Universal Asylum

Chapter 536: Time and Space 1

The three are divided into three time and space, and it is the time and space. There are three Yangliu Daoren who appeared, and their eyes are indifferent.

"It is indeed the Donor Yangliu, who walked in the Avenue of Time, and as the arms instructed, for the thousands of souls in this world, why is the Donor already detached, immortal, and why he insists on sticking to his own opinions and doing the innocent things." The monk was compassionate and shook his head and sighed.

"It's not for everyone in my generation, I don't know what's in it, why should the monk ask it."

Yang Liudao’s faint response, although there is no abnormality, but at this moment the other party’s body is exceptionally tall, so that the vast space of heaven and earth is like a prison cage, trapping him and being old and unable to detach.

"Perseverance and perseverance!" The monk did not agree, but the golden body rose behind his head and shook his head to open up a space, and his exclusive field was exhibited.

"Good!" The Taoists praised that in the three time and space, whether it is Laozi or the looming huge figure in the fireball, they exhibited their own domains. The three domains are quite different, which is a display of the limit of each road. It is impossible for such a scene to appear on the same person, but it was exhibited by the old friend who was familiar with and is now strange, and he had to admire it.

"No matter whether your choice is correct or not, this result is enough to shock the sky. Even Pangu Nabo has to admire it." And, because of the avenue of time in one hand, the vitality is good.

"Because the plan has failed, then the plan will not work, and the old man will look at this world and how to stop the detachment of the old man."

Yangliu is free and easy, but has a tendency to break up and stand up, breaking a barrier all over his body. Among the three figures, he recalled the figure that once opened the world, which is detached.

The confrontation of the three unfolds in nothingness, and their respective lights are indefinite, but they are silent. This is because Tiandijia has no sound that can carry their communication, and there is no substance that deliberately makes a sound, because in this light, no substance can survive. .

At the extreme of the three players, no matter in the past or present, the wild world is far away from the long river of the main world, and the light of detachment that bears the world is also constantly forming, and it begins to bloom in the colorful colors unique to the light of detachment.

Few people know that the light of detachment actually has an identity. In addition to helping the great supernatural being detached, it can also open up a new plane in the void, just like creating a world.

Often, when a plane truly ends, a ray of light will be born in the heavens and the earth after the disappearance of the ruin. This light is called the light of the sky, but it is the prototype of the light of detachment, and then when the time is ripe , The world will be born.

Now this is the same with the light of detachment, he appears because of a great supernatural person in this world, but if this great supernatural person does not have the hope of detachment, he will spontaneously dissipate or open up a whole world. The light of detachment does not dissipate because it carries the wild time and space. It will only open up another plane in the void. This is a good thing for this wild time and space time, because this is a rank promotion, but it is not a good thing for the original world. It means the complete detachment of the wild time and space, and the incompleteness of the world. If no one is detached, the whole world will not be able to survive in the next silence, and thus be completely destroyed.

Therefore, no matter whether it is from the past, the future, or the present great supernaturalists, they will do their utmost to prevent the actions of the Yangliu Daoist. This kind of promotion at the cost of the entire world is an innocent act, and it is not Heaven and earth allow.

Wang Sheng's eyes changed when the small black ball changed, and time flowed over his body, and then in the final afterglow, he looked at the black small ball and found a sudden connection between the black ball and the link. Unknown Void.

The small black ball flew towards the depths of the sky at that time, Wang Sheng's eyes flickered, his body followed one step, he had a hunch, the most critical moment came, the change of the black small ball was never part of the other party's calculation, since If something happens, it's good for yourself!

This is an unprecedented perfect opportunity. Missing it may be inexhaustible and unprovoked. Wang Sheng thought of the golden sealed figure that he had seen many times, and then his spine chilled unprovoked. It seemed that he was taking a step in space and time. Step calculation.

It was just a momentary illusion, he decisively cut these clutters, and his body disappeared in place with the little black ball, and after he disappeared, the Taoist in the sky suddenly collapsed, and the time and space in the future is unprecedentedly clear at this moment. When he got up, he looked at the place where Wang Sheng disappeared just now, and shook his head. "Another step slower."

Afterwards, his body disappeared slowly, no more traces!

At the same time, in the very center of the battle, there are a figure constantly coming from afar, some young people are handsome, some old people are ragged, there are fairy bones, and some temperament is like a swordsman. Overseas cyclamen, these figures are countless, like shuttles from time to time, look carefully, and suddenly found that the Taoist figure is completely the face of the Daoist, the Daoist's breath!

The Taoists who are impressively different in time and space seem to be returning from different time and space at the moment. This is obviously a big step forward!

The monk shook his head with his hands folded and sighed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lao Tzu flicked and flicked, the green cow mooed, the Mars burst in the fireball, and its inner figure became more conspicuous, and he was vaguely seen as a wild **** of war wearing armor!

The willow Taoist was calm, waiting for this Taoist figure to pass through the obstacle and fall on the three bodies. He had unprecedented enlightenment in his heart, about space and time, to heaven and earth, and the possibilities beyond this heaven and earth. At this moment, his The state is very close to the scene that Pangu saw, but it is weaker than Pangu in the last half step.

"Yin and Yang are wrong, this is the so-called Tao." Yang Liu shook his head, and at the moment he was more calm and calm, "Fartless!"

At this moment, he truly lost his awe of heaven and earth, and looked at himself more thoroughly in the past. Although he was not afraid of heaven and earth, he still admired heaven and earth invisible. This admiration turned into a little bit of himself. The fear of understanding is deepened in the previous series of changes.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, when he lost his hope of detachment, he became more enlightened, so that he was truly united, and at this time, he was only half a step away from Wang Sheng.

There is no improvement in strength, because he is still in this world, and he is still in a semi-detached state, and the Taoist will naturally not be arrogant, but the magical power is more free and easy.

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