Universal Asylum

Chapter 529: Shattered chaos

In this breath, Meng Po's whole body's vitality declined, and her body became more curved. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā

Wang Sheng frowned, and the other party's condition at the moment looked too bad.

"You don't need to think about it anymore. The old lady did come here with you, and he didn't count on you." Meng Meng looked at him with a smile. "So many idlers in this world have been gone all day long. Calculate others, even the senior." She turned to look at the direction of the disappearance of Yangliu Dao. "Even this senior, you are included in the calculation just to let you send something."

She looked at Wang Sheng, "Now, you who sent that kind of thing are already completely free."

Wang Sheng frowned, "Seed of the Devil God!"

"The Demon God Seed? Is that what you call that thing, indeed it comes from the Devil God, but it should be worthy of this title," Meng Po nodded.

Wang Sheng looked at Meng Po deeply, "Senior knew this from the beginning."

Meng Meng looked at him again with a smile, "I have said that don't think so much, the old lady has not so much effort to use your junior, and the old lady knows your origin better than the senior." She sighed. He breathed, "This world is really wonderful, so many universes, and how many strange scenes, no wonder everyone in the world is thinking about detachment."


In the distance, the light flickered, chaos broke through the blockbuster, and two figures passed through it. It was Sun Wukong and Tai Yi. The two fought fiercely as if they were evenly matched, but you can clearly see the rust on the iron pillar in Sun Wukong's hand. With less coming, the savage savage daring on it has also disappeared a lot, like it is about to be reborn.

"The time is coming!" Meng Meng coughed again.

Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly, "what time."

"Naturally is the time for detachment." Meng Po made no secret.

Wang Sheng twitched in his heart. What is the connection between this iron rod and the timing of detachment? There is no doubt that Meng Meng knows all this, and she seems to have no secrets about him, but she seems to be waiting for herself to ask, like shooting Get a set to drill for yourself.

Wang Sheng thought of his first contact with Meng Po and frowned even more. The ball that appeared at that time was obviously not the so-called vitality said in the other party's mouth, but a primer-like existence. Perhaps the connection was not clear, but Wang Li can be boldly associated because he saw the appearance of the ball, so the black ball would be born.

It is different from the golden ball displayed by Meng Po, but Wang Sheng thought of the swallowing of the black ball after the appearance of the black ball, or the swallowing of the crystals in his eyebrows or the long river of time, does the golden ball and himself Are related.

Suddenly he felt Meng Po's sight, but when he turned around, he noticed that a pair of extremely dark-eyed eyes looked at him deeply. When he nodded slightly, he turned away and looked muddy again, and Wang Sheng's heart moved.

A ray of life! This sentence sounded again in his heart.

Then he suddenly thought of a question, if the Meng Po in front of him is shuttled with him from the future time and space, what is the identity of the Meng Po in the world, or does it exist?

The battle is displayed in the form of light in the chaos. The ray of light is like destroying the world and tearing the chaos. Wang Sheng can’t help but think. A long time ago, whether the larger chaotic clock in which Pangu lived was like a meal, countless demons. They practiced supernatural powers together until one day Pangu realized the crisis and decided to open the sky.

This prophetic move clearly violated the interests of the demon god, which was equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the demon god. What was the style of Pangu at that time.

Wang Sheng seemed to see a giant rising slowly, a huge body propping up the chaos, a giant axe appeared in the chaos and then slowly opened up the world, the chaos exploded, and countless demons were awakened, toward this With a roar, all the supernatural powers were overworked.

At this moment, there was a huge willow branch that stopped the chaos and swept away all attacks, and another day hung high above the sky to irradiate everything to smash everything, but it alone stopped the chaos that was opened up, and there was a dark light flashing , Will swallow Shentong, and a beam of light continuously shoots the destructor body of the crusher.

In a blink of an eye, the world is bleeding and the pestle, the devil's torn body is filled with chaos, and the surging life essence is full of chaos, and the chaos is contaminated with purple light.

At this time a bell rang, blasting towards the remaining demon gods!

Chaos Clock! appear.

And the person in charge of him is familiar with the anomaly, but he is a majestic emperor in black robe, Tai Yi, the emperor!

"I am fortunate to witness Pangu seeing the heavens, how can I wait for unrestrainedness!" The voice swept away all the laziness for the first time, but extremely majestic, nine black ancestral dragons circling under his feet, propping up his body, In this chaos, it is not weaker than any devil.

"Alas, if I come again, the old man still made such a choice."

Yang Liuzhi reversed his magical powers against time and weakened his power to the limit, and then threw them on the body one after another, throwing the demon gods farther.

There was a shock in Wang Sheng's heart, and all of this was not an illusion, but their battle in chaos shattered everything, shattered time and space, and came to the ancient times, to the time when the heavens and the earth were not opened, and witnessed these devil gods. .

The demon gods around them are obviously not one of their invisible states~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but they are also considered as targets of attack, and they are bombarded one by one.

Wang Sheng's brows frowned, and the palm of his hand kept moving. The Buddha's palm continued to invade the void, resisting the aftermath of the attack. Only when he stepped back in a collision with a demon, he frowned and saw Meng Po leak. Under the demon god's hand, the palm again sucked and pulled Meng Po back with the sarcophagus.

Meng Cough coughed, and several black gas worms turned into smashes, sighing: "I didn't expect you to be your kid to save your wife, nor did your wife become a drag."

Everyone on the spot, even though Wang Sheng had the weakest attack power, he had the highest level. He was more self-preserving, but Meng Po, a second-step true power, not weak at all, but compared to these demon gods or Those who say Yangliu Dao are weak.

"It broke the chaos! Boy, look carefully. This may be the biggest chance for you." Meng Po's eyes flickered, and she looked at the huge body in front of her, which seemed to have a flash of divine light.

Wang Sheng was undecided, but suddenly turned his head to look at the giant, somehow, he seemed to feel that the giant found himself, watching him, and then he saw a pair of huge eyes, and came from his ears. sound.

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