Universal Asylum

Chapter 534: The original ball returns to the world

The lower body was covered with bones. Wang Sheng on the sarcophagus was very calm. There was severe pain in his body. Only the Taoist crystallized him to keep calm. Follow-dream-fiction

After the death of thousands of miles behind him, he naturally felt that he finally knew the power of the little black ball!

He thought deeply about what this was, born out of the demon god's body. At first, he thought that the seal inside was a part of the demon god, but now it seems that a part of the devil **** cannot evolve such a magical thing, if not Unexpectedly, combined with what the Yangliu Taoist said before, this thing is closely related to the ultra-relaxation, and what comes out of his eyebrows at all times makes this thing of extraordinary value.

Only by understanding can we find a solution. Facing the ball that seems to destroy everything, Wang Sheng has no assurance that he can resist.

Along the way, the atmosphere of the wildness of the whole world is filled, which is more ancient than the wild time and space that it traversed. The world is filled with more fierce beasts, powerful but without any wisdom, walking millions of miles, Wang Sheng did not see To a human being.

Wang Sheng's eyes flickered. The current era is really between wild time and space and Pangu Kaitian. There can be no souls with wise minds. When the heavens and earth opened at the beginning, there were countless racial breeding, and there are a variety of innate genus. They call themselves innate gods. , Walking between heaven and earth, is the proud of heaven and earth.

And even if it hinders the era of extinction of innate gods, there are various races and powerhouses with unique styles, and even the powers that have survived from ancient times and today, such as Yangliu Daoren!

So everything in front of you is the appearance of the world!

The small round ball chased behind him, and everything that went by was silent, to a certain extent, comparable to the robbery of death. Wang Sheng was like a small boat drifting in the ocean, which may sink at any time. Bringing severe pain, destroying the vitality in this body, the cold energy from the sarcophagus is continuously transmitted, soothing the pain, and slightly suppressing the pain.

Wang Sheng raised his palm and shot it on the sarcophagus. The lid of the sarcophagus was suddenly separated. A dark vortex hole appeared in the mouth of the coffin, and the cold breath came out of it.

Wang Sheng's body pain eased, his eyes flashed coldly, stretched and slapped behind him, the space behind him was suppressed, the small ball slightly paused, but he disappeared into this space at a faster speed, and he was swaying backwards, countless The golden light turned into a seal and struck in the air, suppressing the space nodes in the air. The nodes shifted slightly during the blinking. The small ball came and disappeared in a flash, and was moved to another place.

Wang Sheng stretched out his hand to recall Jin Guang and relaxed. Before he tried to display space magical power, he did not expect to succeed successfully, and he did not call for exclusion and squeeze.

Behind is the large void created by the small ball, not just the world, but also countless rules. Wang Sheng continuously drove forward, the sense of crisis suddenly increased again, his face changed, and he felt a small ball in the space in front of him. Shuttle to the ground, coming towards him.

Wang Sheng flew away in the other direction, but at this moment, he suddenly moved in his heart, a thing that he almost forgot in the space of the Buddhist Kingdom in his palm changed, his palm turned, dozens of colorless **** densely packed Appeared in the palm, several of them have a strange luster, one of them is completely black, and the other is full of green, full of vitality. In addition, there are no other colors of small balls.

These small balls, especially the dark and green balls, are constantly shaking, and they seem to have something to do with this world.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved, the source ball!

These **** were collected by him one by one. The first thing that happened was that they came to the world at the time and were obtained from the dinosaurs. It was found that this ball can be immune to part of the time robbery. Then it was collected because the inexplicable inspiration was obtained by the dark and green **** under the coincidence of chance, and found that it was full of avenues!

And it is the most original avenue. Wang Sheng finally realized the importance of this small ball, and he was interested in anything related to the origin of the world, and naturally also interested in collecting it. Afterwards, because of a series of things, it was almost because of almost direct Locked in the origin of heaven and earth, it didn't come in handy.

At this time, the small ball trembles, and Wang Sheng's heart moves. This cannot be a coincidence.

Among them, the most violent black and green ball suddenly flew, spreading in the air for a while and disappeared!

Wang Sheng's eyes shone brightly, and other small **** in his hand also moved. Several of them began to be dyed. At the same time, the breath of several avenues was constantly intertwined. There is one of the most unique Avenue Qi machines, which exudes color, turned out to be the breath of Time Avenue, and the small **** began to absorb the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

With the color of the small **** also began to lift off one by one and follow the previous small ball disappeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Set! "

Wang Sheng stretched his palms into the air, and the Buddha locked the space in his palm. Wang Sheng followed the small ball into the space.

In a flash, a small black ball flashed from the sky and directly entered the space of the person.

The rule-filled lines began to appear in front of the eyes, and there was a vitality at the same time, which is the unique breath of the world. At this moment, Wang Shengming realized where the world before was the opposite world!


At the same time as he appeared in the world, the whole world had a voice coming from the sky, and a light directly suppressed to the hollow, excluding him.

Wang Seng stretched out his hand and shook this light away, his eyes slightly condensed, and he felt the breath of the fourth step of power. This is obviously a top-notch existence between the world and the world. When the crisis did not appear, he tried to wipe out the crisis. Invisible.

Wang Sheng's body flickered a few times after leaving the space, and suddenly found traces of dozens of small **** that had been shuttled over, but it suddenly melted into this world and reunited with the rules of heaven and earth. Obviously, there are dozens in this world The avenue is more obvious and complete, and countless monks feel that the rules in the world seem to be easier to sense.

After him, a small black ball appeared, and immediately shattered a space, just like the previous negative world, but the difference is that everything in this space disappears and disappears, but there are still line rules, that is to say, in a unique From a perspective, there is actually no change in this world.

The small black ball is changing. It seems that because of the breath of destruction, it has become stronger and stronger. At the same time, Wang Sheng's eyebrows are getting stronger and stronger, almost making him unable to control and force him to swallow it up.

He stayed calm, which felt right, but all premises were based on the fact that he could resist the small black ball.

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