Universal Asylum

Chapter 726: Use the body of the ancient world

   "Congratulations, reincarnation*, you are completely free!"

If it is another occasion, another object, the best result will surely be obtained, but Wang Sheng disappeared from the moment of contact with the Lord God, far away, in the place where he just left, a wave of energy that he was familiar with but strange was far away Swinging far away will destroy all space and even time along the way.

"Destroy!" Wuxianzun's emotions once again fluctuated. "True monarch, this is the highest application of the main god. Every main **** can use it. After it is cast, it can destroy everything except him. The range is ten degrees. "

The degree year is a unit for calculating distance in the ancient world. It is similar to the light year in the universe and cannot be converted, but it is estimated that it is a full range of the plane world, including the universe starry sky of the plane world, and they are still In this range.

Wang Sheng didn't wait for Wu Xianzun to finish his speech, and his whole body radiated black light, and then his hands tore into the space, not only the black hole, but also the colorful light. After that, his position was affected and everything was drowned.

   "Drip, lose the breath of the fairy world and start capturing."

   "Drip, insufficient energy, insufficient energy, capture plan abandoned."

   "Drip, the main **** system starts to sleep and continue to store energy."

   "Drip, it is detected that the abandoned land has entered the era of the last law, and chaos is about to overwhelm the abandoned land."

   "The passage plan is opened, the energy reserve is sufficient, and the estimated completion time of the plan is one thousand years."

In this ruined starry sky, time began to accelerate invisibly, turning to an unimaginable level. Among them, the main **** began to be silent again, but only superficially, but the mainland began to further open up the channel plan , And all the reincarnates who have fallen asleep have started activities again, but they are no longer opening up new worlds, but are starting to explore the land of exploration channels and joined this plan.

   In the colorful passage of time, Wang Sheng once again tore a hole, and his body appeared in the universe, but it was beyond the scope of the distant ten degrees.

Wang Sheng looked back and felt that the energy of the destruction explosion that had disappeared was the same, but the composition and use were obviously different, but it was more efficient and caused a stronger effect. The vibration in Wang Sheng’s heart can be imagined, Even now, I even think that the existence of Neiwuxianzun has more or less contacted the news of the Ascension World, but this is the first time I have seen the Ascension World, which is the attacking skills of the ancient world. There is no doubt that let He opened his eyes.

   "Fairy Fairy, if you can, Wang hopes to inform me about the customs and the ancient world as soon as possible, as well as specific information about this theological world."

  Wang Sheng turned and left, and said in a deep voice.

   Wu Xianzun was slightly silent. Wang Sheng had just saved her just now, and she knew that it was indeed time to show her sincerity.

"Some important news is because it is suppressed in the deep universe, but it cannot be told immediately, but some basic cultivation methods and some basic common sense can now be passed to the true king, including the view of the universe in the ancient world. Pass it to the true monarch together."

A beam of light flew out of the attached space and flew to Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng's eyes flickered and reached for it. Wu Xianzun was a wise man who knew the current affairs best, but was a little too aware of the current affairs. Wang Sheng never actively asked I have consulted some common-sense news about the ancient world. First, he deeply knows that no matter how the world changes, the ordinary world is the same in his powerful eyes, and there is no need to understand it, just like Xuanzu and ancient emperor. The demon emperor will not pay special attention to them. For them, all they need is the origin of the world and the possibility of higher roads. No matter where they are, the lower level will always be the lower level, which will not help them much in understanding the world.

  Secondly, Wu Xianzun said that he and his inquiry are two concepts.

The light spread out from the fingers, a message appeared in Wang Sheng's brain, and this faint pressure, Wang Sheng's brain seemed to be touched by the current by mistake, a burst of paralysis, it felt so to him, to everyone else It is a heavy Tianwei.

   And this dignity is aimed solely at exuberance. The light from that space does not have this dignity. It was born only after he was lifted.

  Reject it! Repelling the creatures in the universe, this is the power of hunger.

This exclusion is very small, and Wang Sheng can accept it. What made him feel that this exclusion even has a use for his physical evolution. It is a smaller effect than the Jinzhi scroll, but it is a strong one. It’s significant. He has always been unclear where the pressure that caused his body Jinhua came from and why it was born, but now he seems to know that everything related to the ancient world will bring pressure to him, and now more It was just instilling some news about the ancient world that there was such a degree of pressure.

He came to a conclusion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Perhaps it is not a special kind of thing that can bring pressure to him, but the ancient world itself. Only the pressure of the four sides of the ancient world itself will let him evolve, and he reverses Thinking, you can boldly guess that his body is actively adapting to the ancient world!

   Wang Sheng shook his heart, that is to say, after his body evolved, he would probably not be rejected in the ancient world. Although he was still in the deep universe, he was already thinking about the direction of the ancient world.

Then Wang Sheng thought again that the universe must have other emperors. The pressure on himself seems to be more excessive. He always thought that the factor of strength and the active rejection of the universe, but now there is another possibility, whether it is because of his The body is already losing the essence of the universe, but is biased towards the ancient world, so it will be rejected and suppressed by the universe itself.

  Wang Sheng's heart moved and began to digest the information in his brain. Perhaps some of the things in the series would give him the answer.

Despite this majesty, the news itself did not bring Wang Sheng any other feelings. Wu Xianzun passed the cultivation system of the ancient world to Wang Sheng, but at this time the news of the world of the fairy land, the cultivation system in the ancient world is as varied as the Milky Way Star. , But there is only one purpose, there is a strong self, and tap their potential.

  The universe is most affected by the fairy and heaven domains. Wang Sheng, a cultivation system, is no stranger, but in this system, what prevails is a cultivation system similar to that in the heavenly mythology, which is deeply in line with Taoism.

   is refining refined gas, refining gas and refining the god, refining the **** back to the virtual, refining the virtual and combining with the Tao! If these realms are cultivated to the final realm of combined doctrines, the fairy can be proved.

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