Universal Asylum

Chapter 734: The test of the true monarch

   Wang Sheng groaned slightly, after all, this is a secret realm involving the third step of the legend, and it is not difficult to understand if it is different.

Wang Sheng stepped forward. This is a piece of sand. There are ruins of buildings not far from the sand. The ruins are the same as the breath of this world. The ancients have traces of history. Except for those that have been weathered and disappeared, only now is left. A little trace is the hardest place at the beginning. The buildings that can be left in this era can be imagined how powerful, and the part that remains after weathering is even more powerful.

   This part can be seen as a part of a city wall. Both the pattern and scale are like the style of a giant. Wang Sheng's imperial body is already tall enough, but it seems to be slightly smaller than this building.

In the distant sky of this sandy land, it seems to be supported by the sea of ​​clouds. A huge palace-like building formed by the rainbow light is the most complete building in this area, but there are also road cracks on the rainbow light, and the color is dull. I can't see the existence of this rainbow light even if I don't even look carefully.

   This palace of rainbow light definitely has a strong position in the history of this world.

Wang Sheng’s goal now is right there. He had descended here to see the rainbow palace up close. Wang Sheng measured the sand step by step. After taking ninety-nine steps, he came to the rainbow palace. The sea of ​​clouds that this palace rides is already thousands of miles away from the ground. For ordinary mortals, it is a fairyland and a supreme holy place, and its position in ancient times must have been extremely high.

There is a stele directly in front of the rainbow-colored palace, looming, Wang Sheng noticed the anomaly for the first time, and then after a few breaths, he saw that the stele appeared completely when the rainbow-colored palace flashed. The stone seems to have pictures on it. Like writing, Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows.

When the stone tablet appeared, a voice sounded in Wang Sheng’s head, like a treasure and artifact, “The contestants appeared, met the conditions for entering the holy land, and began to pass the level. Those who passed the three viewers could enter the holy land, and those who passed the six levels could be Daozi, nine. The passer-by can be a saint's disciple and begin to test the strength of the candidates."

The halo dissipated on the rainbow-colored stone tablet, and a handprint slowly appeared on it, which seemed to match the handprint of most humanoid creatures, Wang Shengsi, this seems to be a way of judging genius in the past, worshiping the saint as a teacher It seems to be the supreme position in this world.

  Wang Sheng didn't expect that the test method could still be used now. He raised his hand to the handprint on the stone tablet. His palm looked slightly worse, but when he fell into it, he immediately heard the sound.

   "Drip, determine the strength of the candidate as the real monarch realm, and start to generate the corresponding illusion of clearance. Please prepare for the candidate, and the teleportation will start.":

Wang Sheng's eyes suddenly widened, and the divine light was released from his eyes, and he could even identify the real monarch realm, that is, the fruit. In the history of this world, there was an option to let the real monarchs participate in the screening, so it seems that this saint may be Strong excessive.

   "True monarch pinnacle! Or!" Wang Sheng's guess did not even dare to speak out, and this test is not so simple, true monarch! A title that only existed in the ancient world. This ruin of the fallen world actually uses such a title. This shows what this world once knew or was related to the ancient world, or even!

   This world is part of the ancient world!

Wang Sheng had always believed that the breath of the world was extinguished by something in this world, but now it seems that the shock of things may be more and more inclined to the first choice, this world may even be a real relic of the world The magic light in Wang Sheng's eyes was released again, and the first shock in his heart was indeed an unprecedented opportunity for him.

   "Since the true monarchs can all be candidates, this pass must have relevant settings that can match the true monarch's strength. Is the life and death crisis fulfilled at this time?"

Wang Sheng's eyes flashed with different light. Since this is a way of selection, in addition to the dangers that may exist, there are rewards that are obtained after the pass, such as the option to enter the Holy Land, but the world has long disappeared for a long time. Will the Holy Land still exist and how much rewards can be redeemed.

  If it exists, it must be a treasure that has an absolute effect on the true king!

However, for Wang Sheng, this reward is secondary. Obtaining information about this world is the most important. Wang Sheng’s eyes blink, and the realm of the emperor is chaotic in the universe. The ancient and ancient reality is already the pinnacle of the realm of monasticism, even if it is Wuxian. Zun also said that the third step in the legend does not seem to be achievable by humans. Even in the ancient world, it is only as much as three hundred. Compared with the entire ancient world, it is too scarce, and there is no clear way. If this so-called test reward is really useful for fungi, in addition to treasures, can it also lead a way.

  Wang Shengshi didn't believe it, but even if there were very few possibilities, he had to experiment.

At this moment, I saw the stone monument shaking, and the rainbow-colored palace shook, and the cracks on it gradually became larger until it stabilized~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This rainbow-colored palace seems to have been weakened by half, see Even more illusory, Yunhai seemed to relieve a lot of burdens and rose sharply.

   "In view of the fact that the candidate is a fungal state, the ordinary nine-pass channel cannot be tested, and the soaring channel is opened."

   Ascension channel?

  Waiting for Wang Shengsi, Yunhai suddenly vibrated, even with the whole world, including the world's diaphragm, thinking about the power of this colored stele carrier.

  The king monk waited quietly. In his view, this stone monument is gathering strength, then there may be some kind of qualitative change behind it. This kind of qualitative change is obviously unusual for this world.

   "Insufficient power to open the ascension channel."

  Several cracks cracked on the stone tablet, and even the voice trembles, and Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes.

"The strength of the contestants is beyond the expectation, and the test cannot be generated. Please refer to the selection option. Once you continue to participate in the ascension channel test, but the strength of the generated channel is insufficient, the contestant will choose to give up passively. It can be regarded as passing the nine-point test and being a disciple of saints directly."

The first choice is not a choice. In the history of this world, there may be people waiting for the reunion of power, but in this world, it is obviously because the world is destroyed that the power cannot be gathered. It can be said that this stone can be used It's beyond imagination.

   And the second option is obviously a kind of compensation for fungi. Perhaps the status of this saint's disciple is not too low. Even if it is used as a compensation for fungi, it is also qualified, but it is as useless as Wang Sheng.

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