Universal Asylum

Chapter 553: Get out

But even so, listening to the wind can not face the legendary power. In today's world, legendary power is not a small number. Such strength is not that the wind can resist. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā

Therefore, today's listening style is a crisis, and the occupied national games have been watched by many powerful people. The reason why it has not been done in time. In addition to Li Qing's Taoist disciples, there is a legend that in the past, listening to wind has a comparable Ancestral ancestors who have gone through their ancestors!

The name of Wang Seng was naturally passed on long ago, and it was determined by all the fairy gods from Guang Chengzi. It does have such a powerful power that it is not inferior to itself.

Although he hasn’t shown up for a long time, and even in a powerful observation, he confirmed that the other party is indeed not listening to the wind, but he still fears the most and dares not to rush into it. The fear of listening to the wind will be less and less, and eventually fall into a situation of no end.

Li Qing knows this, and even more deeply knows that Patriarch is indeed no longer in China, so he will spend his utmost to have a relationship with Dao Zu. Up to now, he also knows that Dao Zu collected him as a disciple. Including the relationship between the ancestors, now the Taoist ancestors’ identity in that year is no longer a secret. They even lived in Beihuang a long time ago, and they seem to have a close relationship with the ancestors.

Li Qing did not dare to complain about Wang Sheng's existence, but was deeply grateful, because the other party has been giving, never asked for a return, and he has no return, so he has always returned Wang Sheng by developing the listening style to the strongest.

And now, he has never hoped that the ancestors are in the country of listening to the wind. Only in this way can he continue to say that listening to the wind is out of this crisis, but such thoughts are only expectations, since the last time I saw the old outside the wild Ancestor, he never had any news about his ancestors. At that time, he guessed that the ancestor went to Dongling to rescue the ancestor of the barbarian king. come out.

There is no doubt that the ancestors shot, but after that, the ancestors have no news. Even if many legends are realistic, the ancestors did not appear, and there was no news at all, and except for a few people, this world seemed like The trace of the ancestor disappeared, and I could not hear any news. His heart was faintly shaken. This is similar to the situation of the previous life. It seems that there is no ancestor. He is deeply disturbed, fearing that the wind has a previous life. The same end.

Li Qing was deeply pondered, how to lead the listening wind to solve the crisis, but at this time, suddenly the outer world shook the file, he raised his head in surprise, he naturally discovered that this is the prince of the barbaric ancestor.

He was awakened in his heart, was it possible that there was a big enemy, and it was a tough opponent for the ancestor of the barbarian king.

He was running outside. He was also a ancestor of the Fascination, and his speed was not slow. However, when he appeared, he still felt the vibration of the barbarian spirit machine again. It seemed that he had encountered something that was extremely shocking to him.

"Brother Wang!" He heard the extremely surprised voice of the barbarian king.

Li Qing's mood was lifted, his heart shook with excitement, and then he looked up, he saw a figure without a doubt, got a figure in a green robe, his breath was ancient and wild, very different from the past, and his cold face was very different. There was no wave before the ancient well.

But the familiar face still made his heart jump. There is no doubt that this is the ancestor of the wind, Wang Sheng!

"Disciple Li Qingbai sees his ancestor, and welcomes his return!" He was excited and knelt down on his knees without hesitation, bowing with a big bow.

And he even heard the barbarian laughing in haha, very happy, and then he heard a strange voice, I was a crisp and sweet voice, also with surprise, "Blood ancestors have seen Wang Daoyou, not seen for many years, Wang Dao Friends remain the same."

There was a pause in his heart. He had never heard this voice, but when he felt this breath machine, he was a real breath machine of another blood ancestor. He was unbelievable in his heart, blood ancestor was a woman! And it depends on the situation to know the ancestor.

The ancient god's flesh was cold, but he nodded to the barbarian who was greeted below. He glanced at the undisguised and charming face of the blood ancestor, but he frowned, and he couldn't remember who he was.

The Barbarian King noticed something different, and immediately stopped, frowning, and Wang Sheng in front of him felt bad for him, like facing a stranger, "Wang Daoyou, what happened." He asked tentatively .

The real ancestor of the blood ancestor fell deeper, because she bitterly found that Wang Sheng seemed to really forget her.

The ancient **** fleshed at the kingdom below and looked at the people below. He was no different from Wang Sheng’s body. For himself, he was Wang Sheng, and he also had memories and feelings for the many people below. Except for the blood ancestor, the real person is a little unclear.

But he has a cold personality and it is really impossible to explain all this.

After a slight pause, he slowly said: "This is Wang's doppelganger, and his emotions are not complete. The barbaric Wang Dao forgive me, Wang's body was unable to return for a short time because of a trip."

Li Qing's heart sank deeply for some reason, but after the frown of the barbarian king frowned, he nodded slowly. "It turns out that it's no wonder that Daoyou's anger has changed greatly."

This is the only explanation he wants to come. He has accepted this explanation in his heart.

The voice of the real ancestor of the blood ancestor sounded again, with hope, "Wang Daoyou can still remember blood."

The ancient **** frowned, and finally nodded. "Naturally remember, I don't know why the blood ancestors are listening to the wind."

Blood Ancestor sent a breath in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then he smiled and said: "It was still invited by Daoyou Daoyou, so blood is the elder who listens to the wind, and now he is also one of the ancestors of the country." In fact, she heard that the wind was The strong guardian only promised the barbarian king as the ancestor of listening to the wind.

The ancestor of the barbarian king at that time disappeared for a long time for this matter.

The ancient **** nodded his head, then looked down at Li Qing, and then looked at the barbarian king, "Wang's avatar can't stay for a long time, so he has to leave after arranging things. If you want to leave at any time, the same is true for blood ancestors."

Li Qing suddenly raised his head with despair in his heart. He didn't know what the ancestor was doing. Not only could he not come, he was also letting the barbarian king and blood clan go at night.

The Barbarian King frowned again, "Wang Daoyou, can you say something happened with Barbara, if you can help Barbara at some point, you can shoot."

The blood race also nodded.

The ancient **** flesh unreasonably rose in impatience, but still patiently said: "No need to worry about Taoist friends, this matter is related to Wang's way, and now he will return to release his commitment with Taoist friends, but also to Listen to the wind to make arrangements, then you have to go all out on this matter, Daoyou forgive me."

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