Universal Asylum

Chapter 741: Birth of the Holy Land

On the side of Yinlei and the Holy Mountain, there are a total of nine fierce beasts standing together. The monstrous fierce breath completely suppresses a space. The nine fierce beasts are terrible and scary, just like the nine ghost fierce gods. In a unique awakening, the fierce breath is like a whole. Outside the nine fierce beasts, a three-headed beast looks up at the sky, with feet on top of the head, branching like dragons, and even the sky. With a strong atmosphere of the Great Emperor, he and the Holy Mountain Yin Lei fight against the court.

"Nine Emperor Mountain, you dare to compete with me and other holy sites." The sound of thunder above the holy mountain suppressed the space, and the side of Yin Lei flashed the silver awn at the same time, and a pair of cold eyes stared at the nine beasts coldly, but even so, Dare not look directly at the huge beast shadow behind the nine beasts.

The Nine Beasts roared, "I am called a holy place, in fact, it is a hypocrisy who secretly cut off the way. My Nine Beasts Mountain is orthodox in the world, and it comes from chaos. When His Majesty the Beast Emperor was there, who dare to look down on my Nine Beast Mountain, It is now, who dares to be arrogant."

  Who dares to be presumptuous!

The sound fell, and the nine beasts roared in unison, and the roaring nines drove the shadows of the sky to move slowly. I saw the fierce beast that looked up at the sky and served his head. I saw three heads above, three pairs of cold 'S eyes looked at Yin Lei and Na Sheng Mountain respectively.

   The force of persecution came out, and there was a mumble from the Holy Mountain. The light of the silver eyes in the silver thunder was dim and forced back into the silver thunder.

   "When the Emperor Lei is born, it will be the day when Jiu Beushan takes his hand as a leader." Yin Lei had an unwilling roar.

   "Then dare to come out and say it again!" Nine Beasts mocked again.

But at this moment, there was a roar below, and a golden light suddenly exploded. Both the Holy Mountain, the Silver Thunder, and the Nine Beast Mountains and Nine Beasts all looked down, their eyes shaking, and they only saw a huge figure retreating in the air, passing the space along the way. All burst, and a dim golden light was shot in the golden burst that burst into the sky, but once the dim golden light appeared, the heavens and the earth were dimmed, and only the infinite front edge gathered on the golden light, the golden light was not as good as when it started The light is hidden, but the scattered golden light is as simple as returning to the original. The dim golden light is a dark golden arrow with dragon scales, shooting straight at the exuberant, not seeking all changes, only the straight endless straight edge.

   If ordinary people, even ordinary emperors, will be killed only when they are hit once, this is the attribute of golden arrows, endless sharp edges, one move to defeat the enemy!

   But in the face of Wang Sheng, an evolutionary body that has stretched in unpredictable directions, he has been repeatedly frustrated. Even consciousness, it is not a moveable kill of the Golden Arrow, and it has even been repeatedly sharpened.

Wang Sheng still went backwards, his life and death crisis did not diminish at all. His eyes stared at the golden arrow carefully and coldly. This dimly exposed round gold arrow made him feel like he was being stared at by the dragon eye. Chill all over.

   In the eyes of everyone, he saw that the monstrous figure turned backwards, and there was a crystal water line beside him with a strange breath entering his body, and then the figure disappeared.

   "That is, treasure!"

   There was a ray of light suddenly on the holy mountain. There was a palace on the sacred mountain. In the palace, an old Taoist who was originally closed eyes sat quietly, and suddenly opened his eyes, the palm of the deep, a magical symbol flashed on the palm.

"It is a decree given by the Lord, a treasure is born, and a treasure that is useful to the Lord." He stood up sharply, his hair was full, and the rolling air was swirling around him. He held a shock mark and heard a voice, The voice is majestic.

   "To pass on the Holy Command, to find the person just now at all costs."

   The holy mountain shines, but it has flew out and cracked down on a space. There is a place to get the golden light to hit. Based on this, the holy mountain judges that the man disappeared from here.

Under the holy mountain town, Yin Lei then slashed there fiercely, but Jiu Beast Mountain roared with a roar. They did not have the emperor alive. Although the union had the power of the emperor, they did not have the vision and courage of the emperor. In the eyes of others, something fanfying must be unusual.

  Nine beasts roared, moving and moving, the giant beast phantom opened his mouth and roared towards the space.

  Under the holy mountain town, the space collapsed, the silver thunder flickered, the space appeared cracks, and the monster roar caused the space ripples, and then a golden arrow of light shot straight from a distance into the space ripples.


With only a cold hum, the rich Emperor's majesty broke out, and a palm protruded from the ripples in the space. A black ball on the palm twirled and radiated extinction. The palm held the ball and touched the golden arrow .


   is not inferior to the power of collision with the previous world breath world and the golden arrow. The holy mountain near by is bombarded by the aftermath. The light of the holy mountain dissipates, the crack of the holy mountain appears, and then bursts.

There is a holy mountain that shatters like this, and there are countless strong men. Only a palace is blocked in front by a shock mark, barely resisting the shock wave, and at this time the palace flashes in a distant place, from There was a thunderous thunder in the palace, which contained anger and terror.

   "Living Emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a contemporary emperor!"

No one can think of an emperor who appeared in front of him like this, and was chased by such an embarrassing scene. If he knew that he was an emperor, who would dare to publish a book, and the emperor suppressed I, it can be seen that the emperor's face is already rare, and who dares to elaborate The emperor was born.

   "The Lord must be invited to come out. The emperor is now in a world to avoid chaos. I have waited for a long time to avoid the big disasters, but now I am actively involved in it. Only when the Lord is born can I turn the tide."

The Holy Mountain collapsed, and it was not good for Silver Thunder to end. The middle of the Silver Thunder Crowd was opened up, and countless silver lights flickered. A figure with a chapter flashing the Holy Page of Thunder took several people to shoot in the void. Page is like a boat, take them back.

   And the person holding the homepage was a person wrapped in thunder, whose face could not be seen clearly like Thor, and Thor also looked at the exposed palm in horror and recognized it as an emperor.


  Every nine beasts retreated, and the beast shadow behind them had flew out of the low-end wave. The nine beast shadows were completely unharmed, but all were horrified.

   "The Great Emperor was born, and the power of the Great Emperor must not interfere, Jiu Beast Mountain must be sealed!"

   A giant beast phantom flickered, and the nine beast parcels and bytes disappeared.

Wang Sheng and Jin Guang directly touched each other, and the sky-filled black space exploded directly. Wang Sheng's figure appeared, and his body was still intact, but soon cracked everywhere, and then dissipated into gray. Only the black skeleton was still strong, and no cracks appeared. .

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