Universal Asylum

Chapter 700: Need to find the lost gate

"But my situation is not as good as the three emperors and the five emperors. Although the number of emperors is scarce, the relative quality is far beyond, and there are traces to follow. If you succeed, you will definitely enter a safe area in the outer world, which is my advantage. "" Xuanzu smiled.

Wang Sheng gave him a deep look, his body suddenly shrank slowly, the huge momentum of the body retracted with it, and his eyes turned into a ten-foot body. It was impossible to continue to shrink. This seems to be the limitation of his evolved body. His body does not affect his combat strength, it is a perfect body.

   "Wang only had the last request, agreed, and went to Chaos with you, etc." Wang Sheng said.

   Xuanzu looked up and looked at Wang Sheng, who is about his size at the moment, Jishou, "Daoyou please speak."

Wang Sheng nodded, "This requirement is very simple. I want the space coordinates of the three emperors and the five emperors to enter the astral world, and the corresponding coordinates in the present void, as well as the message of the so-called evil evil beast that emerged from the astral world. And everything you know about Astral and Abyss."

Xuanzu raised his eyebrows, but did not expect Wang Sheng to be such a request. He thought he was asking for his own guarantee in this operation. However, he thought about it, with his strength, everything can be won with strength, but it is left. The matter of the astral coordinates is like preparing another option, an opportunity to try again even if it fails.

   This is human nature.

Xuanzu nodded, "Actually, there is not much information about the astral world and the abyss, but it is very simple information. It was also obtained from Kyushu World, and it was no problem to give it to Daoyou. It was the spatial coordinates that the three emperors and five emperors entered. The calculation is also approximate, but it is only the coordinates of the year. If Daoyou wants the coordinates corresponding to the present, it is a little more troublesome."

   Wang Sheng frowned.

Xuanzu continued: "Daoyou should know that the universe is moving at all times. If it is moving within the universe, even if there is a deviation in space, it will not be too far away, but the spatial coordinates of the three emperors and five emperors were through the outer world. Earth coordinates are actually outside the universe."

Wang Sheng thought about it, but he forgot this. The universe is always flowing. Compared to before, the universe does not know how much distance has flowed. He feels a little tricky, "Can’t you find it, Xuan Zu, if you don’t I know that the three emperors and the five emperors would not be able to find the astral position."

  Wang Sheng looked at Xuan Zu deeply, using the other party's divine calculation, it was impossible to calculate this coordinate. Wang Sheng did not believe that Xuan Zu would be worse than that of the gods during the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Xuan Zu smiled bitterly, "The Taoist friends do not know that the coordinates of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors period happened to be when the universe passed the coordinate position, so the coordinates could be opened directly in the void of the universe, but now the universe has already deviated from that position, if you want to find and open it It’s impossible to do in the universe as if I were waiting for the present." He pointed to the chaotic void, "that coordinate actually corresponds in chaos. If you want to find it, you need to walk on chaos."

   Xuanzu sighed, "There is a big crisis in chaos, even if I don't dare to go deeper, and the farther away from the universe, the crisis in chaos will become more and more serious."

"Daoyou don't have to be clinging to the coordinates of the astral plane. The intersection of the astral plane and the universe is more than one point. After the intersection, there will be many epochs and they will be connected again. Ten million years ago, in the present era, the astral Then it intersects with the universe again. Although the coordinates of that point deviate, they still exist, and they are also the gates of the astral world that has been calculated poorly." Xuan Zu smiled slightly. In his opinion, Wang Sheng needed only one to enter the astral world. Channels, not specific astral coordinates.

But Wang Sheng frowned. The reason why he was looking for the coordinates of the astral plane during the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors was also to complete the system tasks. The coordinates he needed were only the ones during the period of the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors. You can get the traces of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors when you enter the astral world.

   Moreover, the system task also requires that the gate of the astral plane be opened. This gate of the astral plane must not be a simple arbitrary coordinate. It may refer to the coordinate of the astral plane entered during the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

   "Xuanzu, Wang as long as the coordinates of the three emperors and the five emperors, even if only the approximate location, such a request should not be difficult for you." Wang Sheng said straightly.

Xuan Zu was a little surprised, thinking a little, it seemed that he was thinking a little bit wrong. Wang Sheng didn’t just want the coordinates of the astral world. The reason for asking for this coordinate seems to be related to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, but he can’t think of Wang Sheng any way he thinks about it. To get that coordinate, or to get more information about the coordinates of the three emperors and five emperors in Shanghai today, we can safely enter it.

  Xuanzu thought for a long time, and finally nodded slowly, "The poor Dao can calculate for Dao friends, but it is estimated that they can only be demarcated within a cosmic range. At that time, the specific coordinates will need Dao friends to find it."

Wang Sheng was relieved in his heart, and there were traces to follow. It wasn’t until Xuanzu’s explanation just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that he realized the difficulty of this task. In his imagination, this coordinate is still in the universe. It is not difficult to find and open in China. Is it how to find the lost emperor and how to protect yourself in the dangerous astral world, but now it seems that the first step is so difficult.

He knew the dangers in chaos. The skyfire, which has nothing to burn, is sharp enough, and the pressure of the upper layers of the chaos is like the weight of the world being carried by one person. If he was not deeply afraid last time It is already in the middle of the road, it can be described as hard and step by step, and Gu Xuanzu said that to find that coordinate, it is necessary to open up chaos, saying that it is known whether there are other dangerous dangers in the process of developing this chaos, and is this chaos so easy to open up? The sky fire is hidden in the eucommia ulmoides. If it is not good, it will fall into the sky fire surrounded by the sky fire.

But Wang Sheng has no choice, and there is not much time for him. He now only hopes that the time velocity of the position where the coordinate is located is different from the time velocity of the system, so he has a chance. If the system has the same velocity, he I am afraid that even if the place can't be reached, it will be judged by the system to fail. At that time, it might be a hard wave with the system.

Wang Sheng finally nodded slowly. Xuanzu said that the scope of a universe refers to the size range of a universe. To know the distance, the universe did not know how long it floated, and it has deviated from the original position. I don’t know how much. The universe can be locked in which range is the Xuanzu God is unparalleled, and Wang Sheng is not dissatisfied.

   Xuan Zu finally relieved, Wang Sheng's condition is not difficult, but also spent a lot of effort, but the replacement of Wang Sheng's joining, the success of this plan may become greatly increased.

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