Universal Asylum

Chapter 2438: contract

   "The distribution is very simple, according to their respective contributions, you and I can sign a contract, divide the contributions by contract." Holding the dust, mysterious peak opened.

The information contained in it still makes Wang Sheng inexplicable, because he never knew what contract, and had contacted a supreme contract, there should be a supreme creature, although it is not known what level this supreme creature is, but according to the contract at that time Judgment is beyond his level.

   Therefore, the Supreme Contract should have no effect, that is to say, at these conceptual levels, there is something similar to the Supreme Contract.

   The dragon snake sneered at the pinnacle, "I discovered this thing first, even if I sign a contract, I have to push it forward and sign the contract from the time I find it."

  Fuchen Pinnacle has no objection, "Yes, but the reason why the poor people came here is because they have information in advance, and this part should also be included in the contract content."

   "The contract is not omnipotent, if you just stood and saw this thing, so fabricated false information." The other party objected.

  Fuchen Peak smiled, "Where is this place that I don't have to talk about poverty, do Taoists think that poverty can make up information here."

   The other party looked ugly at the peak of the dust, where time is still, it is indeed impossible to fabricate false information through time means and hide the contract.

   He nodded coldly, "Okay, just follow this method."

   Both peaks agree, and the Jiuzhongtian existence has never spoken, to see that his camp should really be with the dragon head of the snake body.

   Both sides looked at Wang Sheng. He looked calm and said nothing.

   "In this case, sign a contract."

The dragon snake was at its peak. One of its arms was sketched in the void, and finally a rune was outlined, and then a ray of light was born in the rune. Only a moment, this rune was complicated to the limit, and finally formed a special and Stable structure.

  Although it is very complicated, Wang Sheng found that he could easily imitate this rune structure as if it were born to be understandable.

  That is to say, even Wang Sheng can outline the runes by his own means.

  Is this a so-called contract?

After the structure was stably formed, the dragon head of the dragon's body didn't stop, the arm continued to wave, and a few strokes were added to that structure, which eventually made the structure more complicated. Wang Sheng almost instinctively knew that this was the dragon dragon's body. The content has nothing to do with the contract itself.

   An example is that the paper was created before, so it is a stable structure. Now, it is using this special text to write on the structure and write the requirements of the leading snake body.

  After he finished writing, he directly passed the structure, that is, the contract, to the peak of Fuchen.

  Fuchen Peak took a closer look, and then added his own content. Then he smiled at Wang Sheng and flicked his fingers. The contract came to Wang Sheng.

   Wang Sheng's face was calm. Looking at the contract, close contact and long-distance contact were no different, and he could clearly and simply see the content of the two expressions on the contract.

The dragon head snake has the concept seal, and the content is written: the discovery of the "things" credit, occupying 10%, with the companion bonus combat power, occupying 10%, each person has 10% of the foundation, the two are 20%, except for the first time, also As a peak concept, he also occupies 10%. In the end, he alone occupies 40%, and his companions together account for 50%. As for how they are allocated in the end, it is their business.

   Seeing this, Wang Sheng still looks calm.

   Conceptual mark of Fufeng Pinnacle: Learn the news in advance, occupy 10%, each person will distribute the foundation 10%, the pinnacle concept exists 10%, add up to a total of 30%.

   is 10% less than another peak existence, but according to the above allocation seems to be very reasonable.

  Wang Sheng did not first question this distribution ratio, but looked at the integration contract, which he now has a very clear structure of the contract.

   But it is not clear where this contract leads to him.

   The supreme contract is the path to the supreme heaven. How does this contract make people believe his notarization power and guarantee the interests of everyone.

  Wang Sheng didn't hesitate too much, he directly consciously touched the contract, and then it seemed that the integration contract was shining momentarily, and paused for a moment, without any whims. Wang Sheng probably knew in his heart that this contract should not be a trap.

  He had to refuse to deliberately fade his mind, and at the next moment, through the contract he seemed to be linked to a mysterious space.

   In that space, there is a behemoth entrenched in it, but I can’t see the real appearance of the behemoth, but I only know that this is a behemoth.

   There are countless rays of light connected to him, and through the countless rays of light, you can see the contents one by one, and those should be all contracts.

   So this thing really is a tool to sign a contract?

   Wang Sheng consciously jumped out of the connected light easily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then came to the behemoth next moment and touched it, as if a sea of ​​thunder appeared.

   The sky is also an endless thunder, and there are countless lightning connections between it and the ocean.

   Thunder and lightning can't hurt Wang Sheng, or there is no meaning to hurt people at all.

  Wang Sheng sensed a unique concept, or a similar concept, but something faint and detached. This kind of thing is expressing fairness to him, as if this thing is to ensure fairness.

   Wang Sheng's heart flashed with different colors, is this the power of the next realm, actually appeared so easily in front of him?

He doesn’t think that the few people who have dealt with him will be so kind, so he is doubtful about his true face, but it should have the ability to execute the contract, that is to say, this lightning ocean should have a strong ability to protect the completion of the contract. .

  Wang Sheng didn't know more in a short time, and the outsiders were already impatient.

   "Human race, what are you doing, don't sign a contract yet." The leader of the snake body frowned coldly.

   Wang Sheng is still calm. He still doesn't know what they are fighting for, but according to their contract, it should be allocable.

  To tell the truth, there is no specific appearance of this thing, the contract is a funny contract.

   But at the conceptual level, Wang Sheng can know that this thing refers to what they want to compete for and distribute, and there is no possibility of ambiguity at all.

   gave him the feeling that he had replaced that thing with this text.



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