Universal Asylum

Chapter 2475: inherited

However, even if the hope is slim, you need to know it after verification. After all, some things may be inexplicably described, but you know the world view of the entire world, maybe you can see something.

In addition to this, he also wanted to know that the world must be cultivated into layers, but such a view cannot understand the realm between each other, because it is not the exchange of consciousness, Wang Sheng is a little curious about this realm of existence.

The two temporarily stopped communicating because they had realized that it was too slow to communicate with each other by opening their mouths. Instead, they had a painting before, which allowed them to complete the communication without slowing down.

Both Wang Sheng and that being are sorting out what they need and transforming it into a picture.

Soon, the two finished finishing up. In order to show sincerity, Zi Xiao directly transformed the information he knew into a picture, which contained the myth and history of the entire world, as well as the historical process, and various Civilization, guessing the world, and finally have to practice the realm, and even include some simple exercises.

Wang Sheng nodded his head, accepted it all, and then released the content she had organized. This time, she never showed any more, and directly displayed the countless fragments of the world he saw, as well as the ordinary world view and the realm of practice.

Of course, Wang Sheng did not say that they might live in a divine city, and it was a unique world created by existence, nor did he say that Wang Sheng and others were outsiders, just to explore something.

This information is not impossible to say, but it is a very test of one's ability to accept. If the other party has more information exchange later, Wang Sheng can also exchange it. The equivalent exchange is very suitable.

At the same time, Wang Sheng is also processing the information contained in the other party.

The myths of this world, like the myths of many worlds, are similar to the story of the earth, and then many gods and demons rob the living space.

This is not surprising. After all, the birth of each world is born of chaos. The creatures born from chaos are innate gods and deities. With enough strength to open the world, they will naturally try to open the world, and then they will find that this is the way to start. The benefits of the world to them naturally will rob them of the most valuable in developing the world.

At the point of Wang Sheng, many things can be explained, even if it is such a mythological scene, so there is no coincidence, just the inevitable birth of a world.

In the process of opening up the world, the figure of Zi Xiao has appeared. It is itself a congenital chaotic demon born in chaos. It created the world with many gods and deities, and was robbed by other gods and deities.

Around this world, they waged a war, and finally the war ended with the disappearance of one side. After they fell, their body also merged into that world, and became a support for the growth of the world.

This world is the world of Zixiao.

The rest of the gods and demons entered this world, and began to create the world further, and there were many myths and history in the development of civilization.

In this process, they played different roles, and because of these differences, contradictions that inevitably erupted occurred. Therefore, in various battles, these initial gods and demons who created the world all disappeared. The remaining few are few, Zi Xiao is the last winner, named Dao Zu, who controls the world of Zi Xiao.

Seeing this, Wang Sheng finally had some surprises, because he felt some kind of inexplicable familiarity.

Not paying attention to this, he continued to read.

In the process of creation and development of the whole world, there have been various cultivation civilizations. The chaotic gods and demons have also changed their cultivation methods again and again. The mainstream that is finally determined is the cultivation method in the world of Zixiao today.

Wang Sheng looked at the past one by one, and found that these realms took mortals as the starting point, and then began to ascend step by step until he practiced to a level similar to the Hunyuan Supreme, passing a total of 33 realms.

This division of realm is actually very similar to the outside world. One more realm and one less realm is only because a certain realm is not carefully divided and does not affect the final realm promotion.

These realm names do not overlap, but after the Hunyuan Supreme, the realm becomes generally unique.

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the concept of two identical names appearing in front of Wang Sheng surprised him a bit, but he felt right.

After all, at this level, the difference in names is the biggest problem, because the two realms started to be the names that were formed after understanding Dadao. If they are different, there is a difference, which can only explain that there is a deviation in the understanding of Dadao. This is a very horrible thing, because it means that a spiritual civilization has reached the fork.

Obviously, despite the closure of the Zixiao World, it finally came to the correct path, and Wang Sheng’s realm of Zixiao has also been clear in his mind. It is the existence of the pinnacle of concepts, and several concepts he has seen. There is no difference in the peak state.

Wang Sheng's eyes flickered and grew to such a level in a big world, especially the big world is still closed, there is no open channel, and there is no object to communicate with, but relying on Zi Xiao to get to this step.

Even if Zi Xiao has a terrifying genius, Wang Sheng doesn’t think that this kind of thing will happen so easily. People without the concept of promotion simply can’t understand the difficulty of the concept of promotion. It’s really to get rid of almost everyone, and then find it impossible. may.

Except for Wang Sheng, who was promoted because of different roads, every other existence was inherited before he was successfully promoted to this step. Full of fluke accidents ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But the most important thing is information transmission, and its own solid foundation.


Wang Sheng faintly realized what Zixiao must have hidden. There should be some inheritance in this big world of Zixiao. Regarding the concept realm, or more, and how this inheritance appears, he has no doubt. At the beginning of the Shenshen City, there were too many great acrobats at that time, and it is possible to leave inheritance here.

He was pondering slightly, thinking about how to trade with Zixiao in exchange for what he needed, and also waiting for Zixiao to react, because at this moment Zixiao was in a state of surprise after seeing the information given by Wang Sheng, As if immersed in the world, I began to appreciate the different scenery.

Even if he is indifferent, he needs the world to accept the completely strange worldview, and it may contain something that touches it, which is worth studying. Wang Sheng understands and believes that Zixiao will soon accept it.

Soon after, Zi Xiao sighed and ended the immersion.

"Let Daoyou wait for a long time." He saluted again.

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