Universal Asylum

Chapter 391: Real Water and Magazine

   Nowadays, the only difference in the sublimation of the primal spirit is the fur and the large ribs that run through the whole body!

   And these seemingly unimportant, but the last perfect part of Yuanshen, the degree will surely be too slow, but it can produce qualitative changes after molding. ??

Wang Sheng did not rush to practice, but groaned slightly. He turned over his palm and pulled out an object. It was a strange light that could not be seen by the common people, sacred talents could hear it, just like the innate light of the heaven and earth that opened at the beginning of the world. All things exist everywhere, it is the congenital Taixu Shenguang.

This divine light, when Wang Sheng formed the Golden Pill, because the flesh was completely returned to the congenital, and awakening the congenital Daoguang has always been an important step in his stepping into the real world, but this divine light was revealed outside the strange real eyes last time. .

   At this moment, Wang Sheng pondered and took out his own divine light, two hands each, and suddenly began to gather.

   There is no repulsion, no reaction, like two streams of water, the light of God condenses smoothly, and finally it is like an overlapping and complete fusion, but it is scattered with a dark gloss, like black real water.

   "Drip, the host's congenital supernatural powers congenital Taixu Shenguang Dacheng, achievement of congenital Taixu true water."

   After this description of congenitally too real water, Wang Sheng looked at his heart.

Congenital Taixu True Water, an evolution of congenital Taixu Shenguang, but not all congenital Taixu Shenguang can give birth to this real water. The birth of this true water requires coincidence and pure incomparable Taixu Shenguang. Too real water will produce one to thirty-six drops during the generation of a large world.

This so-called big world is huge and special. One world can reach a great world of one plane. The birth of this world can be imagined how precious it is, but it is such a small number, but it is an extremely scarce resource. .

   And in the system's annotation, Wang Sheng's place is too fictitious water, which can be worth a million chances, even above the sky.

   And this real water is so cherished, the role is extremely powerful.

   Train your body, train your way, train your magic! All things can be washed with this real water, and the effect of washing the face is even better, and it is many times stronger than pure cultivation. What is more precious is that this thing is for walking on the real ground and even the road of oneness. The strong are also useful.

In addition, there is one drop of innate real water, which can transform the ocean and the sea, and sink everything in the world. If there are three drops, you can form a water wall. There is nothing in the world that can be broken. If there are ten drops, you can find opportunities to open up a real big world. You can be the master of the world and achieve the highest position in an instant!

  Wang Sheng was so excited that he didn't expect that he had gotten such a drop of real water by chance.

   In fact, the congenital emptiness and divine light are not uncommon. If the might who set foot in the real world will bother to find it, he will always find it, but the innate real water is not so easy to find.

   It is not a secret that congenital Taixu Shenguang generates too virtual water, but the probability of formation is too low. Such a probability is comparable to finding the big world in the vast universe, and looking for too virtual water.

  Wang Sheng is a success by chance, and in any world, I am afraid that it is the character of the world.

   "A drop can transform the ocean and sink everything."

  Wang Sheng's heart moved slightly, and this sea **** was enough to become another killer of his own!

  Take a deep breath and open your mouth to absorb this drop of black too-virtual water into Yuanshen. Use the washing effect of this drop of water to condense your body and remove impurities. The sublimation of Yuanshen will be accelerated.

   "Next, it's She!" Wang Sheng's eyes flashed slightly.

   gave up the Dao Cultivation Practice, many magical powers, and also the traces of the past perception and practice.

   "First of all, it's Zhuxian sword technique!" Wang Sheng raised his finger slightly, and a broken sword light appeared in his hand.

"Broken!" What was broken was the sword in his heart. His whole body was incomparably sharp, and a pure incomparable breath rose from his body and finally merged into the sword light of his fingertips. The incomparable pure sword light is like lying on the palm of the heart.

   Wang Sheng looked at Jianguang with such a big change, felt the power inside, and nodded.

   "The power of one hit! But it can hurt the saint!" This Jianguang is a one-time use item, but because of the one-time explosion power magic power of the World Extinguishing Qi Machine and Jianguang Jianyi.

  Wang Sheng still opened his mouth and swallowed it to the side of the real water, followed by scouring.

   "Next, it's Xiu Wei!"

Wang Sheng took a deep breath, and his cultivation practice was his golden jinzhen true yuan. Even now, although his golden dan has become the space of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm, he still has the true yuan flooding, and the jin in the golden body of the yuan **** The pulse also circulates the faint truth.

  In addition, it is the golden light inside and outside Yuanshen! That is not the Yuanshen's own, but the big golden body that comes with the Cultivation of the Mental Wash!

This golden body is an opportunity for the evolution of Yuanshen, but after the formation of Yuanshen, its existence is irrelevant, because Yuanshen has absorbed all the qualities of Jinshen, and the existence of Jinshen has become another kind. Impurities in the sense.

   "Wash the marrow!" Wang Sheng shook his head, originally intended to penetrate this road, but now he had to give up!

Wang Sheng's palm turned, and a purple-gold flame appeared in his hand. It was the pure Yang Zihuo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the magic power behind the pure Yang Yuanshen, and also the accompanying magic power. At this time, because of the opportunity, he was promoted to pure Yang Zihuo, the power soared.

   This trait of pure yang purple fire and congenital Taixu Shenguang belongs to supernatural powers, and there is no need to rule it out, and Wang Sheng chose to use this to refine Jindan and the body, and remove all traces within it.


   opened his mouth, a golden light flashed, purple fire burned under the golden pill, the flame merged into the golden pill, but did not affect the space, but only refined the essence of the golden pill.

Gradually, a faint layer of gold liquid flowed out of Jindan, and eventually formed a mass of gold liquid floating in the air, dispersing the feeling of glass, but the gold Dan gradually disappeared, only a ghost in the air, vaguely It can be seen that there seems to be a world in it, containing all things.

Wang Sheng looked at this space and moved his eyes slightly. Because this half of the world was born and opened up by him, he was closely connected with him and was also a special system of innate supernatural powers. There is no need to give up. Now that Jindan does not exist, Wang Sheng needs to do something. It found a place to stay.

  Thinking a little bit, Wang Sheng no longer hesitated to reach out and point out. One finger just clicked into the space. The space suddenly seemed to flow into the hand, and finally merged with the palm of Yuanshen.

   "It's a veritable god's palm!" Wang Sheng's mouth twitched, if the world really has this trick, his magical power is the most appropriate description.

   Jindan melted but made pale golden glaze light, very mysterious, condensed and shaped like a small glazed bead, Wang Sheng opened his mouth again and merged it with the real water, followed by a scrub.

   And Zihuo burned to Yuanshen at this time, burning all traces of the true Yuan along the veins. 8

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