Universal Asylum

Chapter 312: Right and wrong


In front of the attic, Li Qing and Li Yi opened their eyes at the same time, with blankness in their eyes, and then they saw each other, Li Yi instinctively smiled, but Li Qing had complicated eyes.

"Don't wake up yet!" Li Qing shouted in their hearts, Li Qing and Li Yi were shocked and completely awake, and then realized that everything before them was just a illusion. Realizing this fact, they found that the originally clear environment gradually Disappeared, all the pictures disappeared, and at last there was only a little emotion.

"This is, what's going on!" They all coincided, and they looked at each other and were puzzled.

Li Qing was sensible and thought of his father's mention again. His body shook and he bowed down and said, "The disciples meet the ancestor!"

Li Yi was still at a loss, just thinking that he seemed to have made a dumbfounded, ridiculous dream, but seeing Li Qing saying this, he also knelt down in fear and said, "The disciples meet the ancestor."

After a long while, a golden light shot from the attic, and hovered slightly in the air before falling into Li Qing's hands.

Li Qing reached for it and found that it was a glorious Fu Zhao. He suddenly moved his heart, and then he was overjoyed, knowing that it was the ancestor's reward in the attic.

"This symbol is the commanding palace. With this symbol, you can be the elder of the middle school, enjoy the worship, and supervise the host. This symbol seals a magical spell that can be launched when it is in danger. Go!"

A soft force wrapped Li Qing's whole body, and a flower in front of him, he found himself outside the compound, surrounded by father and mother and many ethnic elders.

He was slightly fascinated, and knew the meaning of the ancestors. I am afraid that the position of the head of the family has nothing to do with himself. He sighed suddenly, and then he was a little surprised to find that there was no resentment in his heart, but he was a little relieved.

He was stunned again, but with a bitter smile, he held Fu Zhao tightly and stopped talking.

Li Yi was a little anxious and a little envious. He thought that Li Qing’s baby was the ancestor’s appreciation of Li Qing. If he didn’t get it, he might not have performed well enough to enter the eyes of the ancestor. It was because he thought that he could not make his ancestors look down on himself even more, so he bowed his head in his heart and dared not speak.

Finally, there was a voice again in the attic.

"You can be the next sovereign, but be wary of arrogance and arrogance. When you are in awe at the moment, there is a seat to watch, and there are elders to supervise.

Li Yi was nervous. He didn't hear the voice coming from the attic as the successor of the country. He thought that it was the position of the head of the family. He was suddenly stunned and felt a sense of surprise.

After counting the interest, the attic ancestor seemed to remember something, adding: "This ancestor left your ancestor on the breeze ancestor, but it is useless to this seat. Now it is rewarded to you, you can take it immediately, You don’t have to tell the story afterwards, you can understand it in your heart."

"Open your mouth!"

Li Yi opened his mouth instinctively, only to see a red light directly into his throat, and then a gentle airflow penetrated his body, which was very comfortable.

"Okay, go for it, and explain to everyone in the outside world that nothing will disturb this seat!"

When Li Yi was too late to respond, it was a soft force to send him the parcel and send him out of the yard. He looked up and found that his father and mother Li Qing and the old people of the tribe looked at themselves.

There were surprises and expectations in the eyes of the mother. The father was a little stunned but also a little happy. The old people of all ethnic groups kept silent except the old ones.

"Yi'er, you were received by your ancestor." Father asked hurriedly.

Li Yi shook his head stunned.

Then I saw my father's and mother's face changed, and they all shook their heads in disappointment.

For some reason, Li Yi thought of the ancestors' previous account and then said: "But the ancestor said that I would be the next sovereign, and said that nothing should disturb the ancestor!"

Mei Suqin and Li Hong raised their heads in surprise, Li Hong's mouth trembling, and finally shouted a few times, "Good! It's a good son for the father." It seemed to think of something, and quickly turned to look aside Li Qing said: "Being a person, Qing'er is not bad, but also proud of my father."

I saw that Li Qing just shook his head gently and his face was slightly complicated, but he smiled at Li Yi and said, "Congratulations, Brother!"

Li Hongmei Suqin was stunned, and Li Yi was a little dazed, but he still smiled bitterly and said: "The brother is ashamed."

Li Qing shook his head, "This is what the elder brother deserves!"

Seeing the friendship between the two seemed much better, Li Hong was even more pleasantly surprised, and Mei Suqin was also puzzled, but he was relieved in his heart, and finally had a happy result.

Soon after, remembering Wang Sheng's account from Li Yi, Li Hong dared not ignore it and hurried away with everyone.

In the attic, Wang Sheng slowly opened his eyes and shook his head.

The previous environmental test, although it was an illusion, everything is a true emotional reaction in the hearts of the two of them. It can be said that there is truth in falsehood, and not all is illusory.

Wang Sheng looked at the performance of both. Li Qing was firm on the surface, but in fact his heart was weak. For the first time, he turned his voice into the bottom of his heart to confuse him against his father’s opinion. As a result, he was afraid and did not resist. He did not know that if he really resisted, Wang Sheng would give him a high glance and let him succeed as the head of the family.

And the second time he bewitched and let Li Qing see a magic knife, suggesting that he killed, but Li Qing did not even have the courage to hold the knife, and in the end it was completely crazy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although this time The test is different from before, and it is not for Li Qing to really resist.

But the best choice was to give up this thought because of Gu Nian's family's kindness to him. Unexpectedly, he was afraid in his heart, but he was scared and mad.

At this point, Wang Sheng does not need to be tested again. This achievement of Li Qing's life is the most innate foundation, and there will be no more achievements.

However, although Li Yi's performance afterwards was quite satisfactory, he was better than Li Qing after all, and Wang Sheng was a little surprised. Finally, he chose to accomplish with him.

Wang Sheng shook his head, hoping that his loose congenital pill could take him one step further. Although either Li Qing or Li Yi in the environment, there was one person who finally achieved the Fa, but in fact it was just a kind of expectation and obsession in their hearts He believes that as long as he succeeds the head of the family, he will succeed in the Fa.

In fact, looking at Wang Sheng, the qualifications of the two of them are quite different from the achievement method, and the most achievements are the innate peaks. Such achievements are not enough for the future listening country.

However, this is only a short time, and it may be possible to cultivate a few good seedlings from their heirs later.

Wang Sheng closed his eyes slowly again, no longer ignored foreign affairs, and entered a state of cultivation.

However, Li Fu from outside has always been very lively. The return of the two sons determines the position of the next head of the family. No matter what, everyone has to be excited.


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