Universal Asylum

Chapter 2514: micro structure

The number of dragons in this world is very small, and due to the limitation of gods, and the character defects of dragons themselves, the quality of dragons has been reduced sharply.

There are already very few people who can be promoted to the conceptual realm, and most of the rest are gradually grown up to become the supreme realm based on the years, and there is no further potential.

The strength is not the strongest, and the number can be said to be the least. So the power and momentum of the Dragon Clan are getting smaller and smaller here. If it is not for the protection of the goddess of life, it may have been completely extinct.

Wang Sheng can only shake his head. After learning some legends, he knows that these dragons are generally very bad in character, arrogant, but very lazy, greedy for money and greed, unable to control themselves. Dao realm is growing, but in his view, Dao Xin But there has been little progress, or it has stalled.

This is the main problem for the Dragons. They don’t fight for themselves. If the natural factors are better, it won’t affect Wang Sheng’s research, but if it’s because of problems with their inheritance and there are obvious shortcomings, then Wang Sheng needs attention. Because perhaps this method of leaving the heritage is not perfect, leaving some shortcomings.

To verify that this is very simple, there are dragon clan where the elves live, and among them there are the dragon clan with concept realm and the dragon clan with Hundred Supreme Level.

After saying hello to the goddess of life, Wang Sheng moved freely.

For the goddess of life, it was just a race created at the beginning, and you can make some help if you have the ability, but at this moment Wang Sheng's value is obviously not comparable to these dragon races, let alone just do some research, even It is to destroy this dragon clan, and it should be in exchange for Wang Sheng's shot.

For the elves who are natural and pure, the goddess of life may like it a little. For the dragons who have brought her some troubles with bad personality, this kind of blessing can be discounted.

Wang Sheng has come to the elven tribe. He saw those elves with long ears and similar appearance to the human race. The natural life span is very long. The micro-born species cannot be derived from each other, only born from the world tree, so the number is scarce. , But even so, it is much more than the number of dragons.

And most of their characters are relatively positive, so the state is generally not low, it can be said that it is also a very powerful race in the world.

In this elven territory, the dragon lives in some **** areas and is sheltered by several concepts. It is also regarded as the strongest gathering place for dragons in the world.

Perhaps because they are all created by the same goddess, they still have some entanglements with each other, so they will not fight hard or compete for territory.

The Dragon Clan may have such an idea, but their strength restricts them from doing such a thing at all.

In addition, the elven clan's impression of the dragon clan is actually not very good, so it can only survive in the horned area.

Wang Sheng glanced at it, but it added up to thousands of giant dragons. Their realm was uneven. Of course, there was a kind of meaning of being sacred at birth. Divided into several stages of youth and adulthood, the strength will also change accordingly.

He just glanced at it and shook his head. Sure enough, the world's attitude towards these dragons is not false. These dragons are too lazy. Even though almost ninety-nine dragons are all sleeping, although sleeping can grow the realm, it is obviously far better than Do not practice alone.

And the most important thing is that there is no guardian in the entire Dragon Clan, as if you should feel relieved in the elven territory.

The few who were so awakened were not doing some inexplicable things to guard the entire tribe.

In addition to a few dragons, it is also the top dragon of the dragon family, and is now in a state of spiritual practice.

These concepts may be because at this point, they finally realized some problems, or finally matched their own Dao Xin, so the situation shown was not the same as these dragons.

But he is also alone and has no idea to change the entire dragon family.

Under the eyes of the goddess of life, this is the case. One can imagine what the real dragon looks like in the world. Perhaps it can be described as terrible.

Wang Sheng's body moved slightly, and has appeared in a cave of a conceptual dragon. This dragon is not practicing, but is still in a sleepable state.

However, it should not be lazy, just because it is just at this time that this dragon is the most powerful of the entire dragon family. It is already the pinnacle of the early stage of the concept, and it is always possible to be promoted to the middle of the concept and then integrate the gods. The system is not weak, or rather strong.

Wang Sheng didn't wake up the dragon, he didn't care about the cooperation of the dragon, so he could explore quietly without any trouble.

The consciousness could directly enter the dragon's body without any perception by the dragon dragon, and instantly understand the dragon's body structure.

But there is no surprise, and there is no discovery. If its special feature is so easy to be discovered, then it has been discovered by more powerful people.

In fact, any power in this world is composed of infinitely tiny particles, and this tiny is almost infinite.

For example, in the age of the earth, microscopes can see things at the cell level, so more precise microscopes or more high-tech things can see smaller structures, which also constitute cell structures.

And continue to develop, there will be machines that can see even more tiny substances, and it can also be found that this structure will continue to be tiny~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The same is true of spiritual practice. The basis for breaking through a realm is to understand this The realm corresponds to the microstructure, which constitutes the soul, the flesh, or the regular minute structure.

The structure is infinite. In theory, no matter where it is, it can continue to be miniaturized, and you can see a more detailed structure.

But for some existences, it is limited.

For example, mortals, because they are not cultivated, their microstructures will be fixed in a realm, and it is impossible to create smaller structures or find more microscopic structures.

Perhaps it has a deeper level of structure, but the level it has limits it and cannot successfully break through.

This situation is a little deeper and better structured, because the representative still has potential, but lacks the observation method.

And the kind that does not have a microstructure, to continue to promote, I only need to construct a new microstructure, but also need a new way of observation.

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