Universal Asylum

Chapter 588: Lost civilization

Wang Sheng opened his eyes and stood up. The mastery of skills is not something that can be done in a moment, but he can finally catch a few traces and explore more. Presumably, even if this skill cannot be used, he can respond to the people who use it.

Now it is night, Wang Sheng looks at the planets above his head. If he concentrates on it, he will see the surface of the planet that is uglier than the stars, and the holes. Wang Sheng is a little speechless and has to control the perspective.

He was a little touched, no wonder that those who have been practicing Taoism for thousands of years will become more and more indifferent, because many of the scientific principles followed in the eyes of ordinary people have been seen by them, they are used to the essence of things, and they look like pink skeletons. If you are not mentally ill, it is Dao Xin's stability.

Taking Wang Sheng's cultivation as an example, has the body reached a peak? Any imaginable magical power is manifested on the body independently, no need to practice. Of course, Wang Sheng is free to send and receive, but still a little uncomfortable.

Wang Sheng stood up and looked into the distance, the barrier on the small white cloud did not rise, and felt the wind blowing through his ears. Wang Sheng was at peace, looking down at the endless sea. If he wanted to observe, he could see any of them. A swimming fish and creatures even saw the beautiful seabed, a vast world not inferior to the world.

Then, Wang Sheng saw a vortex in the deep sea. At the center of the vortex, there was a change that ordinary people couldn't detect. Something that didn't belong to the earth was breeding. The power of space was very weak, but it was enough for Wang Sheng to set it as a coordinate.

His eyes are weird, what is this, is it that another space is in contact with the earth?

The speed of material growth is very slow. It takes too long to grow up to be traversed by a person or even a monk, but what is the hindrance to prosperity? He just sees this coordinate and knows the truth at a glance. After a glance, he was even weirder.

There is indeed a space on the opposite side that is in contact with the earth, but it is not like a complete status surface, but more like a space that was fused with the earth in the ancient years and then separated. Since it was separated, the athletes have been touching this earth position. Face, and now finally in contact with the earth.

This space is dead, the sun and moon are dull, and all kinds of matter are also divided in the long years. Only some indestructible matter can show that there was a civilization here.

Technological civilization!

Wang Sheng weirdly saw a lot of products similar to technology in it, but what he determined was a vast warship the size of several planets. He also saw a huge fortress behind the warship, the size of a galaxy, The texture of the cold metal has an invisible murderous and shocking dignity. It can be imagined how long ago the power of this fortress was terrifying.

Apart from these, there is not much to see, and Wang Sheng is a bit interested. This technological civilization is definitely far beyond that of the earth, but compared with the technological superiority of the main **** space, he can’t tell the superiority in his heart. The technology of the main **** space is still higher than here, after all, it is the trapped space of the main **** that integrates countless essences.

Wang Sheng groaned slightly and stepped out into the space.

He felt the dim breath around him, and he could be sure that the time for this space to fall into silence was absolutely not short, that is to say, the time to escape from the earth was probably an unimaginable time. Wang Sheng waved his hand to try to find the time, but there was no trace of debris Called out, but the time has broken.

Wang Sheng stepped into the fortress again, but it seemed to enter a world full of mechanical products and a mechanical city. There is no machinery in this city to maintain vitality, but Wang Sheng blinked slightly and suddenly looked in one direction. There he felt a faint but absolutely conspicuous voice compared to this silence.

Tick, tick, tick.

It is like a water drop falling, more like a mechanical operation.

Wang Sheng walked over and saw something similar to the square. There was a huge screen in the center of the square, which was full of red light, and there was a clock-like thing walking around. Upload it out.

Wang Sheng took a few glances to finally determine that the watch was indeed working. He sighed that this mechanical creation was indeed supernatural. If it were not for him, I am afraid that ordinary Taoists, including Da Luo, could not hear it, and It can be maintained for such a long time without damage, and the energy used surprised Wangwang.

He saw through the middle of the watch and saw a red crystal-like thing inlaid within it, only the size of the palm, but Wang Sheng felt the energy in it, and the energy for turning the watch emerged from it.

However, the energy flow rate in this red spar is quite fast, and each ticking consumes huge energy. It is visible to the naked eye. This red spar was even smaller in front of him.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly. If it was such a flow rate, the red was shocked at the beginning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Sheng pondered, reaching for the red spar, and the next moment of sudden shock suddenly came from it After uploading, the corresponding energy flow rate on it is also continuously increasing. In a flash, the red spar becomes powder and disappears, and only the huge screen flashes continuously.

"Guardian of Atlantis No.1 found life characteristics, drops, and found that the possibility of civilization is 19%, that of travellers found in time and space is 2%, and that it is possible to return to the ancestral plane. At 0.3%, the probability of finding abnormal signs is 100%."

"Dididi, energy is exhausted, Atlantis Guardian One is about to fall, and began to start the civilization doomsday project, transmission and launch of Atlantis civilization, launch is in progress, drops, energy is not enough, the plan is interrupted, and preservation civilization is started. plan."

"Drop, the end comes, announce the end declaration."

Wang Sheng looked at the changes in front of him and frowned slightly. Next, a human voice sounded for no reason. It was the voice of an elderly man. The language spoken was an unfamiliar language, but it was similar to Daoyin and could be heard. meaning.

It seems that the sound is intermittent because of insufficient energy.

"Anyone who may hear this recording, any space-time wanderer and civilization who can find traces of civilization like me, hello, this is the 590th era of the Atlantis civilization calendar 550 million Whole year."

The sound started intermittently.

"Civilization... something has changed... The Atlantian civilization has come to an end... There is a living force to escape... Eventually all will be extinct... Guardian 30... Traveling with civilization in time and space... I hope anyone can hear this The recorded creatures accepted this civilization, proving that we once existed, and there once existed a great Atlantis civilization."

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