Universal Asylum

Chapter 279: White tiger

Upon hearing this, the old man did not respond, and the strong man who had already sat in the third seat in the front row sneered.

"You still want a chance, a group of stubborn eyes, if it wasn't for the old bear, I stopped, you are afraid that you would take the teacher's skills, and the teacher is also generous. For the old bear, I still have a life. , All ended up in blood."

Everyone was furious and no longer disguised, and pressed unscrupulously towards the black bear or even the old man on the Golden Bridge.

The seven people who were already seated in the seat suddenly stood up, staring at the crowd alertly, their hands faintly glowing, and they were ready to fight.

All the humanoid figures here are the ancestors of the Fa princes, and most of them are the cultivators of the power. The momentum touches the air, and the wild beasts around it can no longer bear it. They can't suppress it and prostrate on the ground, sobbing.

At this moment, I only heard a sound of drinking and uploaded it from Jinqiao, but the voice was clear and powerful.

"Er and others are all good at cultivating for wild beasts. When cherishing the current practice, don't lightly start the war. Although Er and others don't sit down for their ancestors, ancestors also appreciate the difficulties of Er and others, so they don't prevent Er and others from listening. Tao, but if you rely on force to disturb the order, Hugh blames the poor for punishment."

On the Golden Bridge, the young Taoist stared at everyone coldly with black and white eyes, and said the source.

Yes, everyone under the Golden Bridge is the incarnation of the wild beast, such as the strong man, but it is a black bear who has been practicing for many years. A courage is very strong, and ordinary moralists are not opponents, and since I heard the old man preaching Later, his supernatural powers rose even further, so he had long disregarded these former opponents, and he had no fear of facing everyone.

Now there are reasons for this kind of scene, but the old man on the Golden Bridge suddenly took the Golden Bridge and took two apprentices to escape into the wilderness not long ago. Coveted.

Whether it is for the golden bridge that looks like a baby, or the avenue of the old man, it is exciting. At first, there were people who were afraid that the old man’s cultivation behavior was not easy to do, but as more and more people, finally someone Outrageous hands.

Even so, it did not try to find out the skills of the old man. All the people who shot at the old man were blocked by the rest. However, since the old man entered the wilderness, he preached everywhere. There are some wild beasts who have the chance. It was still the bear blind man, because the old man managed to lead his strength and reach a round shape, and his supernatural power increased by three points out of thin air.

Xiong Xianzi was very respectful to the old man. After secretly listening to the sermon several times, he finally couldn’t help coming to the teacher, and the old man didn’t refuse, so he took him down to record his disciples, and it was at this time that he knew the old man sat down. There have been two brutal beasts with similar origins as named disciples.

As the day passed, the old man preached again and again, attracting more and more people. During the period, he gathered seven named disciples and helped the old man to resist many opponents. As the time grew, many opponents heard The old man preached with respect in his heart, no longer trying to kill the old looters, but secretly listened like them.

Originally, they were safe, and the old people were allowed to listen to it. Everyone benefited from it for a while, and the listening team gradually grew larger. Finally, when they came to the foot of the Tianshen Mountain, they had such a scale.

But who thought that today the old man should take out these seats, it seems to completely distinguish the named disciples such as Xiong Blizzard and their uninvited guests. Although the cause is unknown, everyone is very dissatisfied, Not only because of the issue of differential treatment, but also because they finally noticed these days. This old man is probably an unusual person, and this seat gives them a hunch that they might become enlightened in the future.

Therefore, everyone can't hold back and want to get a seat, and the reason for the trouble is also to take the opportunity to test the attitude of the old man.

The young disciple behind this old man opened his mouth, and everyone was slightly silent, but one of them suddenly shouted, "Which onion do you count, I need your control!"

At this time, everyone on the field turned their heads and looked at the stranger with strange eyes. They wanted to grab a seat, but they did not want to offend the old man, and naturally they would not offend the two Daoists who are obviously disciples of the old man. Such offended the man, could it be lively and crooked.

It wasn’t the barbarian ancestor who was present, but a barbarian that had not yet been transformed. He already had human limbs, and he was as strong as the bear blind man, but he had a white tiger head on his head. Behind him there is a black and white magnificent tiger, which looks very fierce and fierce.

At this point, everyone looked to him. He felt uncomfortable and took a step back, blinking innocently, "Look at me, it's not what I said."

"Which kid are you, tired of being tired, roll over to the old bear and kneel down to compensate the master!" Xiong Blindman's roar resounded through the audience, and a huge bear paw has been stretched out to catch Tiger head barbarian.

The numerous wild beasts next to the Hutou suddenly panicked, and there were those who were far away, explaining that they looked strangely at the Hutou, with a little sympathy: "I didn't expect it to be this, this time he was miserable."

"You know him, Xiongtai, why don't you talk about it." There were those who had learned a few words of humanity and couldn't help but shake their heads.

"You don't even know this, you know that I am a wild ten genius."

"Naturally know." The man responded a little as soon as he answered, and asked in surprise: "Is this one of them."

"Yes, this person is the white tiger among the top ten geniuses. He is very strong in innate cultivation. He heard that he has a very talented talent since he was a child. It is his golden iron body that is praised. It is said that he is called Xiao Jin body by himself, and with Xiao Jin body and his cultivation behavior, although there is no more power behind him, he is firmly seated in the top five!"

Everyone who cares about it is amazed. I didn't expect this tiger beast to be the famous genius.

"But he is miserable at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if he is a genius, how can he be able to beat Xiong blind man ancestors, let alone offend the mysterious Taoist."

Not to mention others, the tiger head beast was toppled by a huge bear's paw, and it seemed to be looting. That tiger head beast also knew that he had played too much, but he did not flinch, but a roar of the tiger, his body transformed into a three-footed one. The tall and huge white tiger, with a breeze rising at its feet, rushed to the black bear's palm.

At the moment of contact with the black bear's palm, his body suddenly turned into the color of fine gold, and he slammed into the black bear's palm.

With a loud noise, the black bear felt a great force on his palm. He couldn't help but stop for a moment, but the golden giant tiger saw the opportunity, the divine light flowed under his feet, and disappeared in a blink. In kilometers away!

If Wang Sheng is here, it can be seen that the white tiger is using the Buddha's magical power!


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