Universal Asylum

Chapter 2538: transaction

"This transaction should only be a hand to you. As a reward, you can propose what you want. If it can be satisfied, I will not be stingy, and I will not be stingy until you are exploring the battle that happened in the ancient times. If you want to know, I I can tell you more details."

This existence looks like a transparent, just a silhouette, Wang Sheng shook his head, "Your Excellency does not even have the most basic sincerity, are you still trying to make Wang Mou trade with you."

"Before that, I want to know who your Excellency is and what it has to do with this world. Wang Mou will not deal with an unknown person at will."

The person was silent, as if thinking, perhaps because he hadn't communicated with the person for too long, so he seemed to be unresponsive.

In short, Wang Sheng waited for a short period of time before finally seeing this figure as if it was a little clearer, as if he was just trying to make his own existence clearer.

"Sorry, I am in a special situation now, I am afraid that I cannot let your Excellency see my real body. I have tried my best, and my main consciousness is still asleep. Now it is just a subconscious mind, similar to a mechanical procedure, which cannot satisfy Daoyou. Too many demands."

Wang Sheng interrupted his speech, "You even know the mechanical procedure?"

Technological civilization is not available on this continent, especially programs and the like. Even after Wang Sheng walked out of the earth, it seems that he saw only a handful of technological civilizations. Even after he walked out of the infinite world, the technological civilization seemed to disappear.

The advent world I have seen before, in which technological civilization is more like a false fantasy, so it seems that civilization is developed, but it has nothing to do with technology.

But even so, if someone in the world can know the mechanical civilization, he will still not be surprised, after all, this is extremely normal.

But in this ruined world, it is a bit strange to meet someone who knows the existence of so-called mechanical procedures.

"Mechanical civilization is also a powerful civilization among spiritual civilizations. Although I have never practiced mechanical roads, I still respect mechanical civilization very much." The existence replied.

Wang Sheng didn't ask too much, but just looked at this figure. In this way, he had to guess that it was correct before. This existence is just not so simple to restore its sobriety.

The existence in front of us cannot be said to be the true consciousness of this existence.

Wang Sheng shook his head, "If this is the case, Wang Mou doesn't believe you can meet Wang's requirements. I was really interested in that battle, but you should see that I have already got what I need. The so-called information Although I’m curious, I don’t want it.”

"Simply put, there is something you can take out of your hand to make Wang Mou interested. If it is your body, I might believe it."

If it is true compatriots here, he will naturally not have such an attitude, but as this consciousness says, he is just a program, he can’t even call his true freedom, and naturally can’t meet Wang Sheng’s too many demands.

For example, the most basic argument is not what this consciousness can do.

Although Wang Sheng wants to test the meaning of this bottom line of consciousness, it is more because this is his inner thought and the reason why he left so decisively for the first time.

There are almost no benefits here.

This consciousness fell into silence again. At the same time, there appeared to be some changes in its body. An old man with a strange appearance appeared on the spot. The decoration was very normal, similar to a robe. The reason is weird because this body seems to be a robot with a superficial appearance. It's too smooth.

Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, and he saw a little difference, and this existence was completely different.

There is more vitality in the body, as if from a robot to a real creature.

Sure enough, the old man shook his head in exclamation, "I didn't expect to meet a Taoist friend again after a lapse of many years. It seems that my recovery is worthwhile."

"The poor Taotuo Taoist, who has seen Taoist friends, does not know how to call friends."

Now the real robot in front of him is really the real body of this consciousness, that is, it is awake.

Watching the other party say hello, Wang Sheng also responded first, "Wang's origin."

"Fu Tuo Dao You must be here now." Wang Sheng looked up and down strangely.

As if he knew what Wang Sheng was thinking, Futu directly smiled and shook his head, "Don't need to guess, this is not my real body. It was just a mechanical body created by a mechanical civilization Taoist for me. I put it in my eyes, but now it is my only body, and I can only meet with Daoyou in this way."

He took a deep breath and continued: "Please forgive my friends, I am not in a good state now, and time will not be too much, so many things do not have time to answer my friends."

"It was the previous question. I invited Daoyou to come here just to make a deal with Daoyou."

"I am confident that I can still provide Taoist friends with something interesting. Even if the Daoist in that battle is not in the eyes, I should still be very interested in the road after the concept of the real body."

Wang Sheng's look remains the same, but he has already kept in mind the mechanical civilization just now, as well as the realm information he is likely to get in his hands.

He is indeed already interested.

"If Wang Mou did not guess wrong, Taoist friends should still be within the realm of the real concept, which makes it difficult for Wang Mou to communicate with friends about the next realm."

This old man is still calm~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although the state is trapped at this step, the poor Dao really has some information in control. For the reason, Daoyou can probably guess that it was the war at that time that made the poor Dao fall. This is the end, but it was also the same battle that year, so that the poor Dao was blessed by disasters, and saw the clues of the next realm. Countless years have passed, and it can already be called a message with a correct rate of 90%, so Taoists need not doubt me It will falsify and even give some information to the Taoist friends to let them judge the authenticity. "

It sounds like this old man's trading intentions are very sincere, Wang Sheng groaned slightly, "Daoyou hopes to get something."

"Wang does not necessarily have something to satisfy Daoist friends."

This consciousness shook his head, "There must be Taoism for this thing, otherwise I will not invite Taoism."

Somehow, Wang Sheng always felt that the robot's consciousness looked at him with some envy.

Wang Sheng thought a little, still shaking his head, the conditions were too few to judge.

Futu sighed, “The Daoist’s road to the Daoist Road is afraid of being stronger than everyone else. It really makes the poor Dao envious.”

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