Universal Asylum

Chapter 378: Rebirth

Not everything is a treasure, but also a scourge.

   The multicolored stone Wang Sheng at first glance knew that it was not suitable for himself. It was a singular object with a mission to this world, and had its own master or its duties.

   Anyone who takes this thing must undertake cause and effect, which is not good for Wang Sheng who is determined to leave this world.

  If heaven and earth hadn't changed, Huanglong Real People left this multicolored stone, which is Fuyuan, but now, it's just trouble.

   "No matter what the plot is, this Huanglong real person can't get past this level." Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, not just because of the stone, but also his perception of Huanglong.

  The strength of one body is not because of the cultivation of Taoism, but the talent is different.

  Simply put, he has no Daoxin, at most it is the first level of Daoxin.

  Wang Sheng smiled slightly, he didn't see it in his eyes from beginning to end, besides deterring, he was also for temptation.

  At this time, within the palace, Li Qing and others were suspicious and hesitated whether to disturb Wang Sheng.

   Wang Sheng looked in his eyes, "So hesitant, there is a secret in this child."

   Former Li Qing was afraid of Wang Sheng, but he also showed respect. Now Li Qing has only fear and only worry.

   Wang Sheng's eyes circulated. This definitely changed Li Qing's body. It seemed to be two people from the past, but it wasn't a win.

   The corners of his mouth were slightly warped, and his eyes closed.

He will only give this child a chance. If he finally chooses to meet him, no matter how secret, as long as he can contact his lucky dragon, Wang Sheng will not be entangled, but if he chooses to retreat, then he is not what Wang Sheng needs. People might as well be replaced by Li Yi who is not enterprising.


  Li Qing's face was sullen, his palms were constantly rubbing in his arms, and his heart hesitated.

  Large country elder looked at him deeply, waiting for his decision, whether to choose to alarm Laozu.

Da Guo Lao didn’t know what Li Qing thought, thinking that he was only worried about what happened before that caused Wang Sheng’s disgust and didn’t recognize him. Da Guo Lao also had the same worry about this, but compared with Huang Long, he took away this colorful stone , He thinks this matter is more important.

  Even if he will be punished or even worried about his life, he must choose so in order to listen to the wind, and he allows Li Qing to drive Li Yi to the throne, but will not allow him to hurt the wind.

   After all, the reason why he helped Li Qing was just to listen to the wind better.

  Will the old man be disappointed! There are worries in the minds of big nations.

  Li Qing doesn't know everything about the thoughts of big country elders, and he knows 90% of them, because he is the one who knows the big country elders best.

   And the reason involves his biggest secret, but also the root of his hesitation!

  Because of him, he is born again! It is the one who has been guarding to the last from the last battle to guard the wind hundreds of years later!

  Li Qing didn't know the reason. He only knew that he was just closing his eyes and found that he had returned to hundreds of years ago. Although he was shocked, he still accepted it.

   But just when he was full of joy and ambition Lingyun, intending to lead the wind to the bright road, to make up for all regrets, he found a problem!

   He was horrified to find that in these hundreds of years ago, there was an extra person who was not in the original time!

   is the mysterious ancestor of listening to the wind, comparable to the real monks and even beyond!

  Who is it!

  Li Qing has a shock. In his time and space, there is no Wang Sheng, but everything except Wang Sheng is exactly the same.

   Even something that didn't have an answer was clear because of Wang Sheng.

   For example, listen to the wind to restore the country! The original time and space do not know why there is no specific information in this regard. Even though Li Qing personally participated, he did not know how to listen to the wind and regained his country. He only knew that there seemed to be help from mysterious forces.

   And the ancestors of the barbarian king became enshrined! I don't know what the reason is to keep it in the small country of listening to the wind.

   There is even the original listening style that no one coveted, and it became a top-notch existence step by step. Until the battle of annihilation, it was a force that everyone was afraid of.

   All of this was originally explained by his father, Li Hong, because he had the roots of listening to the wind, so there was such a situation.

   But in this time and space immigrants have become Wang Sheng's credit!

   seems to be more like himself, this mysterious ancestor seems more like a visitor through time and space, more like a successful rebirth!

  Who is it!

  Li Qing was puzzled. Although he told himself that it was not such a coincidence, he still inevitably guessed whether this is also a rebirth!

   Otherwise, why does history change!

  No, history will not change! Li Qing's ambition suddenly became firm. The listening style of the previous life is now in full swing, but in the following decades, he suddenly entered the end.

  All of this is because of the sudden chaos, causing chaos not only in the wind, but also in more countries!

   Perhaps because of his lack of strength in previous life, he did not know the existence of this ancestor. Perhaps his father Li Hong knew that the host Li Yi knew, but in the eyes of outsiders, including his own, this ancestor was all in existence.

   Now in this world, because of his appearance, he has changed some history and let him know more truth!

   But this speculation appeared flawed, because Wang Sheng in this world apparently did not hide his existence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even listen to the wind civilians know his existence!

   But Li Qing took a deep breath and ignored the flaw. Perhaps this is the truth, but his appearance changed the world a little bit.

  Li Qing's eyes are bright, this incident is not yet an opportunity, to test this ancestor's opportunity, since he was reborn, he has done many things, I want to compare it with what I have seen, maybe I already have doubts in my heart.

  If this ancestor really is as he thought he would come from, he will not tolerate him, but if his attitude is the same as before!

   Same as before! Li Qing clenched his fists, and this world is still his world. He can also rely on his prophet to seek more for listening to the wind, and even more for himself, to do what he dare to think and not dare to do!

   "Go, follow the king to seek ancestors!" Li Qing said slowly, with an unspeakable momentum all over his body.

  The eyes of the old big country lighted up, and there was relief in his heart, nodded.

  Wang Sheng in the pavilion closed his eyes and nodded slightly, this son, no matter how he came, he admitted!

  Li Qing walked into the attic a little anxiously, and the more he approached his emotions, the more awe he was, because he found something strange.

   He suddenly found that the attic seemed to exist in the distance, but in front of him, he looked again. It is like changing in the illusory reality.

  Li Qing is deeply until this is not because of the attic strangeness, but because of the influence of its owner!

   And such visions have descriptions and titles in the realm of his previous life.

   That is the legendary power!

   is above the real person, comparable to the ancient immortals, everywhere everywhere, and also the unprecedented realm of his previous life!

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