Universal Asylum

Chapter 364: 5 colored stones

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The turmoil in the world makes all the spiritual beings in the world feel, but the changes after the turmoil in the world are more shocking.

what is this!

A behemoth comparable to the world ran into the world, and a shadow appeared through the sky. The vision and the sun on both sides of the world were below it, let alone this heaven and earth.

In a trance, all practitioners felt a big mountain appeared in their hearts, which made their hearts heavy.

Unknown! Absolutely unknown!

Not just a prophet, but the feeling of a whim.

The shadows between the heavens and the earth are getting bigger and bigger until they finally cover half of the heavens and earth. Although the light is still not greatly affected, the sense of depression felt in these half of the heavens and earth is increased, like a change in gravity.

The world has stabilized, not changing, leaving only the suspicion of the world.

But no one knows, not only this world, but in the real world high up in the world, many great beings are looking up in one direction. There is doubt that it is the boundary of the real world, but it cannot be confirmed because no one can really arrive.

But at this time there was a violent shock, as if suddenly contacting another location.

"finally come!"

Information reverberates in the real world, not the self-talk of one person, but everyone's expectations.

Compared with the people of the wild world, their levels are too much, and most of them have survived in the ancient world. Whether they are prophecies or guesses, they know more, and they have prepared too much for this moment.

finally reached!

The realm is completely calm.

It was in such a situation that Wang Sheng, who was in retreat, suddenly shook his body and suddenly raised his head, feeling that the top of his head seemed to press a world, and he heard the thunder.

The catastrophe of heaven and man was somehow accelerated, and Wang Sheng's world was shortened again.

what happened!

Wang Sheng noticed the changes between heaven and earth, and even noticed everyone's emotions from the information scattered in the heaven and earth, and the vicious temper that was faintly hidden in this heaven and earth.

Like fear! Wang Sheng's eyes blinked, and his eyes closed, his consciousness had been raised to a high place, attributed to the crystal of consciousness immersed in the realm.

So he instantly felt the turbulence of the real region and the great existence that no longer covered up the Qi.

"So much!" Wang Sheng consciously recognized many Qi machines. If he thought about it, did these people always exist in the real world or did they appear recently, and where are their real bodies at this time.


Suddenly, curious information came from afar, and Wang Sheng's consciousness moved slightly, and was discovered!

Thinking a little, he still withdrew consciousness, and instantly changed the position of crystallization of consciousness.

It seemed to be possible to hear the regretful sigh of the great existence in the distance before leaving.

Wang Sheng had already expected the consciousness to return to the body. He was afraid that the world change would finally come. This time was earlier than he expected, and the changes brought by it were beyond his imagination.

What exactly is it! What is that monster that is close to cultivation?

Could this be the culprit in this changing world to the present level!

Wang Sheng opened his eyes, and the change of the world did not break his plan, but it gave him a sense of urgency, and if there were no accidents, the future of the world and the world would seem to be even more powerful because of this inexplicable change!

"We must speed up!" Wang Sheng's eyes flashed and he closed his eyes again to enter the state of spiritual practice.

The beings of heaven and earth were frightened by this change, but after the time passed, they did not post any changes that could threaten their changes. They were relieved one by one, and only half of the world was covered, as if they were divided into two worlds. Not used to it.

This shadow happens to cover half of the northern wasteland. Because the wind is in the middle of the northern wasteland, the country is just outside the shadow, but it is only a few miles away from the shadow.

Many people originally lived in that area, but because of the inexplicable pressure and the heavy heart, everyone moved out of this area.

Seeing the strangeness of this place, Li Yi shut all those criminals here, which is equivalent to being punished daily, but until everything is used up.

However, listening to the wind, everyone did not have much thought to pay attention to the changes in the world, but it was a vigilant preparation, always preparing for the final decisive battle with Dayan.

A few days ago, Li Yi had received the message from the old clan and Li Qing. Although the disappointment and the baby did not get the hand, as the old clan said, once the shot was taken, it must not fall, and also sent troops to block the border, intending to capture all Dayan Envoy.

If there is no accident, today is the moment for news.

Finally, at ten o'clock in the afternoon, he quickly came to the palace on a Pegasus, holding a box to see Li Yi.

"Your Majesty, the news came in front of you. Until the early hours of yesterday, the big country veterans had imprisoned those who had Dayan, and no one escaped." The messenger said loudly.

Everyone in the hall looked happy, Li Yi was a row of seats, excitedly said: "Okay, great nations have made great contributions, and this king will be rewarded."

The soldier then presented the box in his hand and said in courtesy: "This is the object that the old man of the great country has found in the arms of one of them. Because he had been attacked and killed by a wild beast when he met this person, he could not know more about this box. However, according to the elders of the Great Powers, this thing is not owned by the man. It should be an important object of Dayan to be kept by this person.

The box was not the Dayan's thing, but the big clan's old man made it to hold the object.

Li Yi's eyes were curious, and he took the box from the nearby minister. The box developed unexpectedly. The box was very light, and the things in it were that he had no weight.

He glanced at Li Hong at the bottom, and when he saw his focus, he took a deep breath and opened the box.

Suddenly, the colorful light emerged from the box. Li Yi was alert to throw the box at the first time. The box fell to the ground crisply. In the panic cries of everyone around, he slowly lifted into the air and hung in the air like that.

The multicolored light is releasing, dyeing the main hall with colors is very strange.

For a long while, all the people recovered from their panic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at the multicolored objects in the air in amazement.


Li Hong said in surprise.

"Back to the shiny stone!" Li Yi nodded his affirmation.

Everyone is also a bit puzzled, what is this?

"There is no vitality, it looks like a mortal." Li Yi groaned slightly.

Li Hong blinked, "Maybe I can't see his ability."

Everyone nodded consciously. Indeed, if it was just a mortal thing, how could it emit colored light, and how could it be suspended in the air?

"Take it down and put it in the box." Li Yi said in a deep voice.

In any case, letting this stone float is always a hidden danger.

Li Yi and Li Hong and others left the hall carefully, and only the deceased stepped forward and took it down carefully into the box.

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