Universal Asylum

Chapter 595: Black knife's recognition

This is detachment, and there is a detachment falling! This is something that they can't think about, and it also means that a strong man who can kill the detachment and reach the second level of detachment is born again in the world.

And in a certain universe, the avatar is huge, and his fingers can be compared to the huge figure of a planet. He walks slowly in the universe. At this time, he looks up thoughtfully and sees that face, and suddenly smiles.

"Whoever provokes him again, is really looking for death, how is the real body of Laozi and other people so provoking, but just after being promoted to detachment, it is too powerful to kill a detached person. There should be the help of a real device." Heaven and man are thoughtful, but after all, like him, they come from the primitive earth and have inexplicable gold fingers. It seems to be a consensus to have a powerful real device.

"It should be the one on the earth who provokes him, but he doesn't really have long eyes. It seems that Laozi had warned him that he had forgotten, but okay, there are still a few people there. It's better if there is one janitor, but Anyway, I changed to a more reassuring one, and it was still enough to become a Taoist friend."

He shook his head and looked forward. "With such a record, it must be that the old guys also believe in this man's strength. So good, he can gather strength as soon as possible and try again." He turned and left again, but he was I don't know, this strong man of heaven and earth that he valued just bombed the opponent with his real body.

Killed a detachment, Wang Sheng also felt the majestic essence in this world. His eyes suddenly rolled, and when he opened his mouth, he sucked most of the essence into the mouth, and his body suddenly felt comfortable, but otherwise Besides, there is no more feeling, like eating a dessert that is both delicious but not full.

Shaking his head, it seems that this qi machine is not very useful for the detached strong man, but he does not know, it is only him. For other detachments, even the celestial being, a small amount of qi machine may be useless. Qi is still very eager, for them, in addition to keeping the true body, they also need more gush.

The physical strength of Xiang Sheng like this has really swelled to the state of detachment and even far beyond the situation. The internal Qi machine is enough to breed self-sufficiency, and the Qi machine is not a necessity. For him, these are physical. Consumption is not related to the so-called Qi Qi, but the heart secret may need these Qi Qi.

"But it's really delicious." Wang Sheng licked his lips and glanced around as a thief. "It's okay to take another bite. After all, I killed it, and I wasted a lot of energy."

He opened his mouth again and sucked fiercely. This time he swallowed 70% of the remaining air engines again. Only 10% of the remaining air engines left behind were surrendered after the death, and then began to overflow.

So all the detachments in this world felt that this counterattack activity only lasted for a short period of time. It is surprising that this is much less than the counterattacks in the rumors. Many of them have never seen detachment. Dao dispels, so I think the classics = classics are exaggerated, but only when I have seen the ancient existence of the transcendental Dao, do I have speculation in my heart, and I breathe in a cold breath and chill in my heart.

"This is too cruel!"

An infamous rule, after the detachment, the Qi machine counterattacked the heavens and the earth is a great benefit to the heavens and the earth. Whether it is the providence in the sky or many detachments, this Qi machine will be retained by 50%, and it will absorb up to 50%.

And to be honest, they can't take pictures even with more air machines. After all, it is a detached whole body air machine. Fifty percent has already included the real device, but I didn't expect this person to directly absorb nine. to make! Can't help but be more afraid of this kind of means and this kind of unscrupulous heart, the emergence of such murderers in the world is not always good and bad.

They didn't think that it was a newcomer who didn't know the rules, nor did Wang Sheng think that he now feels that it is enough to leave 10%. This is still a kind heart in his heart. After all, it is his spoils. Owned by him.

After doing all this, Wang Sheng discovered the vague face above his head, frowning. What does this mean, let everyone know that the man was killed by him, he waved disappointedly at the sky, and suddenly that face was shaken, and finally Disperse completely.

At the same time, all the illusory faces in the universe disperse at the same time and calm down again, but all the detached hearts cannot be calm. There is such a detachment in the world, and the stability in the universe seems to have signs of fluctuation.

Wang Sheng didn't care about this. He looked into the distance. After the death of the ancestor in black, he didn't leave anything behind, which made him feel a little regret, but only very few. He never thought that he could take this The detachment kills, just want to accumulate some experience in battling the detachment. I didn't expect my real body strength to be so powerful, and the ancestors in black could not be stopped.

This makes him satisfied and looks at himself strangely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that his strength growth has never been normal. I thought that after the promotion of detachment, he would stop a little and be ready to enjoy life. , I did not expect to achieve such strength without realizing it.

It's just that his mouth twitched. This kind of strength is actually not so easy to obtain. He has to suffer huge pains every time. In addition to this life and death crisis of half life and death, the previous heart secret and body recoagulate, if not Beyond the effect of the light, he might have disappeared.

Wang Sheng looked at the black knife in the distance, in fact, he did not have any loot left. This really badly damaged real weapon is one piece, but he is also interested in the power of this black knife.

But when he saw the cracks on the black knife, he was hesitant and didn't seem to be hard enough.

It seems to be aware that this black knife that has not left on his own suddenly buzzed, and a feeling of dissatisfaction and grievance radiated out. It stayed. But because he valued this powerful person, he never surrendered himself like this, even It was the ancestor in black, and a long time passed, and the other party had always respected himself and had a lot of worship, so he barely recognized his identity.

This kind of initiative to offer yourself something that has never happened before is also the only chance for the real device, because they only have one chance to be completely lived, and then if the master is eliminated, they will also go away.

As for the so-called recognition of the old ancestors in black, it is actually just an equal commitment and contract, and the deadline will be reached in many years, and the black sword will also leave.

It seemed that in order to show his difference, the black knife trembled all over, and a ray of light flickered from his body. The cracks were gradually disappearing, but along with it, a huge Qi machine was absorbed.

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