Universal Asylum

Chapter 568: Commitment and search

Although it is not rejected in the world, but looking at the misty and endless sky, there is still a slight feeling in my heart. This world is not his own after all, his real home is in another starry sky.

Suddenly Wang Sheng wanted to go back and look, he turned and left, stepped into the air, his body disappeared in the sky, and then appeared again to the mid-mountain of the Tianshan Mountains, and unexpectedly found this space that still exists.

Feeling the breath, Wang Sheng shook his head and entered it.

No one has his own qi machine, whether it is the dense machine world in space, or that huge and ancient atmosphere, he is not aware of it at all.

Wang Sheng turned his head to look in one direction, his eyes had a different color, and then walked in the other direction, the depth of space.

"Wang Mou came to fulfill his promise!"

The voice faintly spread to the distance.

Obviously, the ancient atmosphere in the distance has changed drastically, and you can approach this space in silence, and you can get close to the people around him. There is nothing in his memory, even those who are the highest in the world today, are not good.

For a long time of silence, "The reward promised by the Taoist friends has been given."

Wang Sheng stopped and looked at the dark sky in front of him. "That was only the first promise. Wang also had a second vow with Daoyou and did not pay enough."

As he said, there was a very rich Qi machine at his fingertips, exuding a strong sense of ancient gods, making the space tremble, and the strength of this Qi machine could be felt.

The Qi machine of the ancient **** in front oscillated again, and it didn't stop for a long time. This group of Qi machine was useless to others, but it was the most important thing for him, which could make him go further and even rely on the decline.

Obviously, in the face of such things he can no longer refuse.

"Daoyou honest person!" The tone of the ancient **** was more solemn and sincere.

A hole was opened in front of the "Dao You Ru Yi Yi Xu", which was the last hiding place of the ancient god.

Wang Sheng shook his head, "Wang Mou is inconvenient to stay for a long time." He popped the gas machine and entered the void.

After a slight pause, he continued: "Those Wang Wang wanted to take away, but Daoyou agreed."

The ancient **** only hesitated slightly, "Despite the few insignificant human beings, Daoyou took it."

Wang Sheng finally smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he could clearly see the existence of the figure in the hole in his eyes.

It wasn't the only head that had been embarrassed, but the body was condensed, but the appearance of this body was a bit intriguing, and it was exactly the same as the previous Wika.

What is more, there is a hint in Wang Sheng's upgraded main **** system right now. He is an identity of the main **** reincarnation, and his camp is also the technology side Tenjin Group!

The ancient god's plan Wang Sheng had speculation, and finally knew that the ancient **** had so many places not to choose, but chose this humble space, I am afraid he had already made a plan when he started.

And because of this, Wang Sheng also knows the importance of the person he asked for by the ancient god, which is an important bargaining chip for the ancient **** to prove his identity. It is by no means trivial.

But he only hesitated and agreed. Everything was because he didn’t dare to disagree. He couldn’t see through Wang Sheng today. He even wondered whether the other party had taken the last step and got in touch with him. In that case, history His strength is no longer Wang Sheng's opponent, so he will only pay Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng didn't ask the other party's plan, but turned around and left, regardless of what the ancient **** had any plans.

He came here only to pick up those people.

The breath of the ancient **** disappeared again, indicating that he would never intervene.

Wang Sheng crossed the countless machine world and saw the familiar mecha and several of them.

Wang Sheng smiled slightly and showed a little gas machine to be noticed by them.

"Several long time no see!"

In front of him, Lei Li Li Gu and others stared at Wang Sheng dumbfounded.

Although they have not seen them for a long time, they still have a deep memory of Wang Sheng.

Beside them, there is a black woman in Wang Sheng who appears and looks at Wang Sheng. She is wrapped in a veil and can't see the expression, but her body trembling seems to be very excited.

Wang Sheng sighed and nodded to her, "Old classmates haven't seen you for a long time."

old classmate! ?

Lei crack, who is gradually showing a smile, and others are stunned again, what does the old classmate mean?

They looked at the woman, Liu Yiyi. But he saw his eyes closed slightly, and opened it again was already indifferent, and had no reaction to Wang Sheng.

Lei crack and others were even more puzzled, but Wang Sheng looked at the fire and shook his head and sighed.

"Why is Brother Wang still in this world? Isn't the task all over?" Lei crack smiled a little embarrassedly, and then asked with some surprise.

In fact, what surprised him was not why Wang Sheng was still here, but he was surprised that Wang Sheng was still in stock and even appeared here.

In their impressions, Wang Sheng has always been the power to separate tasks from them when they were with Rael. Now they can't see Wang Sheng's strength, but they feel even more mysterious.

Wang Sheng smiled and did not hide, "Wang Mou came here again from the space of the Lord God."

Lei Split's pupils shrunk, and he didn't understand. He asked, "Dao You should have returned to this place after paying such a price."

He thought that Wang Sheng had returned to this world only after he made a contribution or even a chance to the main **** ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and at this price let alone to them, even some high-level reincarnations would feel heartache.

Obviously this matter is very important to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng did not deny that he still smiled, "It's true."

"So why do you stay here in the world?"

Lei crack's obvious expression was slightly stunned, his lips pinched a few words, and finally he smiled and shook his head. At this moment, the tall man seemed to lose a lot.

He looked at Wang Sheng, "Brother Wang forgive me, Lei Mou and others really have an unspeakable secret to say."

But he admitted frankly that he and others did have other plans, and did not want to deceive Wang Sheng without making a reason.

Wang Sheng smiled and nodded, this thunder crack is good after all.

Seeing that he didn't care, Lei cracked obviously relieved, then frowned slightly and looked at Liu Yiyi, saying, "Brother Wang, you and Yiyi." He stopped talking.

Wang Sheng nodded, "Wang and Yiyi used to be high school classmates. They didn't meet each other after graduation, but the first time the ghost world of the Chinese girl wanted to see them, but she didn't recognize them at that time. , So there is no recognition."

There is a strange color in the eyes of Lei Li and others. In fact, they, especially Lei Li, had noticed Liu Yiyi’s strangeness when they first met Wang Sheng. There were many speculations, but they finally confirmed it, but couldn’t help but sigh.

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