Universal Asylum

Chapter 394: Stone Temple

   Wang Sheng looked at the huge fireball above his eyes and disappeared.

The sun in this world is obviously larger than the earth’s world. It looks overhead. In fact, it is far away from some distance. However, the space in this universe is not as stable as in the world. Wang Sheng can make great progress every time he travels through space. the distance.

   Nowadays Wang Sheng's use of space supernatural powers is no longer relying on the space avenue, but to inquire about the world's space weaknesses with his own eyes, and then the sentence crosses.

   The changes before and after this are inevitable. Space Avenue is mysterious, but it is also the most realistic way in the world. Wang Sheng used Space Avenue in the past but it was a layer away from the direct world.

  Now, when I think of it, the once Guanyin Bodhisattva did not use the space perception, but just shuttled like he does now.

   In January, Wang Sheng had only the big fireball left in his eyes. With his eyesight, he could already see the pits on the surface of the flame sun, and he noticed that there were some shiny stones in the pits.

   "Fire Flare Stone." Wang Sheng's eyes flashed, and he recognized the treasure that was clearly priced in the system.

  Fire blaze, a kind of baby born only in a special environment, the sun surface is one of them.

But it is not to say that all the surface of the sun has blaze stones. The conditions for the formation of blaze stones are not as harsh as the real water, but it is also very difficult. Plus its usefulness is not small, it is the best way to practice the fire department. Congenital things are rare to see in waiting.

  In the system's labeling, this blaze is worth five hundred points of contribution, and it is only a medium commodity, and the superior commodity is worth a thousand chance points.

  Wang Sheng's eyes flashed slightly, and it can be seen that the largest of those fire stones is introverted and already of the highest quality.

   Wang Sheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, a good harvest.

  With this fire stone, if you join in the production of robe, I think there will be a good defense magic power!

   As for the medium-flaming flares next to them, it's not bad to contribute some points to the system.

   The closer it is to the sun, the higher the temperature, although it does not hinder Wang Sheng, it is still a bit inconvenient.

   It was at this moment that Wang Sheng's eyes snapped and saw a palace roaming in the sun.

   The palace is huge and simple, like a stone creation, and its wild style is full of domineering and unrestrained, enough to surprise any monk.

   Wang Sheng's eyes widened, and the palace turned into light and disappeared in place. It seemed to rotate around the sun in a special pattern.

  Although it was only a shovel, Wang Sheng saw the general situation of his structure, but he focused on the colorful and rough stripes on the surface, which seemed to be a simple formation.


  Wang Sheng observed the world and found that this array did not match the world. It seemed that the time was too old, and even the world changed, but through the traces, it can still be seen that the role of the array is absorption!

   Absorbs the vitality of the sun to supplement the palace itself, creating a cultivation effect that is not worse than the heaven and earth!

   Wang Sheng's eyes flickered. Looking at the scale of this method, the real power of the sun attracted is not a few. Even at this scale, he needs to frown, but the owner of this palace is as simple as eating and drinking.

   Wang Sheng was shocked and secretly guessed the origin of the palace owner.

I am afraid it is the ancient existence of the fairy gods in the last era, maybe it is the great supernaturalist who existed in the world, and only such great supernaturalists can accept such a simple and crude cultivation method, and this palace, it seems not It's like building for human form.

   The speed of this palace is very fast, but it reappeared in front of Wang Sheng's eyes in an instant. Wang Sheng felt decisive in his heart and took a step directly to the main entrance of the palace.


   It is naturally impossible to use the space shuttle in the sun, he is flying at a very fast speed with a strong body.

The consequence of the speed is that it causes a small range of real power turbulence in the sun. A raging flame burns around the body, and more terrifying destructive power is breeding, and the explosion of each flame will bring a nuclear bomb not inferior to the earth. Power.

  Wang Sheng was uninjured but extremely uncomfortable. The liquid turned into flames formed a golden coat around him. Under such circumstances, his primordial spirit felt a bit weak.

   "Drink!" Wang Sheng roared.

   shook his body, and suddenly turned into a great height, temporarily squeezing the outer gold coat and flames, his body quickly shrank again, taking advantage of the rare opportunity to fly towards the palace that was not far away.

   It was at this time that an eruptive heat flow was rapidly magnified in front of the eyes, and Wang Sheng's pupils shrank, feeling the true power that almost turned into essence.

   even surprised him, the violent power of this true power was enough to threaten him.

  Wang Sheng gritted his teeth, roared again, and turned into a tall and tall body, and then he did not evade. He stretched out a palm against the torrent in front of him and fished fiercely.


   The ancient **** is full of miracles and moons. The basic principle is to see through the virtual and the real, and turn the virtual into the real.

  Wang Sheng's body, which has not yet completed, can only play half of its strength, but it is enough to lock the huge palace.

   Wang Sheng's eyes lit up, feeling that the huge palace was flying fast after the heat flow, and he saw that he was getting farther and farther away.

   "Ancient God, one finger!" roared again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The power of Qiyi fluctuated in the world, a huge finger appeared like a phantom, and it was fiercely pointed on the torrent of violent.


   There is no stagnation, the heat flow is originally a very violent force, but this huge finger brings unparalleled pressure and destructive power.

   The violent heat flow was directly detonated, exploding the surface of the sun thousands of miles away, allowing Wang Sheng to see the unique black and heavy geology of the surface of the sun.

   Then came the rain of fire, Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, his huge body rushed to the past, following the unique connection of Mochizuki to the huge palace.

   was very close, but the palace was only able to know how fast the speed was at a close observation, and Wang Sheng's speed could not catch up!

   "Come on the sky, town!" Wang Sheng raised his hand and took out the sky on the sky.

   The lava beneath directly stagnate, and the palace also slowed down a lot under the restraint. Although it quickly broke free, the instantaneous lag was enough.

  Wang Sheng's body crashed down at the last moment, and fell in front of the main entrance of the main hall. As the huge palace revolved, everything in front of him turned into a flowing landscape.

  The breath of dry and ancient breath came, and Wang Sheng took a few deep breaths. He accidentally found that the environment here made him feel comfortable, as if this was the breath he should breathe, not the temperamental aura of temperament.

   But Wang Sheng was attracted by this huge palace in an instant, and there was no way to conceal his shock.


   This palace was in real contact with people and found that it was truly magnificent and unimaginable. Any creature that sees it would sigh its own smallness and be shocked. .


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