Universal Asylum

Chapter 360: Useful

  The ban was centered on the Sanshui River, and the whole country was banned. The general found desperately that there was nowhere to go!

After such a delay, the three Jiao whistling came and rushed out of the banned area as if they couldn't stop it. The strong and desperate ban had no effect on it. After flying out for thousands of kilometers, it seemed to be noticed What turned around was a bit surprised, and then he remembered the existence of the ban and hummed with dissatisfaction.

  It turned out to be the case, but I thought I could have fun with Uncle Ben!

The three murmurs of dissatisfaction, the body has once again flew back into the ban, the general has not urged the Shanhe Society Jitu again, because the whole body has been dried up, now standing is reluctantly maintained by firm will, he looked at the pale The huge three monsters clenched their teeth tightly, reached into their arms and took out something tightly in their hands, and started to operate according to the method passed by the sovereign.

Suddenly enough energy came from the things in his hand, and the tired body suddenly released greedy suction, which absorbed all the energy, but only a moment, a strong repulsive force bounced the general's hand away, making him unable to again. Absorb energy.

   But just so, it is enough! ~

General    took a deep breath, suddenly shouted, and took out a bizarre spear-shaped weapon in the palm of his hand.

   "Spiritual Deficiency, immediately preside over the plan of Shanheshe Jiji, keep this thing properly, be sure to hand it to the sovereign!"

General    once again took the things in his arms to the hands of a middle-aged man behind him, Shen Sheng ordered.

   The middle-aged man's complexion changed a lot, and he immediately knew that the general was planning to sacrifice himself to let himself and others escape, or to let himself and others escape with the treasure of the country. He also knew the situation, nodding sadly but sadly.

www#qiuxiaoshuo#com??С???  The three generals who were coming were driving, and suddenly laughed.

   "Can die in the hands of such gods and beasts, and it will not be a waste of General I!"

  This moment of ambition and ambition surged in his heart, and his whole body was gathered in one place. Suddenly a huge golden eagle emerged from the front. The general stepped up and stepped on the golden eagle.

   "Hey, that's kind of interesting." The three song Jiao were a little excited, so they screamed habitually.

   Usually he does this in the face of adversaries, the purpose is to show his existence and majesty, so the roar actually contains his strength that is not weak.

   But he apparently forgot that he was just a small physiognomist, so the general with great ambition was unlucky.

The imaginary fierce battle did not happen, and the imaginary sacred sacrifice did not come true, but in that roar, the golden eagle shattered underneath, the heavens and earth were flipped over, and then the consciousness perished forever, and the forward body seemed to float The sound wave that was born in a roar slowly fell.

But at this time, the big general laughed and laughed but couldn't count in the past. The middle-aged man on the Shanhesheji map looked at the general with admiration while controlling the Shanhesheji map, but the next moment he found a strong wave The general blew the air and even blew the temporarily unowned Shanheshe Jiji to the side of the enclosure.

  People on the map of Shanheshe suddenly panicked and filled with despair, how can they confront these monsters.

After the three roars of the jolly joke, they planned to step forward to teach the boy who looked rampant, but after opening his eyes, he found that there was no one in front of him, only the seemingly extraordinary pictures and their Everyone who went upside down.

   "What's going on!" The three Jiao Jiao were a bit stunned.

w#ww@qiuxiaoshuo~com????? С?   The next moment came an impatient dog barking in his ear.

   "Wool, the movement is so big, quickly drive them all away, be careful that the murderer and the magic weapon chase over!"

  Thinking of the dull brick seal before, the three jigsaws shuddered, and then nodded with a lingering heart. The thief's left and right glanced around, and suddenly the sky turned into the three clear rivers below.

   And the four-week ban disappeared at the same time. In fact, this is not a ban, but only the domain of the three worms.

  When the people of Shanheshe Jitu didn't react, they saw that the beast in front of them disappeared, and the ban seemed to be nonexistent. In a blink of an eye, the Shanheshe Jitu flew out of Sanshui Kingdom relatively slowly under the control of a middle-aged man.

  Despite unknown reasons, the treasure of the middle-aged man didn't dare to stay at all, while controlling the Shanheshe Jitu to fly away, and looked back at Sanshui with a heavy heart.

   "It must be that the general has exerted some kind of supernatural magical power, let us escape smoothly at the cost of our lives, general!"

  Middle-aged man was full of tears, and finally turned around and took everyone away.

   "Treasure of the country must be handed over to His Majesty the Lord! Only in this way can the generals have great expectations!"

But at this time in Sanshui Kingdom, the general fell unconsciously in a forest and was covered in floating soil. The movement of his fall was not small, but no one came to find him, so the coma for three consecutive days was completely When he was awake, he left Sanshui and returned to Dayan with a dazed mood. Of course, this is something to say.

  And said that while the middle-aged man took everyone away, a message had been sent from the Sanshui Kingdom to the Fengfeng Kingdom.

"The Dayan mission was driven away by the Sanshui Kingdom's holy beast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it seems to have a treasure on it!" Li Hong, Li Yi and the elder elder looked at the information in the palace, their eyes flashed .

W@[email protected]$com   "Sanshui's attitude seems very clear." Li Yi has matured a lot now, and said in a deep voice.

Both Li Hong and the elder elder nodded. The Sanshui Kingdom’s gestures were very obvious, and the reason was clearly marked by the other party. Say hello to Wang Sheng at the beginning of the letter. True monarch!

   "The question now is whether we should take the opportunity to start!" Li Yi then continued.

  Li Hong and the elders looked at each other and smiled slightly. Li Yi's growth during this time was indeed not small, and he could already make a clear and sensible judgment.

"Once you start, it must be an endless situation. In such a situation, I must hear that the weak wind will cause heavy losses. Unless the ancestors make a big deal, instead, if they don’t, they will continue to be fooled with the big swallows. Because of the existence of the ancestor I dare not dare to do it, I can take advantage of the opportunity to develop my strength." Li Yi continued.

  Li Hong and the elders of the clan did not speak. After a slight pause, they looked at Li Yi.

   "What kind of thought is the sovereign?"

  Li Yi smiled slightly, "According to the idea of ​​this king, naturally it is inclined to the latter, but this is not what the ancestor wanted to see, so we are destined to be unable to coexist peacefully with Dayan."

Li Hong didn't agree, but shook his head, "Yi'er, remember, the ancestor never asked us to do anything from beginning to end. Even if I don't choose to go to war, the ancestor will not force me, but is it with Dayan? Is it really good for me to live in peace?"


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