wang Sheng, and then sighed.

   "Sure enough, it was still seen by Daoyou."

   beside him, Emperor Moxu opened his eyes wide and realized what.

   Then saw Tong Gua nodded at her slightly, and then the whole body directly turned into a powerful avenue rising into the sky, and then contacted him before exuding the avenue, and then it would merge into the compass in the sky.

   But the most important thing is that he took the avenues of Moxu Emperor and others together to the sky.

   including Emperor Moxu and others, all of them were pale, and then spit out a bit of blood fiercely.

   "Meditation!" Wang Sheng's voice sounded in everyone's ears, especially the Emperor Moxu, because the mind was shaken, there was a case of being repulsed at this time.

   But immediately responded to Wang Sheng's warning and suppressed the avenue.

   is also justifiable, after all, I did not expect that everyone around me could not believe it.


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