Universal Asylum

: Chapter 718: Golden Sun

   The ancient beast panic roared, his tentacles swayed, his body receded frantically, and at the same time a black hole appeared on the ball, a golden sun floated, shining everywhere, and hit the void.

Wang Sheng's eyebrows moved slightly, but they were still photographed with a palm, the distance squeezed, the ancient beep screamed, the ball collapsed from top to bottom, countless purple blood sputtered, and corroded the scary holes in the void. But more purple blood appeared in Wang Sheng's hand, and the sky formed a small purple blood cell. The opening of the golden sun on his body cracked. Only the golden sun, but the light was dim A trace, but unscathed.

   The ancient beast completely disappeared, but countless tentacles are still swinging, the amplitude is not large, but the body spontaneously twitched, and the ancient beast has already died.

Wang Shengsi thought, and then stretched out his hand again, the dark golden sun was recalled by him to the space in front of him. He clearly felt the unusualness of this thing, and the ancient beast as a last resort should have a history. It’s just that the ancient beast started it too late. If he had the ambition to die from the beginning, Wang Sheng might get nothing.

The golden sun hovered in front of the eyes, the violent power was tumbling, like a real sun, with countless flames, and after careful exploration, Wang Sheng found that this golden sun actually had countless golden flames, stagnation together, constantly Cohesion, continuous combination, and finally the product formed by quantitative change and qualitative change.

  Wang Sheng was slightly shocked, such a means! He still underestimated the heritage of ancient beasts and ancient emperors. If this thing is detonated, I am afraid that the power generated is enough to cause trouble to him, because there are too many flames. If it is fully spread out, this is impossible for the entire plane. The remaining flames, combined in this unique way, become a little sun, constantly compressing the violent factor you don’t want to prevent it from exploding. This method is also magical.

   is like a skyfire in chaos, and its strength is strong enough to be too much to be compressed. At a certain point, it is already the limit, and then the compression is only the way to explode, but the golden sun in front of it clearly exceeds that limit.

The level of the flame is still almost, not as good as the chaotic skyfire, but even so, the qualitative change produced by this combination has caused trouble for Wang Sheng. It can be seen that the climax of this method is like combining countless ants to the emperor. General threat.

   Wang Sheng's eyes flickered. He didn't see the golden sun. The level was still a little lower for him. What he valued was the method of compressing the golden sun. This method was really incredible.

  In his tube wipe just now, the golden sun has an ancient mark, which is the means to restrain the golden sun from being stable and not exploding, full of mystery.

   "Among the practitioners who study the method of seal or formation, this is an invaluable treasure." Wang Sheng exclaimed, folded his hands and put it away.

At this time, the ancient beast in the distance had stopped twitching, and the backlogged body had also risen. There was no purple blood, its body was full of folds, and the internal strength had also greatly disappeared. Wang Sheng reached out and recruited him. Slightly looked away.

Worthy of being the ancient beast of the ancient emperor, not to mention the strength, the speed can already be comparable to that of the ordinary emperor, and the golden sun that can carry the threat to the emperor on the body also greatly increases the survivability of the ancient beast, but it still fell to the king. Rising hands.

   The disappearance of this ancient beast must have caused the ancient emperor to be greatly distressed. Even if he cultivates the ancient beast like this, maybe the ancient beast has any special role for it, and even more weak.


In the void land of the ancient tribe, a figure stumbled in, and the chest kept pressing against the blood. It seemed that after some treatment, there was not much blood flowing out, but that was only compared to this huge body. The perspective of normal humans is that a small river is flowing.

The ancient emperor's face was gloomy, and he entered the void to stretch his hand, and a buzzing sounded, a huge ancient palace in the distance was summoned by him, there was an altar in the center, the ancient emperor crossed his knees, and the altar emitted a white light He cured his body constantly, and his face was a little better, but even so, there was still blood in the wound of the chest, and the healing of the wound was so difficult.

"A very overbearing attack!" The ancient emperor gritted his teeth to spit out these words, and then took a deep breath to restore calm. "This kind of character was born in the ancient and ancient times. It is impossible for the famous reputation to come out, or this person is an old monster in the chaotic era. Or, it’s either the single elder brother of the late French era, the pride of the emperor, but it’s hard to believe that a newly born emperor would have such power."

   "And!" He seemed to think of something, with a complex expression, "Actually valued by Yuan Zu."

In the history of the ancient tribe, the ancestor is just a legend, a legend brought by the ancient ancestors. It is said to be the ancestor in the ancient ancestral hometown. An ancestor of unclear weight in his hometown is also the ancestor of the ancient ancestors of the early generations, among the ancestors of the ancient emperor.

In fact, in the ancient tribes, there is a certain news~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That is, the ancient ancestors of the first generation actually came from the outer world, from the mysterious place of ascension, and each generation of ancient ancestors knew this news as if it were inherited Inherited in general.

One of the purposes for the ancient emperor to obtain the inheritance of the ancient ancestor was to know the news. His strength is actually not inferior to that of the ordinary ancient ancestors, but he still spent a long time for inheritance. He wants to know more Regarding the news of the land of ascension, it is said that every ancient ancestor has secret news. Even if there is no way to deliberately ascend, he will have to live to be promoted.

   And when he still loves too much time for the inheritance of ancient ancestors, this great emperor of the universe is actually valued by Yuanzu.

The complexity of the ancient emperor's mood can be seen in the fact that an outsider is actually valued by Yuan Zu, even if it is hostile, it makes his arrogant figure shame.

"Sooner or later, the emperor will ascend one day, even if there is no ancient ancestor inheritance, there is also a passage to ascension. The emperor still has a chance, and this emperor in this cosmic sky is afraid that there will be no choice but to be an indigenous. , And eventually fell in the desert."

The ancient emperor shook his head, no longer thinking about it, and began to heal. At this moment, a throbbing pulse made his heart beat, and the wound burst out more blood again, and he even spit out a mouthful of purple-black. Blood.

   Original blood!

   "Ancient beast fell!"

There was extreme anger on the face of the ancient emperor, his mouth was roaring, and after a while, he calmed down, and the ancient beasts all fell, proving that the emperor had arrived, and his inheritance seizure completely failed, and even lost the ancient inheritance tool ——Goddess Spear!

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