Universal Asylum

Chapter 389: Time and space wandering, younger fate


At the moment when    was completely formed, that God finally realized what he could no longer hide his emotions, exclaimed, and then endless anger. ?

   "I'll dare to expel the god!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the colorful aperture suddenly burst out with a strong suction, but the suction was only aimed at the god, so that the palm of the **** was instantly covered with a layer of colorful colors, first the palm, then the whole body.

   In front of these colorful apertures, the existence of God has no resistance, and the body seems to be decomposed and instantaneously transformed into light spots and integrated into the golden circle.

   "I will eventually return!" God's unwilling roar of anger, and then disappeared completely, only the golden aperture fluctuated suddenly, the colorful aperture in it vibrated, and after a moment, completely calmed down.

Strangely, the two supreme beings did not withdraw the golden aperture and the four swords, but allowed them to float in the air, like another sun. Only the colorful aperture slowly disappeared, and only one remained. The layer color does not seem to exist.

The world is silent, there are few great people in the mind of the mortal mind, they are only thinking about what they are feeling with surprise and uncertainty, and finally they disappeared. Strangely, no one tried to break into the real world that has been illusory. , Even in their current state they can already break in.

   Supporting Tianshen Mountain, Wang Sheng took a deep breath and watched the huge golden aperture of the sky plunge into complicated thoughts. If he imagined it to be true, the truth of the world's destruction long ago would be forthcoming.

   "It's just why they did it!" Wang Sheng couldn't understand it, and how easily the Immortal God stopped.

   "Maybe there is another secret!" Wang Sheng's eyes flashed and shook his head, remembering Bai Suzhen's description, the huge palm that destroyed the world seemed to be different from the previous scene.

   The thought that was just cleared was suddenly covered by mystery again, but one thing Wang Sheng can confirm is that the catastrophe of heaven and earth a long time ago is definitely not natural, but artificially formed!

   In a short period of time, Wang Sheng was too difficult to understand, and Wang Sheng fell into long-term contemplation.

  And at this moment, Wang Sheng suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked down. There was a sarcophagus where the extremely yin was completely absorbed and then leaked out, or the door of the sarcophagus it formed suddenly shook!

   The vortex in the middle accelerated, and suddenly a dark red light appeared, slowly emerging from the vortex.

  Wang Sheng's heart was shocked, his body flashed away in the extreme shadow and appeared in front of the sarcophagus door, saw the dark red existence! He feels familiar!

   The picture flashed in his brain. He remembered what he had experienced in the sarcophagus, and he was trapped in a seemingly vast 6 without a way out. He once suspected that it was a real space formed by space magic.

   The dark red corner looks like the edge of the big 6!

  Wang Sheng felt a strong power from this dark red corner, which belonged to the space and belonged to the power of the ban. This ban could not resist even with his unique life.

Wang Sheng stepped back a few steps, did not touch the dark red big six, but watched quietly, the vortex was spinning violently, but the dark red corner seemed to be always fighting against some kind of power, always just showing One corner cannot reveal more.

   After a moment of stalemate, the six buzzings were sucked back by the vortex, and Wang Sheng looked at the sarcophagus again with a blink of an eye.

   But at this moment, he suddenly felt the appearance of another gas machine, turned around and looked, but in the distant sky, a figure of purple clothing, Yao Ruoxian came step by step.

   "Fairy Purple Fairy!" Wang Sheng moved.

   This fairy in purple clothes once helped him once, and his cultivation at that time was far inferior to that in purple clothes. At this time, it was a difference between him and the fairy in purple clothes.

  The fairy in purple clothes apparently also appeared in Wang Sheng's figure. His calm gaze turned to Wang Sheng, his gaze stayed slightly and then he looked at the sarcophagus behind him.

  I don’t know if it is an illusion. Wang Sheng seems to see that she nodded slightly at the moment she saw herself, but the magnitude of it was not even noticed by him, as if it was just this emotion in her heart.

  Wang Sheng once again learned about the character of Ziyi Fairy.

   "I haven't seen it for years, the fairy style is still the same!"

  Wang Sheng smiled slightly, he remembered the purple trace at the corner of the sarcophagus when he first appeared on the top of the mountain, it seemed that it was a fairy in purple clothes!

Fairy Ziyi just withdrew the token that was still in his hand. He heard Yan Yan again and looked at Wang Sheng again. A pair of purple eyes were calm and cold, and he could not see any emotion, but it was not indifference, but by nature, but only to all things in the world. Disregard or not pay attention.

Such a person, Wang Sheng didn't think he would be interested in anything, but he couldn't help but remember what he saw Tianxin said to Ziyi Fairy in the space of the Lord God, that scene where Ziyi Fairy moved to join Tianxin's team, he couldn't think of Tianxin What promised her.

After seeing Wang Sheng for a while, this purple-clothed fairy suddenly moved his hands, and the green energy light spot bloomed between his hands, constantly condensing and combining, and instantly formed a small token that seemed to be wound by countless numbers, and then the purple-clothed fairy Raise your hand and throw the token to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng blinked his eyes, and took over ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is now an ordinary token. The only role may be to use it as a token. Of course, for his cultivation, he can also use the token The breath above traces the existence of Ziyi Fairy.

   This token is only the size of the palm of your hand. The token is a straight word, but it is written in seal script.

   "Si Ming!" Wang Shengnian made a sound, and then flipped the token, and there was this seal script after the token.


   Young Master! ?

  Wang Sheng suddenly moved his heart, looking up strangely at Ziyi Fairy, and looking at each other's purple eyes, purple, purple clothes, and purple clothes like screen fan decoration! Look at its obvious three no attributes! The weirdness in his heart is even more indistinct.

   Young Master! ! ?

  If he remembers correctly, he is very familiar with this name, because it is a famous animation of the heavenly dynasty in the primitive earth, Qin Shimingyue!

   seemed to be aware of Wang Sheng’s eccentric emotions. Young Commander Zi Zi's eyes moved slightly, although still with that expression, this time Wang Sheng understood the meaning of it somehow, she was wondering!

   "Oh!" Wang Sheng smiled, not much, but a crystal jade amulet appeared in his hand, and he threw his hand at the fairy in purple clothes.

  The fairy in purple clothes raised her hand, took it gently, and then turned around and left the place unrequitedly, flying towards the distance.

   "Drip, retrieved the young man who lives in time and space."

   "Source of the world, Qin Shimingyue."

   "Because of the exile, the world cannot fall and cannot be anchored and locked, nor can it return."

   "Affiliated forces, the main **** space."

   The sound of the system sounded for a long time, and Wang Sheng's heart moved. ? 8

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