Universal Asylum

Chapter 380: Buddhism

When Li Qing and others left, Wang Sheng opened his eyes and thoughtfully.

  He can hear Li Qing's thoughts, know his suspicions about himself, and know that he has a secret, but he can't hear what the secret is.

   This situation is very strange!

  With his cultivation practice, Li Qing can't conceal his true ideas no matter how alert he is, but Wang Sheng can't hear it!


   Wang Sheng murmured, looked up at the sky, and carefully checked that he knew some clues. The power to stop him was a more illusory heavenly opportunity than the avenue.

   Unless he can jump out of this world completely, and cultivate to be above the real realm, it is possible to force through the heavens.

   In Wang Sheng's heart, Li Qing's existence is a bit mysterious.

   But all this has nothing to do with him, Wang Sheng's expression is calm, no matter how incredible secret he will not care, Li Qing's role is not great.

  Wang Sheng stood up, took a step and had disappeared in the house, appeared ten thousand meters above the wind.

   As soon as Wang Sheng appeared, the surrounding scenery was stagnant like time and space stopped, and the heavy pressure spread out.

  Wang Sheng looked up at the sky, the pressure on the top of his head reached the limit, just like the trend of extinguishing the top.

   The world gradually changed in Wang Sheng's eyes. The cloudless clearing gradually lost color and became hollow. Only a little light was constantly flashing, and it seemed to sense the slight rotation of Wang Sheng's appearance.

   Wang Sheng took a deep look, closed his eyes, and opened the sky again.

   "Time is not up!"

  Wang Sheng took a deep breath, and suddenly his eyes burst into dazzling self-confidence. This self-confidence is his self-confidence for his strength.

   is also self-confidence that he thinks is enough to deal with everything!

  And only Wang Sheng knows that in his heart of the Yuanshen, the surging power is ready to go, just like the Qianlong in the abyss, waiting for the dragon to fly for nine days.

   is the secret of the heart. After a long period of retreat, Wang Sheng finally made the secret of the heart transparent and fully developed, waiting for the time to come!

  Wang Sheng thought a little, he had sensed the mysterious fluctuations in the center of the Central Plains when he went out, and knew that there was the intersection of the avenues. It can be seen that this world is really at the last moment.

   So, he should also make some preparations.


   The Central Plains land, at the intersection of the four countries, has no power, but it does not mean that there is no people. On the contrary, the number of pedestrians and residents at this time is not weaker than any one country.

   And most of these people are people from the four great countries, who value the resources here to settle and practice here.

  Because of the superior terrain and special location, people with no skills can't survive here, so 90% of the people are practising morale, even at a low level.

  The ancestral ancestors who are often seen as ancestors in the outside world can be seen everywhere.

   It is possible that the owner of a small restaurant is an old ancestor of the Fa, and the man is a moralist who builds a realm, and no one who is a cultivator sells out loud.

   This is not uncommon, because this is the center of the continent and a place that everyone must fight for.

   There are no castles here, only the tribe-shaped Fangshi in the ancient times. The closer to the center, the larger the Fangshi and the more powerful its power.

   The reason is that the closer to the central square, the faster the speed of cultivation.

And in the most central place, it is now guarded by four square cities, but these four square cities are in charge of the four major countries in the Central Plains. They jointly blocked the location of the center of the Central Plains. The outsiders do not know their circumstances and prohibit any People enter.

   No one would dare not obey, because the guardians of these four Fangshi are all real people!

With the passage of time, the level of power of real people has been known to more people, and is clearly recognized as another state above the law. According to legend, the real people are only one step away from the immortal god. You can touch the true meaning of Tao.

  The core land of the Central Plains guarded by such four real people is naturally like an iron bucket.

   But today, uninvited guests are here! It is a group of bald monks in strange costumes. The number is only a few hundred, but all of them are above the dharma.

   A group of ancestor-level characters together, even the real people of the four great countries dare not ignore.

As soon as    appeared, four rushing weather machines appeared in the air.

   "Amitabha!" The leading monk is an old man, with a compassionate face, proclaimed the sound of the Buddha, and his golden light flew to the sky, and his body was not weaker than the four Qiqi.

   "Forbidden land ahead, trespassers die!"

  The old monk shook his head. "The places where the Buddha's light shines all have the true meaning of my Buddha. The land in front of me has a connection with my Buddha's gate.

   Unfortunately, this trick is useless to these real people.

   "Leave this place immediately within ten breaths." The voice came from a recent Qi machine, and a tall figure was looming in it.

   "Amitabha, so I had to teach several donors." The old monk sighed.

   "Kill!" Responding to him is the fierce killing intention and dazzling brilliance, that is supernatural power.


The old monk sat cross-legged in the air and looked like compassion like a Buddha. The golden light formed a mask outside the body. A looming golden shadow appeared behind him~www.wuxiaspot.com~Semi-pillar incense The old monk left immediately. "The old monk said softly.

   Jinguang was in contact with several Taoist supernatural powers, the air was shaking, and the buzzing sound completely submerged his voice, but after counting the rest, the aftermath dissipated, and the golden light only slightly fluctuated and did not move.

"Humph!" It seemed to be a cold hum, and one of the Qi machines suddenly rolled up, revealing one of the middle-aged Taoists. He looked cold and pinched in his hand. His body suddenly grew taller and taller, and turned to the size of the monk before facing the old monk. Reach out and press hard.

   does not have any supernatural powers, no spells and skills. It is completely pressed by power, and a wave of gas is rolled around, and the golden light of the old monk also fluctuates.

   "Dharma, heaven and earth! Good magic!" The old monk amazed. The palm of his hand stood upright, a strange golden light bloomed in his hand, and then merged into the golden mask in front of him, and the fluctuating mask suddenly stabilized.

  The huge palm was pressed down, and the air behind the old monk was squeezed, but the old monk was still immobile. On the contrary, the middle-aged Taoist's face changed, and the contraction suddenly collapsed, and he stepped back several steps.

   He looked at the old monk in dismay, and shouted, "This man is tricky, and several Daoists shot together!"

   Several Qi Qis were already ready to go. The voice fell, and all three Qi Qis were shaken apart. An old man, a handsome young Taoist, and an immortal fairy.

A blue whirlwind was already condensed in the hands of the old man, and he threw it out, turning it into a huge tornado. The teleportation generally enveloped the old monk, and the young Taoist eyes were disdainful. A light sword was thrown in his hand, and suddenly turned into three thousand solid. Jianguang shot into the storm at a rapid speed.


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