Universal Asylum

Chapter 583: Strength of power

Aware of this, Black Light had a surprise in his heart. He had given up, but now he had expectations in his heart. Such a treasure of power is rare in the world, compared with the most top-notch babies in the world. , Or even beyond, because this strange treasure can reach the world.

Compared with the bombardment of the previous force, he valued this point even more.

Of course, that power is best if it is controlled. The power without this manipulator is so powerful. Under his dismantling, he will make up for this loophole, and the power returned will no longer have opponents. Thinking of this possibility, He was thrilled.

Black light glanced at the slowly shrinking light, and hesitated in his heart. This light was clearly at the final moment of its formation. That treasure is about to be born. It is far from enough to touch the treasure with this sense of doppelganger in front of it. Bao holds it in his hands. Only when the subject comes here can he be sure, and looking at the power just now, although there are loopholes that can be elusive, he is still only 50% sure.

Just thinking of what the subject is doing, he hesitated. If that thing succeeds, it is no less important to him than this strange treasure!

Zuo Siyou thinks, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and the treasures were at his fingertips. If he missed this time, there would be no chance, and the things he was planning, if he did it at any cost, and again achieved it, by contrast, whichever was more obvious.

But at this time, the light in the distance suddenly shines in this light, a force of tyranny spreads in the space without dead ends, and the black light is aware for the first time, but the power of this explosion is stronger than before, even if there are loopholes He couldn't avoid being there. The black light disappeared in the power of the light, which also made the black light resolve to take the first treasure.

At the moment when the black light disappeared, in the distant earth space, the black light of the mainland on the fog fluctuated, and finally a black shadow emerged from it and stepped in the air, the air machine was released unscrupulously, the other party looked at the sky and glanced at the miniature earth in the distance There is regret in his eyes, but he still looks at the strange treasure space where he felt before with great expectations, and his body's slight movement disappears.

At the moment of his appearance, the moment of release of the Qi machine was released, but even then, there are countless beasts in this space. No matter the strength or weakness, the collapse of the body consciousness dissipated, and even death did not react. what.

The surviving fierce beasts and demon gods are all fearful, looking at the deep continent with fear, and there is an idea in the heart that constantly fluctuates.

"Several times ago, that figure appeared again!"

They coincided with the previous roar from the outside. It seems that there is a new power, maybe it has something to do with that power, but these have nothing to do with them. This level of power allows them to know that the trace is the biggest The gift, even if the companion is like a companion tiger, for them, as long as they are in contact, it is also the greatest opportunity. It is incorporated into the previous air machine bloom and leaves a trace in the world.

In the eyes of the lower level, this trace is the best texture of the world. Although it can't be understood, it can set the tone for the road in the dark, and it is a great opportunity.

This is especially true for high-level people. They don’t look at the texture of the sky and earth, which is useless to them, but the direction of the air machine’s development, which is the direction of their progress, which can help adjust their direction. This is even better than the sky and earth. Opportunities with stronger textures are for those who can see them. Such opportunities are tantamount to rebirth.

At the moment when the black light disappeared, Wang Sheng’s consciousness finally relaxed slowly, and the second wave of power was naturally emitted by him, completely annihilating the black light. He only judged the black light’s thoughts in an instant. Knowing that the other party obviously did not find himself, and this gave him an opportunity.

As long as Black Light does not pay attention to it at all times, he can seize the time to condense himself and successfully get away when the other party's more power is mobilized. Relatively speaking, at this moment, he does not want to fight this detachment immediately.

In the first place, this is the plane of the earth’s space, and the battle between the detachments is the damage to the plane. I am afraid that the end of the French era will be more deeply affected.

Moreover, the other party obviously planned countless years and countless hours here. With regard to the other party’s plans and information, he obviously knew too little. Such a hasty operation would only consume his original hidden and secret advantages. He is obviously worthless.

And the most important point, Wang Sheng had to make this choice, that is, he had to admit that his understanding of detachment was far inferior to each other, just like the previous two attacks, the first time he cast Fifty percent of the strength is blessed with the secret of the heart. This strength has been comparable to his full strength before.

Under this power, in his imagination, black light can't escape, but then it makes him feel a little deeper, and the other party has perfectly avoided the invasion of black light by some special means~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This method is obviously not a big move for the other party, without any consumption, just look at the status of the doppelganger at this time can be used to show it.

It seems to be a skill level thing.

Wang Sheng soon noticed the problem. Xian = compared to this kind of detached strong man, his promotion time was too short, and even his entire monastic life could not match the other party's lead in detachment.

He realized the level. I realized the power, but there has been progress and ground, so I did not deeply explore the micro level of these forces, just like the other party's avoidance. He finally saw that the other party was avoiding through a certain loophole, but if it was not the other party's appearance, He is afraid that he cannot find this loophole.

Therefore, in the second crash, he undoubtedly chose all the power to exert. Under the mighty unimaginable power, sure enough, even with this method, Heigang could not escape again, and was undoubtedly crushed wipe out.

At the same time as he was relieved, Wang Sheng had to smile bitterly. Sure enough, there was no eternal existence nor invincible existence in the world. The reason for all was that the strength was not strong enough.

At this moment, the state is also detached because of time. Although he has an advantage in strength and level, it cannot be hurt to be useless for convenience, but if he is in a state after detachment, it is enough to press the past with power. Any power Unstoppable, this is the general trend.

To put it simply, it is not that the other party has a high level, but that their own strength is not strong enough.

Wang Sheng is self-satisfied here, but I don’t know if the thoughts of the world are so painful, I am afraid that he will be mad. At this moment, Wang Sheng’s power is at the top of the entire transcendental level, not to mention that with the development of the secret realm, he is destined to return There is a chance of promotion, which means that Wang Sheng still has a way to go after he is detached, and Wang Sheng is happy compared to those who have no way.

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